I dont want to live anymore


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I'm considering giving up. I hate myself.

I'm only 19. Not even 20. my mbp came on slowly since I was about 17 and a half. At my age you have to look perfect. You have to have a perfect hairline, perfect clothes.. I hate this f*****g world.

I hate all the ugly motherfucking bald/balding men I pass on the street, knowing thats what I will become. I had my shitty sized head for balding. I hate looking at f*****g balding men, knowing that I'm going to become another f*****g nobody just like them.

We are all f*****g vain, the lot of us. We all want to be around beautiful people, we all hate ugly people. I cant take this anymore. I know anyone on this site can claim to be good looking, but I really was.I used to get comments all the time. I still get a few. But its less and less. The more bald I become, the more of a nobody I become. In the western world, if you dont look perfect you are nothing. I am nothing, I am worthless. Balding men go straight to the back of the f*****g que. Everyone hates us. This my friends is what we call natural f*****g selection, evolution.

I cant see any point in living if im not attractive to anyone. Everyone around me has perfect hairlines. Perfect clothes and looks. I feel like I cant compete anymore, I feel worthless, and cant see the point of living anymore.

I hate myself and this f*****g misery called male pattern baldness.


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Welcome aboard!
I belive Gb saved you a seat, we even have a facebook group just for people in your condisition.
First i shall point you to the veryosame thread "Life is Over".. composed by none other then Gb himself, start from page 1.
Have a fun reading and a nice day :gay:


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Hi everyone, just to quickly say, I had to just get it out of my system. I find this site is really useful in that sense. Its good to write down all the negative and dark thoughts, and to know that others can read it, and know what your going through.

I feel a lot better after having written that post. I feel lighter and happier. I feel more attractive. I feel that hair loss isnt really that bigger deal, and that really the only one that makes a big deal out of it is yourself.

Thanks for reading.


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wow you really hate bald guys lol lol. I can imagine it now. You surrounded by nw6's, like Neo in the matrix with the agents kicking the sh×t out of them screaming " You wont take me you bald bastids! ".

Man your young, give your meds a chance and consider a buzz. Takes mind off hair. Get few one nighters under your belt and enjoy being foot loose and fancy free.


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You are the type of guy that I hope becomes a NW7 sooner than later.
Your attitiude is so self serving it is sickening.
Enjoy the balding process, it couldn't be happening to a better more deserving guy.


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True, his problem is not hair loss. Looks fade and do not maketh the man. No one wants to lose their hair but hating those who have? Your post seems geared to the subject of appearance, pulling women and perception. What you will come to realise is that people of your age are thickle and superficial. It all changes at 22+ i assure you. Im guessing your hair is still ok. Enjoy it and as you grow older you wont see this as an 'ugly hinderance' as you describe.

i await their arrival ...


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hey man i can definitely sympathize i'm not even 19 and my hair has been going since 16 and is noticeably thin all over my head with recession. It definitely is hard to deal with but its not the end of the world. I feel frustrated about it all the time and its hard to be as sociable as i used to be. If hair loss bothers you that much you should get proactive about it.

I dont know what if any treatments your using now and if they have or have not been effective but there are many treatments out there that people have success on. Some quick research on this and other forums can help you to plan out a regime. Keep trying different things and see if it helps. I was on propecia for a year with my hair just getting worse and worse. I added rogaine and some good shampoos and supplements and im seeing a lot of thickening and i plan on keeping adding things to get more regrowth. Stressing about it will literally only make things worse- stress causes vascular constriction in the skin limiting blood to the scalp. The most you can do is try to grow some back and maintain till better treatment arrives or at least try to ride it out until you mid twenties to thirties when balding is more acceptable and common.

If it really bothers you that much you can also look into concealers, wear more hats, or start looking into options for an hair transplant and planning for when your old enough. Some people have success with hair pieces as well, not a road i would go down but just another option.


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well you can do something about it!

go on the big 3 and give it year and see what happens

you may just have a "mature hairline" god i hate that term!

if it doesn't work and you have tried everything you can

if looks are that important to you then you can end you life knowing that "i tried and failed"

if living life is too hard then suicide can be your savior


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This poster is just a guy who opened a can of worms and then just apologized because he can't take the heat to stand by his words.


