I don't understand this forum


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Is this section full of people who refuse to get hair transplant or has had bad hair transplant experiences? Or maybe wants a hair transplant but doesn't have the money?

Maybe I'm too early in my hair loss (I'm at NW1 and I'm 27), and plan to have a hair transplant and call it a day. Why would male pattern baldness be a big deal these days when you can just get a hair transplant? Yes I'll be losing more hair 8-10 years down the road, but so what? I'll just get another hair transplant. It doesn't really seem like a big deal at all unless you are poor.


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People with aggressive hair loss can't/shouldn't get hair transplant's


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Pretty much, think of it like painting an area with only so many buckets of paint, the bigger the area is, the harder it is to cover all areas properly with those few buckets of paint.


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Obsidian said:
Pretty much, think of it like painting an area with only so many buckets of paint, the bigger the area is, the harder it is to cover all areas properly with those few buckets of paint.

I see, I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there but for now I'm getting a hair transplant while I'm still NW1. Maybe 10 years down the road I'll be back on this forum bitching.

uncomfortable man

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Hey, I'm an anorexic but I'm still going to get liposuction in case I gain weight in ten years. :smack: :shakehead:


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HairLoss916 said:
Is this section full of people who refuse to get hair transplant or has had bad hair transplant experiences? Or maybe wants a hair transplant but doesn't have the money?

Maybe I'm too early in my hair loss (I'm at NW1 and I'm 27), and plan to have a hair transplant and call it a day. Why would male pattern baldness be a big deal these days when you can just get a hair transplant? Yes I'll be losing more hair 8-10 years down the road, but so what? I'll just get another hair transplant. It doesn't really seem like a big deal at all unless you are poor.

Dude, no offense but your attitude towards hair transplants is completely off.

Yes, it's possible to hair transplant on a NW6. But it looks really, really bad most of the time. It may well look a lot better than a bald head, but it is nothing like having a head of hair again. Nothing like.

In addition, hair transplant surgery is no joke. Even if you have a bottomless pot of cash, you have to wait 8 months+ to get a result, 1-2 months of which you'll look pretty weird for. Not to mention the scar on the back of your head which rules out a lot of short hair cuts.

I fear for you if you jump into this hair transplant without doing the requisite research and learning first.


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Boondock said:
HairLoss916 said:
Is this section full of people who refuse to get hair transplant or has had bad hair transplant experiences? Or maybe wants a hair transplant but doesn't have the money?

Maybe I'm too early in my hair loss (I'm at NW1 and I'm 27), and plan to have a hair transplant and call it a day. Why would male pattern baldness be a big deal these days when you can just get a hair transplant? Yes I'll be losing more hair 8-10 years down the road, but so what? I'll just get another hair transplant. It doesn't really seem like a big deal at all unless you are poor.

Dude, no offense but your attitude towards hair transplants is completely off.

Yes, it's possible to hair transplant on a NW6. But it looks really, really bad most of the time. It may well look a lot better than a bald head, but it is nothing like having a head of hair again. Nothing like.

In addition, hair transplant surgery is no joke. Even if you have a bottomless pot of cash, you have to wait 8 months+ to get a result, 1-2 months of which you'll look pretty weird for. Not to mention the scar on the back of your head which rules out a lot of short hair cuts.

I fear for you if you jump into this hair transplant without doing the requisite research and learning first.

Well, I don't have a bottomless pit of cash, I'm not rich in the slightest, but I value my looks and am willing to put an investment in keeping my hair look decent, at least as long as I can. Like I said I guess I don't understand the severity since I'm only in the early stages of balding.

I don't mind waiting 8+ months to get results and am find wearing a hat for a few months. I also hope by the time I reach NW6 there are some cloning/stem cell procedures where I have a bottomless supply of hair to transplant.


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HairLoss916 said:
Boondock said:
HairLoss916 said:
Is this section full of people who refuse to get hair transplant or has had bad hair transplant experiences? Or maybe wants a hair transplant but doesn't have the money?

Maybe I'm too early in my hair loss (I'm at NW1 and I'm 27), and plan to have a hair transplant and call it a day. Why would male pattern baldness be a big deal these days when you can just get a hair transplant? Yes I'll be losing more hair 8-10 years down the road, but so what? I'll just get another hair transplant. It doesn't really seem like a big deal at all unless you are poor.

Dude, no offense but your attitude towards hair transplants is completely off.

Yes, it's possible to hair transplant on a NW6. But it looks really, really bad most of the time. It may well look a lot better than a bald head, but it is nothing like having a head of hair again. Nothing like.

