I feel sorry for my brother...



Anyone else feeling sorry for someone who's losing their hair? I feel really sorry for my twin brother, he's in the same boat as me but doesn't use any meds (don't know why, I have said what I'm using so he knows treatments exist). He doesn't do anything, he just keeps growing his hair and thinks it looks cool. It looks f*****g horrible imo, the thinning strands grown long... parting in the middle when your hair is thinning, f*****g genius. and I know how sensitive he is about it so I won't mention how bad it really looks. He tries to hide that losing his hair doesn't affect him but I know it does, maybe even more than it does bother me. That f****r has even started smoking during the last 2 years, yeah that will do verryyy good for your hair. He doesn't want to talk about anything hair related and tries to ignore the issue completely. Anyone else with the same kind of feelings?

The other thing is my father, he's not bald yet but balding rapidly at 60. Anyway, every time I watch footie at home he calls the bald players baldies all the time. Goddamn that does my head in. I'm like, what the f*** are you on about, don't you know I'm balding too. Are you gonna call me a motherfucking baldie too from now on? Why do you have to mention it every time the bald guy touches the ball? You don't say that hairy guy has the ball either. Nice little rant again, sorry :lol:


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It will be interesting to see where you both are in your lives 10 yrs from now, (and I'm not talking about your hair).


s.a.f said:
It will be interesting to see where you both are in your lives 10 yrs from now, (and I'm not talking about your hair).

Not really, I think it's more interesting hairwise. What did you mean by that anyways?


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At least you both have the same kind of hair. I feel so jealous of my brother's hair. It is so coarse and thick whereas mine has always been fine and wispy. Why did I get the bad hair if we got the same parents? It is not fair.


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Your Brother seems less bothered about it than you since he is neither on meds or on this forum so it will be interesting to see how things turn out for one brother who obsesses about it compared to another who does'nt. In what way will it have an influence on how they live their lives.


s.a.f said:
Your Brother seems less bothered about it than you since he is neither on meds or on this forum so it will be interesting to see how things turn out for one brother who obsesses about it compared to another who does'nt. In what way will it have an influence on how they live their lives.

Well he doesn't obsess with it now but he's getting the full horseshoe soon enough and then he just has to do something, and that's what he's afraid of. Doing something about it.

Kilgore, we really don't have the same kinda hair with my brother, his hair is naturally thicker than mine for some reason. The colour is same-ish. We don't even look alike at all, no one would probably guess we're even brothers. And we're born of same woman with the interval of 13 seconds. Genetics are freakish... yet we both managed to get the same kind of balding gene and the process started at the same time.


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My brother's pretty much the same. He's 13 months older than me and refuses to address the problem. When it's mentioned, by me or my Mother, he says we're just seeing things and don't know what we're talking about.

He keeps his hair incredibly short and gets it cut every week, so to him I don't think it matters much at all if he's losing his hair. He's currently taking some steroids or something for muscle gain, I don't know if they're doing his hair any good.


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Did you brother tell you that he is bothered by it? If not, I dont understand why balding guys from HairLossTalk.com want to save and help everyone who is losing hair too like it would be obvious everyone on planet is willing to do nothing but save hair and only reason he is not doing it is because he does not know about treatments:)

Even if there are some treatments, they do not work 100% and perhaps someone has other priorities in live than saving hair.


tomas99 said:
Did you brother tell you that he is bothered by it? If not, I dont understand why balding guys from HairLossTalk.com want to save and help everyone who is losing hair too like it would be obvious everyone on planet is willing to do nothing but save hair and only reason he is not doing it is because he does not know about treatments:)

Even if there are some treatments, they do not work 100% and perhaps someone has other priorities in live than saving hair.

Well he did tell me that he was bothered about it, but feels there's nothing he can do about it. And he still doesn't want to use treatments.

Bald Dave

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It hasn't affected him as much as its affected you! At least your both in the same boat coz if your twin had more hair than you then that would really suck!

Hans Gruber

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i knew a guy who was 18 in about 2001 and he was thinning then,i saw him about a year ago and he was a full nw5 going on nw6,very defined horsehoe.............i had drunkenly told him about treatments in about 2003 when he was nw3 ish ,i guess either he didnt listen or meds didnt work..........i didnt exactly feel sorry for him but it made me see how much hairloss can affect someones appearance and body language


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s.a.f said:
Your Brother seems less bothered about it than you since he is neither on meds or on this forum so it will be interesting to see how things turn out for one brother who obsesses about it compared to another who does'nt. In what way will it have an influence on how they live their lives.

my brother does not obsess about his hair. But when I tell him what to use, he takes it.


collegechemistrystudent said:
s.a.f said:
Your Brother seems less bothered about it than you since he is neither on meds or on this forum so it will be interesting to see how things turn out for one brother who obsesses about it compared to another who does'nt. In what way will it have an influence on how they live their lives.

my brother does not obsess about his hair. But when I tell him what to use, he takes it.

Yeah... it's surprisingly hard this whole hairloss business. You never even think about it before you actually start losing it. At least I didn't. I think balding can trigger BDD so easily, you suddenly start to think well "what else is wrong with me?" and whoa, you're sucked in. Not to mention that you most likely will start analyzing everyone elses hair.


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GrowHairGrow! said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
[quote="s.a.f":0e9e2]Your Brother seems less bothered about it than you since he is neither on meds or on this forum so it will be interesting to see how things turn out for one brother who obsesses about it compared to another who does'nt. In what way will it have an influence on how they live their lives.

my brother does not obsess about his hair. But when I tell him what to use, he takes it.

Yeah... it's surprisingly hard this whole hairloss business. You never even think about it before you actually start losing it. At least I didn't. I think balding can trigger BDD so easily, you suddenly start to think well "what else is wrong with me?" and whoa, you're sucked in. Not to mention that you most likely will start analyzing everyone elses hair.[/quote:0e9e2]

GrowHairGrow you are so right about that hairloss brings on BDD ,it justs grinds you down


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Thats evident with some of the posters on here, CCS, Taug. :badmood: :roll:


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GrowHairGrow! said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
[quote="s.a.f":4f81a]Your Brother seems less bothered about it than you since he is neither on meds or on this forum so it will be interesting to see how things turn out for one brother who obsesses about it compared to another who does'nt. In what way will it have an influence on how they live their lives.

my brother does not obsess about his hair. But when I tell him what to use, he takes it.

Yeah... it's surprisingly hard this whole hairloss business. You never even think about it before you actually start losing it. At least I didn't. I think balding can trigger BDD so easily, you suddenly start to think well "what else is wrong with me?" and whoa, you're sucked in. Not to mention that you most likely will start analyzing everyone elses hair.[/quote:4f81a]

I too analyse the hair of everyone i pass to.

But i also see alot of bald men who just hang around like other people do.


Re: Re:

FabioM said:
I too analyse the hair of everyone i pass to.

But i also see alot of bald men who just hang around like other people do.

Yeah, me too. Most of them are shaved nowadays, of course...


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Well you analyze to compare right. Just like if you're into working out you become obsessed with analyzing other peoples bodies, my bro does that and its pretty annoying. Screw his NW1 ***


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well GHG not much u can do if he wont take the help you are offering him...
Hope u see some good results soon.


s.a.f said:
Thats evident with some of the posters on here, CCS, Taug. :badmood: :roll:

Hmm, not for me. I knew I was ugly long before I realized what was going on my head. Hairloss is just another slap in the face for me.... :smack: