How's this for experimental: marijuana


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biglemoncoke said:
Lets say IF weed got the effects like propecia, its creates more androgen receptors on my scalp, so once i stop smoking it, I will probably lose alot more hair than when i haven't smoke weed all my life. It will keep your hair if you keep smoking, but if you stop for a time, u gonna lose hair crazy, this is completely releveant to my experience.
what are you even talking about, i mean, a statement and reasoning like that shows what goes on in your mind and you way of thinking about human physiology...

more receptors would increase hairloss

seriously, topics like this should be closed and deleted


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bubka, sorry i wasnt being clear, what i am saying is, when u being smoking alot of weed, your hair mantains, but once you stop it, effects would be like propecia, u will lose the hair u maintain alot faster because weed makes alot of andro receptors

also i am making constructive hypothesis to the study of hairloss, thats why we have this forum. stop your whining, if you go back the page 2 or 3, theres a SCIENTIFIC study of how thc inhibits dht, maybe that will shut you up?

oni: so other cannaboids work too! if these cannaboids can be made into topical, i guess it works like spironolactone


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bubka said:
so how is direct in vivo direct marijuana extract related to pot smoke?

think of pot smoke as tricomin, when they put CP in fda trial it uses 5% and it grows twice as much as minoxidil if i remember correctly. on the market right now, they use only what? less than 1%. if u didnt know, thc is the chemical inside marijuana that gets u high. the higher u get, the more hair it inhibits :p


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bubka said:
great stories and thought, no proof

great post, great line, great comma, no evidence


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biglemoncoke said:
bubka said:
great stories and thought, no proof

great post, great line, great comma, no evidence
what are you even talking about?

telling me there is no proof is like saying ocean water does not contain salt, because there is "no proof" because nobody did a study on it... you sorry man


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the study that says it inhibits dht is not enough


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You don't need a proof for everything.

The biggest discoveries in human history were made by trial and error. :)

You can believe or don't believe. It's up to yourself.


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bubka said:
thats great, be a loser and bald
yeah suree is, everyone that smokes pot is a loser
you are so cool bubka for saying no to weed i wish i could have such a strong personallity like that :roll:

Far Too Young

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roki said:
bubka said:
thats great, be a loser and bald
yeah suree is, everyone that smokes pot is a loser
you are so cool bubka for saying no to weed i wish i could have such a strong personallity like that :roll:

I'm an ivy leaguer and I take a bowl out of the old bubbler every other night or so after a couple hours of solid work. That's not really heavy smoking by some pothead's standards, but blowing through an eigth every couple weeks is a fair amount. Oh yeah, I got admitted to med school as a high school senior when I was smoking even more heavily. All you guys who think pot is somehow debilitating need to put things in perspective. All things in reasonable moderation is the only way to live. Or you could do nothing and never live. All my weed comes from a home-grow operation whose grower I know personally. Don't trust your weed if you haven't talked to the hands that grow it.

That said, I suspect that the amount of marijuana needed to produce the same effects as finasteride is rather high. Above and beyond what even I do right now. Also, we're not sure that it's actually THC that's inhibiting DHT levels. There is any number of other active chemicals in bud that could very well be the inhibitor. Therefore marijuana might have the possiblity of a chemical extract which is relatively non psychoactive (in comparison to (THC-9).

Enough of the you-smoke-weed-ocassionally-you-must-be-a-louse-of-a-pothead, though. People should take an objective view of the situation.


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i live in canada

i could buy pot from a 14 year old in front of 7-11


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I know just as many losers that don't smoke weed, I smoke 1/16 a day and live a fuller life than almost anyone else I know, if the drug brings out the loser in you then that is probably your destiny anyway.


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UK1 said:
I know just as many losers that don't smoke weed, I smoke 1/16 a day and live a fuller life than almost anyone else I know, if the drug brings out the loser in you then that is probably your destiny anyway.

well put, unlike cocaine, pot doesn't bring out the loser in everyone.


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dietcola said:
UK1 said:
I know just as many losers that don't smoke weed, I smoke 1/16 a day and live a fuller life than almost anyone else I know, if the drug brings out the loser in you then that is probably your destiny anyway.

well put, unlike cocaine, pot doesn't bring out the loser in everyone.
haha, yeah cocaine is crap ,too bad its so much fun too


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hmm nice, maybe I should take up smoking again more often(daily) and add it to my regimen..

I still have my medical card for it and if it helps ill tell my Doctor about this side :D


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AquaNet said:
hmm nice, maybe I should take up smoking again more often(daily) and add it to my regimen..

I still have my medical card for it and if it helps ill tell my Doctor about this side :D

kids, how is that you guys need to smoke to get a life??!!


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Strange.. I had nw2 hairpattern about 2 years ago and I started to smoke pot _a lot_ approx ~2 years my male pattern baldness didn't get worser but when I stopped smoking pot I noticed that I lose my hair a lot in the showers etc and my hairline started to receed..