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Hope4hair said:
I'm considering giving up. I hate myself.

I'm only 19. Not even 20. my mbp came on slowly since I was about 17 and a half. At my age you have to look perfect. You have to have a perfect hairline, perfect clothes.. I hate this f****ing world.

I hate all the ugly motherfucking bald/balding men I pass on the street, knowing thats what I will become. I had my shitty sized head for balding. I hate looking at f****ing balding men, knowing that I'm going to become another f****ing nobody just like them.

We are all f****ing vain, the lot of us. We all want to be around beautiful people, we all hate ugly people. I cant take this anymore. I know anyone on this site can claim to be good looking, but I really was.I used to get comments all the time. I still get a few. But its less and less. The more bald I become, the more of a nobody I become. In the western world, if you dont look perfect you are nothing. I am nothing, I am worthless. Balding men go straight to the back of the f****ing que. Everyone hates us. This my friends is what we call natural f****ing selection, evolution.

I cant see any point in living if im not attractive to anyone. Everyone around me has perfect hairlines. Perfect clothes and looks. I feel like I cant compete anymore, I feel worthless, and cant see the point of living anymore.

I hate myself and this f****ing misery called male pattern baldness.

Thats tough. Really tough.
For me, even harder than seeing older balding/bald guys (sorry guys), is seeing a dude in his 50's/60's with great hair. Extreme jealousy.
Dont do anything drastic. Remember the people in your life who care for you, and do not dishonor them.


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iwantperfection said:
True, his problem is not hair loss. Looks fade and do not maketh the man. No one wants to lose their hair but hating those who have? Your post seems geared to the subject of appearance, pulling women and perception. What you will come to realise is that people of your age are thickle and superficial. It all changes at 22+ i assure you. Im guessing your hair is still ok. Enjoy it and as you grow older you wont see this as an 'ugly hinderance' as you describe.

i await their arrival ...

Guys... I don't think he meant that he hated bald guys. Come on. He's 19. When I was 19, I was a kid, worried about zits and girls, not going bald. Never crossed my mind. Young guys, driven to the end of their wits, say things that sound worse than they are. He hates looking at bald guys because it reminds him of his own hair loss. Give the guy a break. When my acne was at its worst, everytime I saw someone else with bad acne I would feel a little worse about myself. I took care not to stare at them, or if they looked at me, I made sure to make eye contact, and not be staring at some big cyst on their face. When you're 19, chances are you don't know ANYONE else your age who is balding. It's real tough being alone.


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HairDont said:
You are the type of guy that I hope becomes a NW7 sooner than later.
Your attitiude is so self serving it is sickening.
Enjoy the balding process, it couldn't be happening to a better more deserving guy.

That's really, really harsh. Unnessecarily harsh. Some guys are still in high school at 19. I can't even fathom losing my hair in high school. If thats not a self image/psychological disability, I don't know what is.


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Sorry Clay, but my comments were nowhere near as harsh as his.
Please read his immature comments once more.

I hate all the ugly motherfucking bald/balding men I pass on the street, knowing thats what I will become. I had my shitty sized head for balding. I hate looking at f****ing balding men, knowing that I'm going to become another f****ing nobody just like them.

I think there are plenty of balding guys who are doing just fine.
I would love to see his pics as well so we can all determine just how good looking he thinks he is. lol, what a joke.


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HairDont said:
Sorry Clay, but my comments were nowhere near as harsh as his.
Please read his immature comments once more.

I hate all the ugly motherfucking bald/balding men I pass on the street, knowing thats what I will become. I had my shitty sized head for balding. I hate looking at f****ing balding men, knowing that I'm going to become another f****ing nobody just like them.

I think there are plenty of balding guys who are doing just fine.
I would love to see his pics as well so we can all determine just how good looking he thinks he is. lol, what a joke.

I agree, there are plenty of bald/balding guys doing better than fine. In fact, so are doing great. The problem is, some people just can't handle it, psychologically. It depends on how strong you were before your hairloss.
And keep in mind this is just a kid. He's 19. Rereading his post, he might have gone too far. I never noticed bald/balding guys before I noticed myself, unless they pointed it out. I noticed, I guess, but I didn't think twice.

