I Am Feeling Suicidal - Just Need To Hear From People


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You can't compare his case to yours, or Dante's, or anybody who did not have a proper youth because of hair loss.
I was never young because of hair loss. OP had a proper youth, I guess. That makes a huge difference.

Plus, he can have a hair transplant and restore the situation. At 19, I couldn't.

So true. When depression is caused by something with an obvious and easy solution, people should focus their efforts on helping the person work towards fixing the problem, not just feel sorry for them.

At 38 chances are he can afford the transplant with no issues.


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You can't compare his case to yours, or Dante's, or anybody who did not have a proper youth because of hair loss.
I was never young because of hair loss. OP had a proper youth, I guess. That makes a huge difference.

Plus, he can have a hair transplant and restore the situation. At 19, I couldn't.

You're right. I was just trying to understand his situation as I didn't have anyone to support me back then.

In my opinion, 38 is still relatively young. There's still a whole life ahead of you OP

g.i joey

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@samantha3333 no man can even come close to your situation. Having hairloss as a women must really be one of the hardest to endure andnyoure probably a very strong woman to have overcome such an obstacle.

But I'm sorry I just can't empathize with someone who had a full head when it really mattered. If anything this forum should have put things in perspectives. We have kids at fuxking 16 years old who's hairlines are worst than his, now that's real fking torture.


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@samantha3333 no man can even come close to your situation. Having hairloss as a women must really be one of the hardest to endure andnyoure probably a very strong woman to have overcome such an obstacle.

But I'm sorry I just can't empathize with someone who had a full head when it really mattered. If anything this forum should have put things in perspectives. We have kids at fuxking 16 years old who's hairlines are worst than his, now that's real fking torture.

Yes, it's fucked up. I have read a story of a girl who started to wear hair system when she was 16. Her mum sells and wears hair systems. She knew from her mum's case that meds wouldn't work so she shaved at the age of 16 and bonded. I still stalk her on fb from time to time to see how she's doing.

It's fucked up.

g.i joey

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Yes, it's fucked up. I have read a story of a girl who started to wear hair system when she was 16. Her mum sells and wears hair systems. She knew from her mum's case that meds wouldn't work so she shaved at the age of 16 and bonded. I still stalk her on fb from time to time to see how she's doing.

It's fucked up.

I dont doubt that for a second, she still at least had easy access to an alternative, but i can never imagine a girl going through hair loss to empathize with us males, its a whole different ball game.

That said, ironically my dad got his balding genes from my grandma, she was a completely bald wig wearer for as long as i can remember. His dad (my grandpa) who passed away about 8 months ago actually had an nw1.5 hairline at his funeral. (92 years old)


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You're right. I was just trying to understand his situation as I didn't have anyone to support me back then.

In my opinion, 38 is still relatively young. There's still a whole life ahead of you OP

Thank you Samantha. I saw your recent thread and my heart goes out to you.

And yeah, many people on this board conceptualize age in a pretty narrow way. Lots of people have their youth encumbered in many ways. You could be incarcerated, you could have an ailing parent, you could have religious or other obligations thrust upon you, you could be a returning vet with PTSD., etc. I am sympathetic to aggressive early balders but I've never been able to reconcile how a disfigurement at 25 should be accepted as a matter of course at 35. So there's more to how we receive hair loss than just our chronological age. Though again, I do acknowledge that being stricken early in the context of a first world life, is far tougher.

I'm thrilled if a transplant or two can provide me with adequate coverage. The diffusion that I have really does not show in the pics that sunchyme unilaterally decided to upload to this thread. The pattern covers the entire top of my scalp, headed for NW5 or 6 and here lately it seems like my sides are thinning,/dropping. The not knowing what avenue to pursue I think is what really exacerbates my mental outlook. If it was just a matter of taking propecia and having two major transplants id accept it. But I don't want to roll the dice on transplant an d look disfigured to boot. Yes, even though I'm nearing 40 I don't want to look disfigured.


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So true. When depression is caused by something with an obvious and easy solution, people should focus their efforts on helping the person work towards fixing the problem, not just feel sorry for them.

At 38 chances are he can afford the transplant with no issues.

But how can transplantation be an "obvious and easy solution"? Shock loss? Limited donor? Chasing the loss? Unnatural results? Scar(s)? Low growth rate?

Believe me I hope that you are right and I am happy to eat my words but I fear that my eventual pattern is going to be too advanced. Matt Lauer is a dude who gives me nightmares at night. Dude had the appearance of a fullhead-ish into his 40s. Have you seen him lately? Why doesn't he avail himself of the obvious solution?


