I’m probbaly just really unlucky, but anything above 2mg and my face puffs up, my ankles swell, I get itching all over my body and I feel tired and weak. Lucky me.
Yeah I’m currently on 2.5mg minoxidil again because my blew up like a balloon on 5mg and began taking 25mg of spironolactone because that sh*t turns me into a human sultana. I’m considering trying 5mg again with 50mg spironolactoneHave you tried using a diuretic (Furosemide, spironolactone, etc) to help relieve the oedema you describe?
Do you think taking it in that high of a dose makes much difference? I’ve heard that over a certain amount, it doesn’t really matter how much you take. Ali’s is your hair growth insane?If you're worried just take 5mg, that's still a really low dose and definitely wouldn't cause sides unless you were really unhealthy to begin with. Sides include fluid retention and fast loud heartbeat. Loniten actually lowers blood pressure not increases it. Personally i haven't noticed these sides and i take 20mg a day. When Loniten was on the market for blood pressure back in the 80's it was administered at 50mg or 100mg so 5mg is a low dose. But of course this is just my opinion and if your worried about taking it then seeing a doctor may help you more .