Quantum Cat

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when I see bald men in the street I feel sympathy with them, despair that I may soon become one, and comfort that I'm not the only one.

Unless they're chav scumbags, in which case I laugh at them.


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ClayShaw said:
He hates looking at bald guys because it reminds him of his own hair loss.

That's what I thought as well. Give him a break..

ClayShaw said:
He's 19. When I was 19, I was a kid, worried about zits and girls, not going bald. Never crossed my mind. Young guys, driven to the end of their wits, say things that sound worse than they are.

Life is about learning how to take the bad with the good. When I was 19, life was all play hard and work hard for me. If there was something wrong, ie failed course (the only example I can come up with), I didn't know how to handle it...

I realised most of my 20s were about compromising, or learning that I don't always get what I want in life. Nothing is perfect, he'll get over it and he'll feel happy again.


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ClayShaw said:
Hope4hair said:
I'm considering giving up. I hate myself.

I'm only 19. Not even 20. my mbp came on slowly since I was about 17 and a half. At my age you have to look perfect. You have to have a perfect hairline, perfect clothes.. I hate this f****ing world.

I hate all the ugly motherfucking bald/balding men I pass on the street, knowing thats what I will become. I had my shitty sized head for balding. I hate looking at f****ing balding men, knowing that I'm going to become another f****ing nobody just like them.

We are all f****ing vain, the lot of us. We all want to be around beautiful people, we all hate ugly people. I cant take this anymore. I know anyone on this site can claim to be good looking, but I really was.I used to get comments all the time. I still get a few. But its less and less. The more bald I become, the more of a nobody I become. In the western world, if you dont look perfect you are nothing. I am nothing, I am worthless. Balding men go straight to the back of the f****ing que. Everyone hates us. This my friends is what we call natural f****ing selection, evolution.

I cant see any point in living if im not attractive to anyone. Everyone around me has perfect hairlines. Perfect clothes and looks. I feel like I cant compete anymore, I feel worthless, and cant see the point of living anymore.

I hate myself and this f****ing misery called male pattern baldness.

Thats tough. Really tough.
For me, even harder than seeing older balding/bald guys (sorry guys), is seeing a dude in his 50's/60's with great hair. Extreme jealousy.
Dont do anything drastic. Remember the people in your life who care for you, and do not dishonor them.
I agree with you Clay, I saw a man who is going to turn 70 this year and he barely has gray hair and he still has a thick NW1 and with practically no thinning of any type. I look at him and say, this guy does not have to worry about having to slap on minoxidil twice per day and popping Propecia. He has no health problems either. He is hispanic and I think the hispanic blood needs to be analyzed for a cure for baldness because I notice mostly all the hispanics ( mostly the Mexicans and Puerto Ricans because the Cubans seem to bald more) I see( and I see plenty of them in Florida), they all seem to keep their perfect thick NW1 hair pretty much all their lives. We have alot of British people here and the poor blokes all seem to be losing hair. We need to analyze that too and find out what genetically is so different and synthetically alter the genetic coding somehow to mimic the hispanics coding. What do you think about that, CCS? If you are hispanic and reading this post, you definitely go against the rule for your genetic makeup.


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Hope4hair said:
I'm considering giving up. I hate myself.

I'm only 19. Not even 20. my mbp came on slowly since I was about 17 and a half. At my age you have to look perfect. You have to have a perfect hairline, perfect clothes.. I hate this f****ing world.

I was about NW3 at your age. I'm 29 and doing good now. Never had a real girlfriend though. By real, I mean one who was attracted to me. I had a few users.

The technology now days is so good. Just wait til you have money and get BHT. BHT can take you back from NW7 to NW1. It is no fun missing some years, but if you do moderate exercise every day, sleep enough, and eat right, you will look just as youthful at 25 as you do at 19. Wear a good hat to keep the sun off your face. Just figure out how you plan to make money later, and work towards the goal, and watch some funny movies. You can get Body Hair Transplants later and have a great life. Just don't go for women right now. You are not ready if you think that way. Might not be ready period.