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But how can transplantation be an "obvious and easy solution"? Shock loss? Limited donor? Chasing the loss? Unnatural results? Scar(s)? Low growth rate?

Believe me I hope that you are right and I am happy to eat my words but I fear that my eventual pattern is going to be too advanced. Matt Lauer is a dude who gives me nightmares at night. Dude had the appearance of a fullhead-ish into his 40s. Have you seen him lately? Why doesn't he avail himself of the obvious solution?

Because he's already rich and famous. It's his look. You on the other hand don't have that benefit. Your eventual pattern likely won't go past norwood 2. There is actually less hair at the temple areas than anywhere else on the scalp and diffusing occurs in every member of the population to some degree at a slow rate, even if they don't have androgenic alopecia. At your age I wouldn't be surprised if you don't actually have androgenic alopecia but rather an incredibly slow scalp wide diffusing.

If you don't get a hair transplant, you'll constantly live under stress. If you get the transplant, there is a 99% chance for your case that you'll get a good result because you have so little loss. You're a doctors dream patient.

Your worries are ridiculous too. You'll have twice the donor you ever need in your entire life. The scars for FUE are negligible non existent for a case as small as yours and the results will be good if you go to a great dense packer like Erdogan or Rahal.

Get the transplant and you have a 99% chance of great success, don't get it and you'll continue to feel like sh*t. Easy choice.


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Because he's already rich and famous. It's his look. You on the other hand don't have that benefit. Your eventual pattern likely won't go past norwood 2. There is actually less hair at the temple areas than anywhere else on the scalp and diffusing occurs in every member of the population to some degree at a slow rate, even if they don't have androgenic alopecia. At your age I wouldn't be surprised if you don't actually have androgenic alopecia but rather an incredibly slow scalp wide diffusing.

If you don't get a hair transplant, you'll constantly live under stress. If you get the transplant, there is a 99% chance for your case that you'll get a good result because you have so little loss. You're a doctors dream patient.

Your worries are ridiculous too. You'll have twice the donor you ever need in your entire life. The scars for FUE are negligible non existent for a case as small as yours and the results will be good if you go to a great dense packer like Erdogan or Rahal.

Get the transplant and you have a 99% chance of great success, don't get it and you'll continue to feel like sh*t. Easy choice.

Here's a picture that shows better the extent of the diffusion. Sorry for the poor quality. What you are saying would be lovely if it were true. I appreciate your help, but you are being pretty overconfident in your diagnosis. How do you know what my donor is like? Like I mentioned earlier (I think), I also have visible retrograde. (Though I know that's fairly common). I met with a hair loss transplant surgeon who, while definitely did not forbade the possibility of surgery, did seem concerned about the level of loss/extent of the diffusion. Maybe he just wanted to make it clear that it's not neccesairly one and done though. Yeah, I can see that my recession is not tooo bad, but the diffusion is all over the place on top, and lately I feel like the sides are starting to diffuse at the top too, (where my skull starts to curve) like they are dropping/thinning. As you and I discussed elsewhere I do pull tests, the hairs at my triangles pull out insanely easily, 3 and 4 hairs every time. I try not to do it. And all over the top almost just as bad. My father had about an equal amount of recession and some diffusion in his older years so maybe you are right about scalp wide diffusion. I've got andro alopecia on both sides uncles though. Most people seem to tell me that the diffused areas will eventually end up slick bald, so I would want to go into transplant with that as the operating theory/plan. Thus my dilemma about which way to go. I hope and pray to God that you are right and I'm overthinking it but please don't diagnose me based on some undated pictures that stupid *** sunchyme took it upon himself to post unbidden.


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Also I want to add that I started losing hair at about 21, though yes, I had VERY thick hair and it was a slow (but noticeable) process, so I never had this mythical Chad FullHead period as others enjoy. I remember a buddy of mine asking me to pull back my "bangs" to reveal my actual hairline when I was like 23 and I wouldn't do it cause I knew it looked bad/was thinning. Somehow I didn't make the connection to "badling" though, as I've said elsewhere I didn't know that DPA was a thing, balding to me meant a recessed hairline and a hole in your crown. DIffusion wasn't on my radar so I naively thought that my tousle of hair (that I got teased for as a kid) was just "thinning" with age.


