I did all the right things but I was just 'the bald one'

Captain Obvious

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So I went to a Valentines party last night and there were plenty of single girls to interact with. I let all of my inhibitions loose and did exactly what all the 'experts' tell us to do. I was confident, I was funny, I was engaging... I did everything! I was practically the life of the party.

But the entire time people just kept pointing out how bald I am and how old I look and they kept laughing at me.

I am coming to the conclusion that there is really no difference in how I behave, no technique I can use, no matter how outgoing/fun/confident/interesting I try to be I am just "the bald one" - that's what they kept calling me - "the bald one". Even though I made them laugh, even though they kept giving me attention, even though I single handedly kept the party going at times, I was still "the bald one". A big freaking joke to them, like a clown.

Anytime other guys were funny or interesting, the girls all flocked to them and gave them lots of attention and talked to them and stared at them. The guys with hair were doing the exact same things I was, but the girls didn't respond to me, they kept their distance.



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Please post this on SlybaldGuys.

uncomfortable man

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Welcome to reality friend. Now you know why I no longer have faith in the inherent goodness of humanity. Where's Seb?


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The very fact that you are posting this shows you didn't do what you thought you did. Good luck on your beta goals of 2012.

Captain Obvious

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TheGrayMan2001 said:
The very fact that you are posting this shows you didn't do what you thought you did. Good luck on your beta goals of 2012.

No, I don't have aspergers syndrome. I do have the ability to read people and situations and I have plenty of self awareness. Believe me, I know exactly what happened.

uncomfortable man

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TheGrayMan2001 said:
The very fact that you are posting this shows you didn't do what you thought you did. Good luck on your beta goals of 2012.

Please explain how that is? Man your a dick.


You can't hit on a woman when your bald period. Sure we all get married but it's more of a destiny. A bald guy will NEVER be considered attractive among people with hair


Beingbaldsucks said:
You can't hit on a woman when your bald period. Sure we all get married but it's more of a destiny. A bald guy will NEVER be considered attractive among people with hair

Wrong, you can't hit a woman when you're bald AND not good looking. Do you think a guy with Vin Diesel looks can't hit on a woman?


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im pretty sure vin diesel isn't even really white and bald, isnt he more like latin american, he is half black almost, + his stature and body mass and "baddass" image cant really be replicated but any white guys that look like joe satriani or michael stipe (wierd looking white guy with no hair)

+ officially vin diesel isnt bald, not in movies, in everyone he has a tatoo'd head, i know he leads a social life genetically bald but that's hardly the point.


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finfighter said:
gh05 said:
"A bald guy cant hit on a woman" - Google Neil Strauss FFS,

In real life most women probably think that guy is totally repulsive.

i'm sure many do...but i'm also sure that in real life he's f'd a lot of decent looking women. Ability to demonstrate high social value aka 'game' > hair.


I think that nearly anyone with good game and enough desperation to approach as many women as possible, and doesn't care about rejection is able to score some really hot girls.


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TravisB said:
I think that nearly anyone with good game and enough desperation to approach as many women as possible, and doesn't care about rejection is able to score some really hot girls.

yep it is a numbers game for sure, but i also believe guys with better 'game' can put the percentages in their favour.

Put it this way - i can disguise my hair loss so it isn't particularly noticeable at the moment - I am 100% certain that Neil Strauss would wipe the floor with me if we were to compete for picking up women at a bar/club. Even with women who might initially find me more attractive than him. He has the confidence that i do not which on its own is greater than having hair, but he also has the ability to demonstrate status easily - something which doesn't come easily to me and would take years of practice.

Captain Obvious

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dudemon said:
TO: the OP
Yeah man, it sounds like they made you "life of the party" allright. Welcome to the wonderful world of being "the bald one." It sucks doesn't it?!?!

Maybe it was just that group of people you were with, but I have had similar experiences as you with MANY different crowds and groups of people.

So, again, welcome to the wonderful world of male pattern baldness and being bald.

Don't patronize me, bro. I've been bald for years.

Man in Space

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This game nonsense is the perfect scam because it appeals to mens worst fear, diminished masulinity. So many books and crap like that i see cited on these forums. What could be more beta than having to learn and sometimes pay to better your game to try and get laid.

Excuse me mr alpha, can you teach me how i can have sex please?

'Youve come to me because your Beta sh*t. You need to be more alpha to get a woman. You gotta be direct, show them whose boss. You gotta not take no for an answer and if she says no, dont take it but then move on, but dont you move on, make her move on, cos your the man, and shes a b**ch.'

'I dunno, Im not sure Its not as contrived as your making it sound, why cant i just chat to women whenever i go out and if I like one I ask her out and if it dont work out then not to sweat it and keep on chatting to other girls and sometimes it will work, sometimes it wont?'

'Sounds gay, you must be a pussy piece of beta sh*t'

'I dont know, i get women easily, and have had long term relationships' never been mugged off or anything...

'Long term relationships are just something faggots with no game get trapped into when the first one shows an interest in them and they end up cooking the b****s dinner and doing the vacuming while im busy knocking his missus's back doors down upstairs and simultaneousy bicep curling 100KGs. Then when I come downstairs, I eat the dinner off his plate and then hop on my harly davidson chuck his birds knickers in his face and as I ride out of town to you shook me all night long. Cos Im alpha, and you want to be me'.

Hmm I know you want me to be impressed by that but I dunno, sounds kind of like you might be a complete prick trying to peddle a load of stupid sh*t to men who are scared of women and who worry that if they did meet a girl then the girl would say they have a little penis, so they de humanise and objectify women as its easier to protect your ego if a 'b**ch' turns you down than a rational thinking woman who has seen you for the desperate man you are that is so hungry for her that you went out of your way to learn this contrived game. Obviously I think your talking crap but is there any thing I can say to disagree without being labeled a beta sh*tbag?


Thought not. I suppose I have to pay for this advice?Doesnt begging you for sexual tips make me more than a bit beta

Er...Has your check gone in?


Then f*** off you beta piece of sh*t.

Sound of motorboke starting and you shook me all night long playing as he rides off into the distance

Just one question... If you was a woman, would you want a guy who was so sh*t scared of you that they had to go on these websites to learn how to chat you up?!


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dudemon, i said this before but why don't you just get a wig and wear a baseball cap on top, this way you wont be exposing your hairpiece, i do this these days and it looks fine im not self councious about it at all.

andre agassi even did this, its a good idea as it elimantees the possible problems associated with wig wearers.


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s.a.f said:
Please post this on SlybaldGuys.
Since when have you gone from helping people out to being a troll like "gascoigne" ? :dunno: :shakehead:


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dudemon said:
HairPieceMan said:
dudemon, i said this before but why don't you just get a wig and wear a baseball cap on top, this way you wont be exposing your hairpiece, i do this these days and it looks fine im not self councious about it at all.

andre agassi even did this, its a good idea as it elimantees the possible problems associated with wig wearers.

I'm ging for my 4th (and last) hair transplant in 3-4 months. I am preparing for it now, and going through consultations and researching. I should be able to book a date by the middle of March. I'm hoping that realistically my hair restoration will FINALLY produce acceptable results or better this last time. I'm hoping anyways. :innocent:

If it doesn't, I wouldn't even consider a piece then either. I would shave it, get my scar disguised as best I can with FUE and/or micro pig, and shave or buzz down.

Those are my solutions to my problem. So no pieces for me.
Which docs are you thinking about?

Man in Space

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dudemon said:
Then when you try to get her away from them ... SHE REFUSES TO LEAVE and tells YOU to leave without her instead! :bigun2:

Yeah who you goin with? Good luck with that, as this situation most certainly sucks.