Stop repeteing bushit . THIS IS A 40 years old drug !!! ! That was first used as oral !!!!!! cause side effects they went topical route. Just some dumb doctors use it as oral , The want ot be """""gurus """"""" . Use google, this all stupidity plus oral spironolactones was already tested in early 2000s for many hair loss suffers ( me included ) from hairsite and hairloss .
In the same scenario, there a new study showing that people who don't respond to topical minoxidil, start to respond after they add tretinoin and the paper show that it increase the enzyme that convert minoxidil into minoxidil sulphate !!! Real doctor have being using this formula since ealy 90s, for example Dr Lee and his popular Xandrox ( the real one, not the crap you can buy online now ) . That is science, that is prove.
All this dumb oral minoxidil is better will regrowth all our hair back, is brocience .