In addition, hair transplant surgery is no joke. Even if you have a bottomless pot of cash, you have to wait 8 months+ to get a result, 1-2 months of which you'll look pretty weird for. Not to mention the scar on the back of your head which rules out a lot of short hair cuts.

I fear for you if you jump into this hair transplant without doing the requisite research and learning first.

Well, I don't have a bottomless pit of cash, I'm not rich in the slightest, but I value my looks and am willing to put an investment in keeping my hair look decent, at least as long as I can. Like I said I guess I don't understand the severity since I'm only in the early stages of balding.

I don't mind waiting 8+ months to get results and am find wearing a hat for a few months. I also hope by the time I reach NW6 there are some cloning/stem cell procedures where I have a bottomless supply of hair to transplant.

Basing a strategy on "I hope" just shows how much more research you need to do.

There are a few users on here who got hair transplants assuming they could fill them in with stem-cell cloning in a few years. Guess what? It's not got here yet.

You might think it'll be here in a decade, but nobody has the foggiest idea. Some of the most reputable people in the industry have said it'll take far longer than that.

It just seems like you're setting yourself up to get burned. If you lose rapidly from now on you may end up being one of those guys with wispy hair transplant hair and a huge bald zone beyond, and who can't even shave because of the massive scar at the back. By all means have contingency plans, but make them realistic ones.


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I'm not basing my hair strategy on "I hope", i'm just saying it would be great if that happens. If not, oh well life sucks and I have to deal with the cards I was delt.

Whats my alternative? It's either go to one of the best hair transplant doctors in the country, be on precepia for the rest of my life, or shave it all off. I'm chosing hair transplant for now, if I start to see rapid loss in the next few years I might try precepia along with another hair transplant.


well if you are dead set on not losing any hair, you should get on propecia right now to prevent any future loss or atleast delay it.

im not going to try and talk you out of anHT because you are an adult and you have your mind made up. Thats your decision. The only advice i will give you is to be VERY careful and do lots of research when picking out the right doctor for the hair transplant. goooood luuuuuckk


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If you want to know how feasible hair transplant's are for NW5+'s, just ask Dudemon for his thoughts.


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Guys just let him make his mistakes if he's not going to listen to us. :smack:
hair transplant's are not a miracle cure, (and having one is certainly not a simple process) - there is no miracle cure, but the nearest we've got to one is Finasteride. Anyone who's willing to put themselves through surgery when they dont really have any degree of hairloss is an idiot. :whistle:


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I've been trying to talk sense into this guy since his first post. These people on here are some of the most knowledgeable about hair loss you will find but he refuses to listen and thinks hair transplants are a panacea.


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hair transplant on nw1?!... wait till you hit nw3-4 and ****if**** it stops then only then consider getting work done... nw1-3 is still acceptable i guess.


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I am not sure why you guys think I'm hard headed and not taking anything away from this forum. You guys warned me about the crackpot doctors and now I am seeing one of the top hair transplant doctors instead.

We just differ on the opinion on whether I should bother with a hair transplant at NW1, we can respectfully disagree and if I chose to spend my money on something minor I don't see what the big deal is. I am fully aware and understand that if my hairloss continues (very likely) I will need follow up hair transplant.


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HairLoss916 said:
I am not sure why you guys think I'm hard headed and not taking anything away from this forum. You guys warned me about the crackpot doctors and now I am seeing one of the top hair transplant doctors instead.

We just differ on the opinion on whether I should bother with a hair transplant at NW1, we can respectfully disagree and if I chose to spend my money on something minor I don't see what the big deal is. I am fully aware and understand that if my hairloss continues (very likely) I will need follow up hair transplant.

Like others have said, it's your choice at the end of the day and we're not going to try and tell you you can't get it done. Just manage your expectations about what you can achieve.


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HairLoss916 said:
I don't see what the big deal is. I am fully aware and understand that if my hairloss continues (very likely) I will need follow up hair transplant.
No you'll need 2 or 3 follow up hair transplant's and how do you know that you'll have enough donor left for that? And how do you know that you'll always be in a situation where you can afford to pay for them and take time of work for the healing/recovery stages?


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s.a.f said:
HairLoss916 said:
I don't see what the big deal is. I am fully aware and understand that if my hairloss continues (very likely) I will need follow up hair transplant.
No you'll need 2 or 3 follow up hair transplant's and how do you know that you'll have enough donor left for that? And how do you know that you'll always be in a situation where you can afford to pay for them and take time of work for the healing/recovery stages?

If I need 2 or 3 follow ups, thats fine. If I don't have enough donor hairs or I can't afford it I'll just shave until I do or the technology improves.