i am gonna whoop male pattern baldness in the ***



god dammit im 19 and i am on propecia. i just started diffusing on top and its like my first shed cycle. my hair has lost some density. i am gonna beat the sh*t out of male pattern baldness. hey, bob mariley, how come u seem to have a very pessimistic view on hairloss man. how is ur hairloss going anyways? :freaked:


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Do it up star. :beer: Positivity is only going to help your stress and anxiety levels and keep those extra unwanted hormone shifts in balance.

I'm positive as hell in life, and beleive me I try to live it up everyday. However hairloss is like my Kryptonite, and I know many guys can relate. I know it's a fallacy, but I feel that if I did not have hairloss, my life would be 100% better. For f*cks sake, what does a guy without hairloss think about? YOu could say another thing they might be self conscious about, but sh*t I have those plus hairloss.

I got a wonderful girl, that for some reason is starting to ask "When did your dad start balding". She doesn't realize yet that my nw2 was not always there.

Scams, contradictions, sh*tty treaments(even if they work minoxidil and propecia f*cking suck), stereotypes adn watching myself age faster than I have too is insane.


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Is it really possible to have a positive outlook on hairloss? I think not.


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I don't believe he meant he has a positive outlook towards hairloss, who does really? It sucks. He meant be positive towards combatting the hairloss, if you don't you will have a hard time sticking to your regimen day in and day out, at least thats how I feel about it.


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Willworkforhair said:
I don't believe he meant he has a positive outlook towards hairloss, who does really? It sucks. He meant be positive towards combatting the hairloss, if you don't you will have a hard time sticking to your regimen day in and day out, at least thats how I feel about it.

This is exactly what I was thinking.


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Yes, I know, which is why I was looking for a modifier. I've essentially "beaten" hairloss and yet it weighs on me daily; I wish I didn't have to take Finasteride or apply Minoxidil. Rather annoying, actually.


listen, this is what i mean. yea i know it sucks *** to have male pattern baldness but what are you gonna do, its genetics. it sucks even more to have cancer. but look at someone with a strong head like lance armstrong, his determination to stay healthy helped him beat it. we have minoxidil and finasteride, it works. it sucks to have to use it every day and all that but u got to do what u got to do. just be happy with the hair u have and some that u may regain. and even if u continue losing.....its not so bad...at least its not cancer. balding fuckin sucks :freaked:


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I've taken propecia everyday for more than two years now, except for when I was completey smashed and forgot or puked it up. I use nizoral religiously and rinse with cold water. My cold *** balls say that's dedication. I tried minoxidil and applying it twice a day without fail while I was on it. Yeah Yeah Yeah, at least it's not cancer and I do thank the hairloss gods everyday for the hair I have because it is still probably more than most balding guys, AT THIS POINT.

Like I said, Hairloss seems to be my one weakness at this point in my life.


well how is finasteride working for you? and how come u stopped using minoxidil? i've seen people get great results with the two combined.

Healthy Nick

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I hate these f*****g idiots that bring up stupid examples like "Atleast you don't have cancer etc". Uh, I don't care. I don't have cancer. I have hairloss. That's what concerns me. Comparing myself to someone elses random situation does me no good.


goddamit man, just do what u got to do is what im trying to say. i know that the next hairloss treatment to come out in the future has to be better then what we have right now. just do it and hope for the best

Healthy Nick

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badasshairday said:
goddamit man, just do what u got to do is what im trying to say. i know that the next hairloss treatment to come out in the future has to be better then what we have right now. just do it and hope for the best

First off dude, use the proper essentials that someone taught you in an Enlgish class somewhere in your academic career. "u"? NO. It's "you". Get it? Captialization? Punctuation? Good stuff my friend, use them.

And as far as this "miracle" treatment you're talking about, it won't happen. Why? Because there is too much money to be made off the hairloss industry the way it is right now. Trust me, there are cures that exist, or they know specifically what direction these cures are in. But if they were to ever introduce a cure, it would kill the industry.


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f*** what people say to you...Get started on your treatment, dont go to any websites, and go on with your life. You have got the right attitude.


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Actually hairloss isn't the big industry that everyone talks about, because if it was alot more multinationals would be funding research for it's treatment. Merck only make a tiny percentage of their profits from propecia. It isn't a hugh industry