Human Growth Hormone Grew It All Back-wtf?


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harey....I'm confused not even a month ago you said that you've been taking finasteride for 5 months. You also said that your hair is so thick and doesn't look like it's thinning. So how do you know HGH is working and it's not the finasteride.

harey said:
I've been taking 1.25mg of Proscar (Fincar, really) for almost five months now. Thing is, I'm getting really scared about this whole 5-year deal -- perhaps less, given my dosage. I'd really like to scale back to .625 in order to maximize my time. Especially because i have a full head of thick hair. I've also been fooling around with minoxidil. for awhile, as I want my temples to go back to high school levels, which is possible, given that I haven't lost much. Thing is, I've read that the effectiveness drops as well, though I'm confused -- Isn't it better to get on it now, rather than later -- when it comes to minoxidil? So even though the balding process will continue, my baseline will be better...right?

Meanwhile, my hair is so thick that it doesn't appear that it's thinning, but it definitely is. My dad is plumb bald, and although it can't be seen, I can definitely feel the thinness in the key areas.

I'm 27, and I really want to hold onto what I have for life. I'm wondering if I can keep this for 10 yrs -- five of fincar at .625, then minoxidil, then dust?

can anyone put me on a plan? Tynan? Brasilero? Regulars?

i need to figure out how to take pictures, but i feel like they would just get people angry, since I probably have one of the better heads of hair on the site. but you know when you know, if you know what i mean. ... hair transplant=#122897


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BadHairDecade said:
harey....I'm confused not even a month ago you said that you've been taking finasteride for 5 months. You also said that your hair is so thick and doesn't look like it's thinning. So how do you know HGH is working and it's not the finasteride.

harey said:
I've been taking 1.25mg of Proscar (Fincar, really) for almost five months now. Thing is, I'm getting really scared about this whole 5-year deal -- perhaps less, given my dosage. I'd really like to scale back to .625 in order to maximize my time. Especially because i have a full head of thick hair. I've also been fooling around with minoxidil. for awhile, as I want my temples to go back to high school levels, which is possible, given that I haven't lost much. Thing is, I've read that the effectiveness drops as well, though I'm confused -- Isn't it better to get on it now, rather than later -- when it comes to minoxidil? So even though the balding process will continue, my baseline will be better...right?

Meanwhile, my hair is so thick that it doesn't appear that it's thinning, but it definitely is. My dad is plumb bald, and although it can't be seen, I can definitely feel the thinness in the key areas.

I'm 27, and I really want to hold onto what I have for life. I'm wondering if I can keep this for 10 yrs -- five of fincar at .625, then minoxidil, then dust?

can anyone put me on a plan? Tynan? Brasilero? Regulars?

i need to figure out how to take pictures, but i feel like they would just get people angry, since I probably have one of the better heads of hair on the site. but you know when you know, if you know what i mean. ... hair transplant=#122897
Just my opinion but BHD is a damn good poster. Hey BHD I seen the pics so now tell me whats your regimen. IS it just HGH.


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thin=depressed said:
Hey BHD I seen the pics so now tell me whats your regimen. IS it just HGH.
...funny guy :D look at my sig.

shedding like a mofo right now. :(


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yeah, i should have mentioned that i stopped my regimen all together about two weeks ago, though my first five months (I started out at 1.25 a day for less than one month) I only really did about .5 a day. And not every day either; I was foolish about it. I'm not saying I've gained 40 lbs. of muscle yet, but my eyesight is amazing, I can jump about 3 inches higher (and my jumping ability was already maxed out), little things. Skin, etc.

Look, I didn't mean to start a holy war. I really don't want to be irresponsible and say this is the end-all, be-all of hair loss.


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My opinion : This thread is total BS and harey is just messing with us, or wants to offer to sell us HGH, for which we will receive bottles of saline.


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harey said:
I have no idea how it regrew my hair, I have no idea how it got rid of my wrinkles, I have no idea how I have a v**** dick. In fact, I think even my dick grew about a half an inch, which, in the grand scheme of things, is statistically amazing. But I'm sure the last part is just wishful thinking, as I haven't heard anyone else report the same.

