i am gonna whoop male pattern baldness in the ***



jack, i noticed your regimen involes only .5mg of finasteride. are you getting any results with that?


Established Member
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I'm at the four month mark with 0.5mg and nizoral. I've noticed that my hairloss has ceased, but I've got very little regrowth yet. Over the last two weeks I've noticed that my temples have grown a very small amount of baby hairs, can't see any regroth on the crown yet which is where most of my hairloss is. I'd say that my my hair looks better with the big 2 but I'll have to wait longer before making any judgements on how thing are going.

I'm going to get my DHT levels amoung other things measured soon, should be fun


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Looks like HealthyNick could use a piece of ***, the best way to relieve frustration is by masturbation, nature's pressure-release valve, you may want to try that. HAHA


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Willworkforhair said:
Looks like HealthyNick could use a piece of ***, the best way to relieve frustration is by masturbation, nature's pressure-release valve, you may want to try that. HAHA

it's true, i just masterbated a half hour ago and i feel great