Not matter how you want to paint it and keep an open mind about it, a friendship where friends make each other feel bad by attacking their flaws isn't a friendship.
Moral relativism is cancer in my opinion.
Yeah let's keep an open mind about everything, all is equal, "you cannot judge!", nothing is right or wrong, etc.
F-ck that. I will judge, and yes, I believe there are people who are just better than others at building healthy friendships and relationships.
That's how Western society has sunk so low, morally and socially. A lot of people are unhappy and on psychiatric medication.
And then you have guys saying you cannot criticize people who are unhappy and suggest that maybe, maybe it's because of their choices.
Maybe they're wrong. And maybe you're wrong when you say it's normal for friends to mock each other.
I'm talking about baldness here. People are fully aware of how much it hurts, which is exactly why they rub it in your face.
This is the point, you think we feel bad about it.
We don't.
If it was the contrary, we wouldn't do it.
I mean, you know what you can do or don't with your friends.
My best friend is capable to beat you if you speak about his family, so I never said a word.
With one of my other friends, we spent hours making jokes about our moms, you know, like in the movie "White men can't jump" (love that movie).
Got the point?
You can't be absolute on how people should behave and feel, wheatever is friendship or love or other things, because you have to understand that people have different ways to feel about the same thing.
What is important is not hurt other people.
And that is valid also for baldness.
Because you was affected so much do you really think everyone should react in the same way you did?
Do you really think all bald people feel the same way you felt?
Each human being is different in its own way; if not, it would be a boring life, don't you think?