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More intensive derma rolling yielded greater results (1.5mm) September 20th
Currently I've been testing more intensive derma rolling in the slick bald areas of my scalp to see the effects of regrowth. This is comes after the realization that my right temple which has always been my worse one is currently less receded than the left. I believe a lot of this could come down to the fact I repeatedly rolled it and was much more thorough. For the test I repeatedly rolled my temple 70-80 times, you can tell the area I rolled by the redness in the last two pics. surprisingly there wasn't much blood although I was wiping it as I rolled. The truly surprising part is actually growing an abundance of thin long blonde hairs in the slick bald areas of my scalp away from the areas directly adjacent my hairline. I had previously grown hairs like this from derma rolling in the past but not to this degree or that far away from my hairline. Typically with a standard 1.5mm rolling session scalp redness is gone following the shower and it's mostly healed within 3-4 days and completely healed within 7-8. With these more intensive rolls my scalp was red and sore into the next day and still isn't completely healed within 8-9 days. https://imgur.com/a/3EH4RZZ
This will also be my last update before jumping on Finasteride, I've seen good results from an all natural approach so far and I'll definitely be sticking to the rest of my regime in conjunction with finasteride. I've seen good regrowth within my time frame with the most part of it being in only 3 months but this is still a long time and I'm coming back from being a NW4, at my current rate it will take years to regrow my hair and I understand as I get older my balding rate will only accelerate. I need all the help I can get as I'm wasting my youth and the sooner a full recovery the better.
I've also been growing even more body hair despite basically being a gorilla on the parts of my body with hair. I have a thick patch of long blonde hairs on my shoulder with some having pigmentation that looked exactly like my regrowth area, there are already a few big dark terminal hairs that look like pubes on my shoulder that I consistently pluck but I'd never have the time to pluck this many. Funnily it was actually this that made me instantly pull the trigger on finasteride as opposed to hairloss. Hair on the front is okay but as soon as it goes onto the shoulders and down the back it's a no from me.
I'm extremely close to having a satisfactory head of hair, it's thick enough to cover all my scalp and the fringe is thick enough to not show my shitty hairline in most conditions. If my hair got slightly thicker even retaining what I've regrown would be enough for me but I'm expecting to regrow much more. All of those little blonde hairs I've grown out on my hairline using my current regime will quite likely go terminal jumping over to finasteride I feel.
I won't be using minoxidil since it's overly priced and not that effective, it also comes with numerous other issues.
Based on my research finasteride isn't all that harmful and the side effects are fairly minimal compared to other drugs for various conditions unrelated to hairloss, basically every single drug I looked at had some form of side effect that was usually more of a problem than any potential ones from finasteride. A majority of the side effects experienced on finasteride have also been found to be placebo. There is no alternative to using finasteride and the reason is that the side effects from finasteride don't come directly from finasteride itself, it comes from inhibiting the production of DHT so any natural oral alternative will have the same side effects experienced as finasteride if any. The only reason people experience less or no sides with oral alternatives is that it's just simply less effective at inhibiting DHT so the side effects are less likely.
There are 3 main ways you can get around using finasteride if it's not for you though.

Currently I've been testing more intensive derma rolling in the slick bald areas of my scalp to see the effects of regrowth. This is comes after the realization that my right temple which has always been my worse one is currently less receded than the left. I believe a lot of this could come down to the fact I repeatedly rolled it and was much more thorough. For the test I repeatedly rolled my temple 70-80 times, you can tell the area I rolled by the redness in the last two pics. surprisingly there wasn't much blood although I was wiping it as I rolled. The truly surprising part is actually growing an abundance of thin long blonde hairs in the slick bald areas of my scalp away from the areas directly adjacent my hairline. I had previously grown hairs like this from derma rolling in the past but not to this degree or that far away from my hairline. Typically with a standard 1.5mm rolling session scalp redness is gone following the shower and it's mostly healed within 3-4 days and completely healed within 7-8. With these more intensive rolls my scalp was red and sore into the next day and still isn't completely healed within 8-9 days. https://imgur.com/a/3EH4RZZ
This will also be my last update before jumping on Finasteride, I've seen good results from an all natural approach so far and I'll definitely be sticking to the rest of my regime in conjunction with finasteride. I've seen good regrowth within my time frame with the most part of it being in only 3 months but this is still a long time and I'm coming back from being a NW4, at my current rate it will take years to regrow my hair and I understand as I get older my balding rate will only accelerate. I need all the help I can get as I'm wasting my youth and the sooner a full recovery the better.
I've also been growing even more body hair despite basically being a gorilla on the parts of my body with hair. I have a thick patch of long blonde hairs on my shoulder with some having pigmentation that looked exactly like my regrowth area, there are already a few big dark terminal hairs that look like pubes on my shoulder that I consistently pluck but I'd never have the time to pluck this many. Funnily it was actually this that made me instantly pull the trigger on finasteride as opposed to hairloss. Hair on the front is okay but as soon as it goes onto the shoulders and down the back it's a no from me.
I'm extremely close to having a satisfactory head of hair, it's thick enough to cover all my scalp and the fringe is thick enough to not show my shitty hairline in most conditions. If my hair got slightly thicker even retaining what I've regrown would be enough for me but I'm expecting to regrow much more. All of those little blonde hairs I've grown out on my hairline using my current regime will quite likely go terminal jumping over to finasteride I feel.
I won't be using minoxidil since it's overly priced and not that effective, it also comes with numerous other issues.
Based on my research finasteride isn't all that harmful and the side effects are fairly minimal compared to other drugs for various conditions unrelated to hairloss, basically every single drug I looked at had some form of side effect that was usually more of a problem than any potential ones from finasteride. A majority of the side effects experienced on finasteride have also been found to be placebo. There is no alternative to using finasteride and the reason is that the side effects from finasteride don't come directly from finasteride itself, it comes from inhibiting the production of DHT so any natural oral alternative will have the same side effects experienced as finasteride if any. The only reason people experience less or no sides with oral alternatives is that it's just simply less effective at inhibiting DHT so the side effects are less likely.
There are 3 main ways you can get around using finasteride if it's not for you though.
- Increase blood flow to the follicles to promote hair growth that outpaces your balding rate
- Decrease chronic scalp tension to reduce DHT's inflammatory response which leads to balding
- Use various topicals that have been shown to decrease scalp DHT (essential oils, formulated shampoos and Morr-F)