How to determine if getting gynecomastia?


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Yea I am doing this exactly..thanks I'm going to try not to check it for a few days. Did you end up getting it?
I started taking Aromasin and Nolvadex, tingling didn't go away.
I deduced that it was most likely Progesterone related so I also added some Pramipexole and super high dose vitamin B6.
That was about two weeks ago, and I haven't had anymore problems since.

Norwood One

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Any supplements that could counteract gyno instead of medications? IE the saw palmetto of the gyne world.

This is turning into


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Vitamin B6 @ 600mg a day worked well for me. (for progesterone related gyno, not sure about e2 related)
It also had great sexual benefits.
Kept me hard even after I would bust, my GF loves it.

As for supplements that can control estrogen I would check out:

Albeit I can't imagine any supplement compares to a pharmaceutical in terms of efficacy


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I doubt a doctor would prescribe you them.
If you are in the US you can order them from:
I've used their liquid tamox (SERM, Nolvadex) and their Liquidex (AI, Arimidex) and their legit


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I doubt a doctor would prescribe you them.
If you are in the US you can order them from:
I've used their liquid tamox (SERM, Nolvadex) and their Liquidex (AI, Arimidex) and their legit

Do you use them in combination with finasteride?

Is your goal to lower both DHT and E17, thus raising SHG and T?

Do you know if it worked?



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:whistle: none of that **** is going to get rid of gyno.

Last time I post here.

arimidex prevents estrogen from converting

Nolvafex prevents estrogen from binding to the receptor

Has aboslutely zero use for getting rid of gyno, that's already present. Those are preventive measures.....before hand.


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:whistle: none of that **** is going to get rid of gyno.

Last time I post here.

arimidex prevents estrogen from converting

Nolvafex prevents estrogen from binding to the receptor

Has aboslutely zero use for getting rid of gyno, that's already present. Those are preventive measures.....before hand.

One last question for you.

If you get gyno from finasteride, will it go away on its own once quitting finasteride (if caught early)?

I know its there for good once it 'takes root'. However from some case studies I have read, it seems it has just gone away for some once they quit finasteride, provided it wasn't too far progressed already when they quit.

I really don't want to pull the rip cord on finasteride but probably will if it gets any worse

g.i joey

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unless u have constant pain or soreness i would say you dont have much to worry about.. you're def feeling a spike in estrogen and this could happen if you were already tipping the scale on your hormone profile prior to starting these meds.. it seems as maybe the 15% increase you're feeling may cause some temporary soreness but wont develop much more glandular tissue, your nipples would be visibly more swollen too.. if they're not at this point id say you're almost in the clear, good luck man!


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unless u have constant pain or soreness i would say you dont have much to worry about.. you're def feeling a spike in estrogen and this could happen if you were already tipping the scale on your hormone profile prior to starting these meds.. it seems as maybe the 15% increase you're feeling may cause some temporary soreness but wont develop much more glandular tissue, your nipples would be visibly more swollen too.. if they're not at this point id say you're almost in the clear, good luck man!

Thanks. Found some old pictures when I had less body fat and I see a tiny bit of puffyness so maybe its always been there and I've never noticed

I am freaked out now cuz I have more sensitivity and 'heavy' feeling but Its very possible this is from how much I have been poking at myself (constantly).

Gong to try my best to refrain and see where I am at on friday.


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Any thoughts on grapeseed extract? Is it a scam?


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Curious what I should do and how bad my hair is ATM

One last question for you.

If you get gyno from finasteride, will it go away on its own once quitting finasteride (if caught early)?

I know its there for good once it 'takes root'. However from some case studies I have read, it seems it has just gone away for some once they quit finasteride, provided it wasn't too far progressed already when they quit.

I really don't want to pull the rip cord on finasteride but probably will if it gets any worse

I am 23 years old and am noticing my scalp is getting thinner. I'm not happy about it at all and am very self conscious , what are your opinions ??


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I am 23 years old and am noticing my scalp is getting thinner. I'm not happy about it at all and am very self conscious , what are your opinions ??

