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The only thing, I think, that holds me back is the humiliation I have for myself. Bad memories often trigger myself into fits of self-hatred. They make me want to go into seclusion and never come out again.

I've never physically hurt anyone, but I just can't get past the humiliation.

Hair loss is nothing compared to that, I guess.

Maybe someone can relate?

uncomfortable man

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Yeah, it's humiliating when people laugh at me because of my bald head. It is a very degrading experience.


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no one has ever laughed at me to my face but i know people are laughing behind my back...


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They laugh at me to my face and behind my back.


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I've ended 2 friendships because they made degrading remarks about my hair. I even backed out going to one guy's wedding and I was originally going to be the best man. If you make fun of my hair loss I cut you off right there. I never rub in these guys faces all the things I have going for me that they don't so I find it unacceptable to do that to me, especially when we're friends.

Oh and if a stranger said something about my hair and I thought I could take him, I'd beat the sh*t out of him.


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I'm able to take it on the chin now, or come back with a witty remark without it bothering me, but i've stabled my hair loss which probably helped, along with time, but i've seen it for what it really is.

Although i lost some self esteem and confidence while sh*t loads of hair was falling from my head i was still chatting up the ladies, but some of my mates at the time would get jealous and start chiming in with degrading remarks about my hair like " ha petchsky will be bald by next week' or point at my head and start laughing while i was talking to a girl and saying things like why f*****g bother, about my hair that is... but all it was is jealousy, they noticed if they bought my hair up it would shut me up and embarrass me in front of the girls we went out with giving them a chance to get in there and knock me down.

The girls we went out with and lived with really didn't care and would always stick up for my hair, and one of them ended up becoming my girlfriend, the one all my arsehole mates wanted, so they failed with their barbed comments in the end and i fucked them all off.

Took a while like, but another funny twist to this story is two of my uni mates that kept taking the piss are now receding quite badly, as i saw their picture on facebook, sweet justice, it just takes time.

The problem people have when losing their hair is they think women will be put of by a balding head, not true, but they are put off by a blatant lack of confidence which comes with hairloss, so if you ain't got it, fake it till you find it again.


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youre a smart, funny guy man everyone on here thinks so im sure. youve got nothing to hate yourself for. except maybe that you keep hating yourself.


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Hasn't any of you guys seen a Woody Allen film?

You should be completely honest, and submit to your hairloss, joke about it, point it out first before someonelse does. After all you are BLADING, it's not like you can pretend it's not happening, when someone points it out, it's only the truth, why be so hurt?

I once got really upset and angry with someone at work, he pointed out my hair was thinning at the crown in a 'mean' way, but i realised it's just my insecurities over coming me. You should embrace your hairloss and make up for it with your personailty, be able to joke about it. It really isn't the end of the world.

I have often suprised people by joking about my hair and have always got a genuine response of mutual appreciation for my personailty. And never had problems attracting girls with my thinning hair.

If your bitter and touchy about it, it's you who turns it into an issue not them. When people know you don't like it when they point out your hair they can have you treading on egg shells around them as you know they could make a joke at anytime. Take control and make the first joke. Once you accept it and take it in your stride your onto a winner.

Besides, the people who bring up your hairloss and joke about it are the REALLY INSECURE ones, take a look at them before licking your wounds, they probably have major phsyical flaws you never even noticed because you were so afraid of them ripping your hair!



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Petchsky said:
Although i lost some self esteem and confidence while sh*t loads of hair was falling from my head i was still chatting up the ladies, but some of my mates at the time would get jealous and start chiming in with degrading remarks about my hair like " ha petchsky will be bald by next week' or point at my head and start laughing while i was talking to a girl and saying things like why f****ing bother, about my hair that is... but all it was is jealousy, they noticed if they bought my hair up it would shut me up and embarrass me in front of the girls we went out with giving them a chance to get in there and knock me down.

i can relate to this but it was me that was being chatted up by a hot girl (7 out of 10)... i had a hat on because i had buzzed my thinning hair... anyway "friends" i was with at the time got so jealous that they quickly butted into the conversation and started to go on about the fact that i was balding and actually knocked my hat over, if he wasnt my friend at the time i would have knocked him out for that.... anyway even after that the girl was determined to get my number and she did... nothing really happened as i met another girl i was more interested in... she tried really hard to get me until i told her i was seeing someone else, even though my hairloss was made very clear by my so called "friends".....

ps i am no longer friends with them...


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Yeah they did suck, but they were not my main crowd at uni, just lived with them and went out a couple of times a week.

I hear you mj9, you had wicked hair by the way, and getting some great regrowth, amazing how you lost so much so quick, but your getting it back quick as well.

With some guys i find that they will try to put you down in front of women, almost like they think it will make them look good and superior to you, which it doesn't. They just come across as rude, insecure, and like they are trying to hard to impress.

Seen a few woody allen films, crimes and misdemeanors is best.


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Seen a few woody allen films, crimes and misdemeanors is best.

Haha it's a good film. My personal favorite is Manhattan Murder Mystery..

Look at Woody, he's been balding since the seventies and he's had no problem pulling the ladies.. He took Mia Farrow from Frank Sinatra! And he's open about his hairloss -



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Wow you guys have had some crap situations and sh!t given to you by your so call 'friends' or 'mates'. I congratulate you for putting up with that and taking it like men but I have to admit I would never ever be friends with someone who tried to ridicule me infront of other people for losing hair. That is an automatic death sentence in my book.


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I'll get hold of a copy and give it a go, looks good from the clip :)

And Nate, i know how you feel, and it does sour relationships when a so called mate insults you in front of others about your hairloss, especially if they know that it's a soft spot but i find it helps if you appear untouched by it.


What you have to do when someone makes fun of your baldness is look them straight in the eye with a confused look and say "So....?" or "Ok, and....?" or "f*** you" and b**ch slap them


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Tell them their mother finds it sexy.


hahahaha, yea man, tell them that their mama finds it damn sexy hahaha

good one saf


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Edited before he fly's off the handle

uncomfortable man

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I'm fuckin tired of explaining my situation in my defense to people who trip off my hair and don't understand. f*** you or f*** off is probably the best response at this point for me. I feel like they deserve to get checked, fuckers.