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Also I want to add that I started losing hair at about 21, though yes, I had VERY thick hair and it was a slow (but noticeable) process, so I never had this mythical Chad FullHead period as others enjoy. I remember a buddy of mine asking me to pull back my "bangs" to reveal my actual hairline when I was like 23 and I wouldn't do it cause I knew it looked bad/was thinning. Somehow I didn't make the connection to "badling" though, as I've said elsewhere I didn't know that DPA was a thing, balding to me meant a recessed hairline and a hole in your crown. DIffusion wasn't on my radar so I naively thought that my tousle of hair (that I got teased for as a kid) was just "thinning" with age.

You're on dutasteride though. Pretty sure I've seen studies saying that 99% of users maintain on dutasteride. You could easily just focused on the more prominent areas like the hairline and grow it out. Even someone with the shittiest donor area is going to have 4000 FUE grafts available.


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You're on dutasteride though. Pretty sure I've seen studies saying that 99% of users maintain on dutasteride. You could easily just focused on the more prominent areas like the hairline and grow it out. Even someone with the shittiest donor area is going to have 4000 FUE grafts available.

I'm on internet purchased dutasteride, I don't know if its been doing anything. I think my hairs are too minaturized to bounce back. So all i can do is wait and see and continue being miserable. But you see the problem now, no? A minute ago you didn't think I had androgenetic alopecia and now its a good thing that I'm on a potent androgen blocker? I know you are just trying to help but we are all navigating this hellscape maze and people shouldnt jump to conclusions about others situations and how easy they are.


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I'm on internet purchased dutasteride, I don't know if its been doing anything. I think my hairs are too minaturized to bounce back. So all i can do is wait and see and continue being miserable. But you see the problem now, no? A minute ago you didn't think I had androgenetic alopecia and now its a good thing that I'm on a potent androgen blocker? I know you are just trying to help but we are all navigating this hellscape maze and people shouldnt jump to conclusions about others situations and how easy they are.

I still don't necessarily think you have androgenic alopecia, however only 5% get sides from dutasteride and it's not hugely expensive so its the safe option. Your situation is easy on a relative scale of things. You're grossly over-complicating it, and probably causing stress related hairloss.


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I still don't necessarily think you have androgenic alopecia, however only 5% get sides from dutasteride and it's not hugely expensive so its the safe option. Your situation is easy on a relative scale of things. You're grossly over-complicating it, and probably causing stress related hairloss.

That's quite possible, I am a worrier. What Norwood do you see in my diffusion? What specific course of action would you take? I do appreciate your input, Not trying to give you a hard time. Operating off the assumption that all of the diffused area is going to go bald in say the next 10-15 years, would you still pursue transplantation?


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That's quite possible, I am a worrier. What Norwood do you see in my diffusion? What specific course of action would you take? I do appreciate your input, Not trying to give you a hard time. Operating off the assumption that all of the diffused area is going to go bald in say the next 10-15 years, would you still pursue transplantation?

Transplants are all about buying extra time looking youthful, even if in the future you might need more work. I don't think you'll ever go bald considering your current loss and especially if you're on dutasteride, but I think you'd be safe in the next 10-15 years. Obviously in 10-15 years you might require more work done, but at least you get to experience a norwood 1 in the short and medium term.

I'd say opt for a transplant with a high quality dense packer and you'd be good for at least a decade.


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That's quite possible, I am a worrier. What Norwood do you see in my diffusion? What specific course of action would you take? I do appreciate your input, Not trying to give you a hard time. Operating off the assumption that all of the diffused area is going to go bald in say the next 10-15 years, would you still pursue transplantation?

You're a norwood 2 with thin hair in my opinion. I don't think you're balding in any particular pattern. If you grew it out more I'm sure it would look a lot better.


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You're a norwood 2 with thin hair in my opinion. I don't think you're balding in any particular pattern. If you grew it out more I'm sure it would look a lot better.

This notion that I don't have male pattern baldness is interesting. It would explain why the propecia doesn't seem to be doing anything. Thanks for your comments. Presumably FUE only would be the route to take. But I worry over shock loss.


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This notion that I don't have male pattern baldness is interesting. It would explain why the propecia doesn't seem to be doing anything. Thanks for your comments. Presumably FUE only would be the route to take. But I worry over shock loss.
Man, PM me if you are really suicidal.
You have so many options to restore your hair.
To be honest I was never suicidal but I know how you feel, as I am 45 and don't want to be bald.
You have so many options at your age that it is really absurd (IMO) if you fret over this sh*t.