As I started a "am I growing man tits" thread I may not be the best person to ask, but you can look at my other thread for this. Bottom line is that finasteride is the only (FDA approved) treatment that is going to halt your hair-loss. Just like anything else there is a risk as there can be side effects with this drug. If you are one of the unlucky ones who gets sides, 99% of the time they will go away once you quit finasteride. There is a very small chance they will not. If your hairless is a big deal to you, try finasteride and see how you get on.


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Seriously, anything like this I'd urge you to see a doctor. Her's a study I found that I don't think many people are aware of.

As of November 2009, there have been 50 worldwide case reports of male breast cancer in BPH patients aged between 54 and 88 years (mean age of 71 years), who received 5 mg finasteride. The time to onset could be estimated in 35 of the reports; a mean time to onset being approximately 44.4 months from the commencement of treatment. The median time to onset was 36 months (range: 5 weeks–11 years). Twenty-seven cases occurred after finasteride treatment for a minimum of 1 year. Three cases have been reported with the use of Propecia® 1 mg for androgenetic alopecia. Of the 3 cases of male breast cancer reported with Propecia® 1 mg, inadequate information and the relatively short times to onset in these cases makes the causal association between male breast cancer and finasteride unlikely.[6]

Don't want to scare you, this is extremely unlikely as the report says but as I said it's only common sense to see a doctor.


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Welp...I refrained from constantly checking myself. The soreness / sensitivity is still there (although much better) along with the tiny lumps (which may or may not have been there before...). It could be muscle too I am really not sure.

The reason I think it might NOT be gyno is because the lumps are not concentric with nipple, they are up and to the side (towards armpit) maybe a half inch or so. If I press directly down on nipple I don't feel anything (actually feels like a tiny 'empty' spot.) I also don't have any noticeable swelling in my nipple.

What has me freaked out is the sensitivity and soreness I have been having.

Reaaaaaally don't want to quit finasteride (esp. cuz I have no other sides) but I might have to, been obsessing way too much over 'is this gyno?'.

I think I will see a doctor first just to make sure its not in my head. Would I go see my GP for this or the dermatologist who prescribed finasteride?

Also did anyone else experience a sensitive chest when first starting finasteride that just 'went away'? I have only been on < 2.5 weeks so its possible it could be my body adjusting?


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Man.. from what you describe, these 'lumps' might just be your lymph nodes.. We all have a net of lymph nodes which extend from the outer part of our chests (with some agglomeration around the nipples, mostly on also on the outer side) towards our armpits.

I was also concerned with these lumps, till I saw one picture online, with a map of the lymph nodes. It might be it..

Also, if you constantly poke it it will become painful.. I had the 'idea' that it could be it, because last year I felt a lump on my neck, and went to my Dr. he assured me it was one of my lymph nodes..

crazy **** this human body, man!

g.i joey

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male breast cancer in men older than 50 is alot more likely than our case. go see a Doctor but dont worry about breast cancer, they couldnt even make a correlation to finasteride with it.


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male breast cancer in men older than 50 is alot more likely than our case. go see a Doctor but dont worry about breast cancer, they couldnt even make a correlation to finasteride with it.

Not concerned with breast cancer at all, just gyno.

Edit : Well I guess I am NOW! (Just kidding)


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Can anyone give advice here from personal experience?

Wondering if anyone else went though an 'adjustment' where their pectorals/nipples were sensitive sore and also what type of doctor I should go to? GP or the dermo. who prescribed finasteride?

I can already see improvement in hair and I have no other sides so I am very reluctant to quit unless I am positive this is gyno. I have refrained from constantly checking and chest feels almost puffiness..however I still feel tiny glands/balls above and to right of nipple that are slightly sensitive (towards armpit maybe a half inch)


g.i joey

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EVERYONE has those circle pea like glands in their nipples. Its the tissue thats created that defines gyno. If you dont have any tissue branching from those glands at this point you are definately in the clear.