Firstly are u suffering from male pattern baldness as diagnosed by a qualified derm?


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chewbaca said:
Tere are HGH supplements....are they the same thing as what Harey is talking about?

Supplements, such as the back of one that chewbaca posted above, that claim they are hGH or somatotropin are ALL bunk. They are just a mix of a bunch of amino acids that one could buy for much cheaper at a bulk nutrition store, such as Increasing these amino acids, which happen to be the building blocks of everything include hGH, has not been shown to increase IGF-1 production.

If you want the real stuff, you're going to have to get it through a doctor or through the black market (although I don't know how real the black market stuff is). A doctor is not going to be able to give it to you unless you can prove you have hGH deficiency. Even then, the drug is $1000/dose or similar. Indeed, it's not an easy one to synthesize.



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oh please. i am not trying to sell HGH. I got one message from one person asking, a person that I once thanked for all the help he's (indirectly) given me. and no, it wasn't tynan. (tynan's the funny brit, right?)

whatever. i may not have many posts here, but I read the site constantly, and if I wanted to sell HGH, I'd create a whole new ID from the local library, post 500 times, and then start my enterprise. As such, if it's bogus HGH, we all know that bald dudes are angry and bitter, and you guys would band together, report me, easily find my server address, and get me in deep sh*t.

So let's end this discussion now, if it's making anyone feel uncomfortable. I never said I was going to stay on HGH for life. I'll probably be back on propecia and minoxidil. in four months knowing me.


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you probably ought to stick w/ the propecia even while on hgh. 2 weeks is not long enough to determine the adverse effects that quitting may have.


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BadHairDecade said:
thin=depressed said:
Hey BHD I seen the pics so now tell me whats your regimen. IS it just HGH.
...funny guy :D look at my sig.

shedding like a mofo right now. :(
Oops typed before thinking. What I meant was did you use the stuff and is there maybe a percentage you can place on your HGH growth impact on hair if you used it.


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actually i added my regimen to my sig after you asked :) .....Never used HGH and never will.


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BHD - Did you drop proscar? Thought i read somewhere that you did or that your shedding pretty bad, WTF that about dude?


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nope I'm back on it. I did take two weeks off about a month and a half ago to combat some side effects. Still doing ok but my results have faded a bit. Still better than I was...anyways off-topic here, sorry :)


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Yeah, i got a habit of doing that...Cheers bad thing!


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Petchsky said:
Yeah, i got a habit of doing that...Cheers bad thing!
Don't worry about it.If the nick pickn' drama kings don't like it tuff.


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0 can say HGH is the magical hormone... after using it you can get...

• Conversion of body fat to muscle mass
• Energy level
• Growth of all tissues
• Tissue repair
• Cell replacement
• Enzyme production
• Whole body healing
• Bone strength
• Sexual function
• Brain function
• Organ health and integrity
• Integrity of nails, hair, skin and vital organs


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enough people have used the various hgh products, such as real hgh, homeopathic hgh, and the amino acid combo that make u produce more hgh (supposibly) to know how well it works.

since people have been using it for yrs, there would be plenty of real testimonials by now if it worked. And clinics would probably be selling it with a huge markup, so i dont think its the answer.

on a side note syllvester stallone got busted in australia when he was promoting the new rocky movie a few yrs back, bringing in vials of hgh through the airport. thats how we know he used it.

a better idea would be to get good sleep and exercise so ur body can produce its own hgh.


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Do some research in the BB community. hGH improves your hair. Grey hair gets color again, it grows faster, thickness increases and some people who're affected by androgenic alopecia claims regrowth. This is on 2+ i.u's a day. Injections of course.


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Another interesting fact is that some people are using it heal injuries and recover from surgeries a lot faster. Miniaturization is a type of damage.

Make sure it's 191aa (somatropin) and not 192aa (somatrem) if you want to try. Somatropin is identical to your body's own hGH. Minimum 3 - 6 months treatment, 2 i.u.'s a day. A lot of people take it five days a week, and then pause for two days; 5/2.