I am Now a Happy Man Forever

Old Baldy

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The NRA emailed this link a few days ago.

My forty year BATTLE with the Democrats over the 2nd Amendment is over. I simply fell off of my chair when I read the NRA linked letter.

I hit my head on the floor and got dizzy. I got up and asked the wife to read the letter to make sure I wasn't DREAMING.

You've got to read this letter to understand why this rabidly pro-gun right winger is so happy: (Sixty-five DEMOCRATS signed this letter :woot: )

http://www.nraila.org/media/PDFs/AWBLet ... der309.pdf

Old Baldy is as happy as he can get and will probably be this happy for the rest of his simple, ordinary life. I can now wander off into oblivion.

(I waited a few days to tell everyone, friends, family and internet friends about this letter because I had to make sure it was legit. It is for real and I'm simply overflowing with joy and happiness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Old Baldy

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I don't care. I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

My FORTY YEAR battle with the anti-gun Democrats is over. The Democrats are now like they were when I was a kid (i.e., in substantial enough numbers to thwart any efforts by the rabid anti-gun commie Democrats to disarm us).

FINALLY, enough Democrats have seen the light!! :)

Edit: You know JFK was a rabid pro-gunner. That's how alot of Democrats were when I was a kid. They are here again in substantial numbers. Thank you God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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you'll never be a free people until you repeal the anti-tank weapon ban

*stirs pot

Old Baldy

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aussieavodart said:
you'll never be a free people until you repeal the anti-tank weapon ban

*stirs pot

:) :) Hmm.............. :jackit:

Edit: Hubert Humphrey was another oldtime Democrat who was rabidly pro-gun.


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Old Baldy said:
I don't care. I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Um... 65 democrats say they've seen the light. And they are house democrats. There are 435 house seats. The senate is controlled by democrats. I'm not convinced the fight is over.


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aussieavodart said:
you'll never be a free people until you repeal the anti-tank weapon ban

*stirs pot

Maybe state militias could have tanks, but unless they have an airforce too they would be pretty defenseless. The only way states can keep from being taken over by a federal army is if the soldiers are unwilling to shoot americans.

Only one democrat from California signed it, a house democrat. And just one from New York. I bet they just signed this so Old Baldy and company would feel safe and back off. Do not feel so safe. Just take this as a sign that you are getting some notice and you need to yell louder to get more democrats.

Maybe they want to trick people into voting democrat in 2010, and will take your rights in 2011.


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Old Baldy said:
Edit: You know JFK was a rabid pro-gunner.

That's painfully ironic, isn't it? :(


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I'm surprised, I was pretty sure the US was leaning towards banning guns. Happy for you old baldy, now you can fight the commies!

I think Obama's an agent of communism, keep a close eye on him. :)


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Petchsky said:
I'm surprised, I was pretty sure the US was leaning towards banning guns. Happy for you old baldy, now you can fight the commies!

I think Obama's an agent of communism, keep a close eye on him. :)

No, you got it wrong. He's a closeted Muslim. Or maybe communist and a muslim at the same time...

Old Baldy

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CCS said:
Old Baldy said:
I don't care. I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Um... 65 democrats say they've seen the light. And they are house democrats. There are 435 house seats. The senate is controlled by democrats. I'm not convinced the fight is over.

Moving those 65 Democrats over to the Republican side makes it 243 to 192. Pretty good odds CCS.

Plus you have to realize senator Reid is pro-gun and voted against the 1994 AWB and approved of it sunsetting in 2004. I think the odds are against a new AWB passing even in the Senate.

Bryan said:
Old Baldy said:
Edit: You know JFK was a rabid pro-gunner.

That's painfully ironic, isn't it? :(

JFK was the man!! Now he was an oldtime Democrat. I miss his type of Democrat. :)

Petchsky said:
I'm surprised, I was pretty sure the US was leaning towards banning guns. Happy for you old baldy, now you can fight the commies!

I think Obama's an agent of communism, keep a close eye on him. :)

Well he sure is a Socialist. Nice, honest man but misdirected in his thinking IMHO.

Bottom line for Old Baldy:

After FORTY YEARS there appears to be a sea change in how Americans view gun rights. We went into the "anti" abyss for a few decades but freedom minded Americans, of all political persuasions, appear to be coming together.

FINALLY!!!! :)

Old Baldy

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ali777 said:
Petchsky said:
I'm surprised, I was pretty sure the US was leaning towards banning guns. Happy for you old baldy, now you can fight the commies!

I think Obama's an agent of communism, keep a close eye on him. :)

No, you got it wrong. He's a closeted Muslim. Or maybe communist and a muslim at the same time...

I don't care if he is a Muslim Ali. Plus, communist is too strong IMHO. I see why you guys think so but he is more of a socialist IMHO.


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Old Baldy said:
Bryan said:
[quote="Old Baldy":1m4ciybu]Edit: You know JFK was a rabid pro-gunner.

That's painfully ironic, isn't it? :(

JFK was the man!! Now he was an oldtime Democrat. I miss his type of Democrat. :) [/quote:1m4ciybu]

And he's not around anymore because...........?


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Old Baldy said:
I "heard" you the first time Bryan.

Sorry, OB. The irony of your statement was so stark and poignant, I couldn't resist milking it for everything it was worth! :)