I Got Hair Tattoo To Cure My Baldness


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You're right
It is from 2013
What a crock of shh
It was just a bit curious as the OP only had 2 posts, and the pics have nice rounded corners - if it was a real person I dont think they would go to that extent lol. FML that im going to the extent of doing that tho lol


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Yep, I had seen this picture before, it's been done by a Milena Lardi trainee at prohairclinic in Antwerp.

This is as good as temporary SMP can get, so I don't understand the hate, nobody would ever notice anything.

OP is trying to advertise permanent SMP that has nothing to do with the above, banhammer please.
Yeah I agree it doesnt look too bad, its not something id personally do. I would rather get a hairpiece than do this lol


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People throw this around like it's nothing, like wearing a hair piece is even a viable option.

This (temporary SMP), even with its obvious downsides is 100x more practical than wearing a hair piece.

You can have a careless life with a well-done SMP, with a hair piece on the other hand, forget about it.

It would be the only option for me if I were to go completely bald. I dont have the head shape to suit it shaved completely. My hairdresser said she has a customer who uses one and you cant even tell and he even goes swimming with it and stuff. Ive already looked into it incase I do ever get that bad. Hopefully it wont. Not for everyone obviously, but for me it would be my final option.


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I see your point. But I guess I will see when I get there. Ive got high hopes that minoxidil might save me for the time being until something decent is released. Only time will tell. But so far im not liking the huge bags its given me under my eyes in a short period.


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Minoxidil doesn't do that.
Im definately not imagining it, and ive already had comments on it. Its the only thing I can attribute it to and it was since I bumped it up to 1.5ml twice daily. But its only early days so hopefully they dont stick around - its definately not due to lack of sleep, so if its not related to minoxidil then its a bit weird.


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Did you read about minoxidil giving dark circles before noticing the dark circles?

Be honest.
Yip I did - I read as much about it as I could before starting it. My problem isnt dark circles though, its eye bags, like im talking buldgy eye bags. Im hoping its not related to it and that they go away. Its like Homer Simpson eyes it doesnt look good lol


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Regarding wearing a hair piece. You have to have the right personality and psychology to use one. I've used one (not the same hair piece!) for the past 25 years. Some days I wear it. Other days I don't. The only real hassle is if you live in really hot, humid weather. Just forget it! I have always told my friends that I wear one and make jokes about it. When people ask me 'Is my hair permed or natural?' I just reply, 'I don't know that's just how I bought it!' Then I love to look at their surprised/curious looks! ;)
However I am just over wearing a hair piece now. I'm going to have a light SMP performed with a very receded look and my hair transplant scars at the back filled in.
Kind regards,