I Felt So Bad For This Poor Soul On Take Me Out

Cue Bald

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this show is a f*****g ridiculous media wh*** f*** fest. I mean, what is happening here? they just bring out desperate, awkward cucks so they can get brutally humiliated by a bunch of sl*ts? is that the entire show?

sometimes they will have a good looking guy come up, this will usually have an embarassing film shot by his friends/relatives about how he still sleeps with a teddy/did something embarassing as a child/enjoys golf which turns a few girls off but the good looking NW1's usually have a few girls to choose from at the end


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The chance for a man with full hair to meet the right woman is just as difficult as for a man without hair and by that I mean a woman with quality.

I don't think you have experienced living in a big city in the western world in the third millennium.
Interactions are very very fast and based on images
WhatsApp, Facebook
All pictures
All being cool.
Bald people are rarely cool.
If of course you are an intellectual and your target is university researchers, it is another story.
But Are you?


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I refuse to feel sorry for people who go on these shows.

I also despise watching them, such cringe.

the thing about british girls is that they think they are a lot more special than they really are. even the most average girl here feels entitled to a tall, dark, handsome man. even when i had hair i'd get attitude off of a lot of them.
on the other hand when i went to europe, i'd be amazed by the amount of beautiful women who were kind, charming, friendly to me as a stranger.

I think Irish/British people are more unattractive than pretty much anywhere else in Europe. Damn vikings stole all our pretty girls.

Plus we're terribly unhealthy.


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@CopeForLife has unreasonably high standards.
My guess is he must be really good-looking himself.

So everyone should eat sh*t unless they are A-class cookers? degenerative logic


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Other Baldy :


first guy is merely pathetic :( what did he expect? he even mentioned his status – he is from nu yoook!!! it didn't help though

second guy is confident, negative norwood and freakingly tall, mogs host and has command voice


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English girls are far from special as a group, especially when you compare them to other girls say from Italy, Spain, E Europe. Overall a little ugly. But with wearing glamorous clothes, make up, hair styles they look reasonable. Such luck is not for the English guy who stands exposed, like all men around the world, whether good or bad. That's why looks for guys are valued more and it's rarer.

No wonder girls find many north Europeans ugly as a group. Weak faced cucks and he's a prime example. Buck is right, he looks like a complete loser and decided to come on this show. WTF, have some awareness and know your place. Scour online or through friends, why be humiliated on national TV. Balls of steel or just an idiot?

View attachment 79471

sorry but brit women are UGLY

monstrous creatures

would not bang!! give me french petite mentally ill girl


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I think that there are just not many pretty girls compared to ugly ones, and if you took a group of 20 random girls from anywhere about 2 or 3 would be good looking, if that. And even the ones who we think are good looking probably look quite plain without make up. It's a very dismal thing to say that most girls are ugly but it's very close to the truth if not bang in the centre of it, in my opinion.


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I cant stand the dad = bald BS. Ive never heard a girl say "I ONLY date bald guys cause my old man had a full head of hair".

This show is hot garbage.

I would love it if they took the bald guys, gave them a system and had them come back out in a couple weeks. The shiny one really should have had SOME facial hair though.


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MM Tinder never stops to deliver

czech athlete on South Korea olympic games










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I'm going to ask Admin if the rep system can be altered somehow, like it was on the old forum. It just gets abused on here by disgruntled insecure guys. I've never handed out a dislike on here, perhaps 1-3 in the old days in exceptional circumstances, like something being ultra deluded e.g. dick falling off on finasteride. Not sure why you got negged for saying the truth from an English guy. We can't bend reality and have to embrace it to be at peace. Fact is as well as alpha features, dark hair and tan is preferred by girls.

Even the ugly girls switched their light off, some kept it on a little while longer for pity and to show they are giving a chance to get to know him, free holiday too on offer. If we could read their minds though, they would be saying ewww fck this the moment he came down.

View attachment 79502

I used to watch this show for giggles with my ex. Cucks are always a back up option short of falling in love with a girl. If they had any common sense they would avoid being ridiculed like this on tv and stick to online dating, play the numbers game, eventually a looks max girl will accept him.

I don't care about dislikes tbh. It's a even bit fun to have a pet hater

You can't blame these guys. Awareness comes with experience. Not everyone lurked MM Tinder experiments.

I cringe at times I used Tinder as early 20-s NW3 and subpar face (still got a "date" though). Not gonna try this again. I can't stand a situation when girl swipes me out and Chad appears on the next swipe. No thanks I'm not a cuck.

I had 5cm long hair and buzzed them to 1/16 guard a few days ago to check my norwood :D What a difference. From average (with combover) guy to a sick prisoner in 5 minutes. Good news is I'm approaching a NW2.5 territory thanks to finasteride.


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Growing it out is key. Norwood 2.5 comb over and coverage all on top with good density, is enough. Especially post 25. Really face plays a big role. Even when I was a thick Norwood 2.5 I still had the same attention from girls, my hair was grown out though. I'll admit though now I have more confidence and they are a little more submissive. Subconsciously maybe no flaw can be seen by either of us.

I remember someone commented saying you have a good jawline, you may be being hard on yourself like a few others on here.

The hair situation does suck and you have my sympathies there. Because previously you wrote you had diffuse loss and very bad recession - that can fcuk someone up mentally and physically. Glad finasteride has turned it around. "fiin to win"

there is an ugly period though... when hair length is 1-2cm which is not enough to cover up bald areas


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Other Baldy :


kids shoot up schools full of innocent children and no one shoots up game shows like this full of retarded sh*t pigs... it's a sad world. :(


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Skimmed this thread the other day and only just watched the clip from the OP. Half the girls on this Irish version are 40+ hags from the local 2for1 cocktail bar. Just lmao at whichever producer thought they were appropriate for this show. English version has much higher volume of tasty girlies.

As for the guy, bald, yes, but also short, small frame, unconfident posture and pensive facial mannerisms. Terrible dress sense. Same as the other clip of the bald guy in a £5 velvet jacket combined with baggy stone wash jeans. Why would they go on the show like that? The lack of self awareness of some guys is staggering.

he is one of the type that cannot looksmax tbh