I guess things aren´t working well


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So i´ve been on finasteride for 9 months and using some sort of minoxidil for 1 and 9 months (Been using rogaine foam for about 9 months) but my hair is the worse it has been, i have lots of itching and i feel there´s an increase in hairs falling off when i wash my hair in the morning.,

Is there any other thing i can take to fight at least the itching? I guess that is caused by inflammation due to my follicles being attacked. If it stops maybe my hair will improve...

Anyway i just wanted to hear similar stories from you...should i stick with the treatments or drop them and shave my hair?

My spirits should be higher than they are at the moment but it feels there´s no hope fighting this.


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magid said:
Nizoral 2% shampoo and/or tGel.

I use Nizoral 2% already and sometimes i use more times weekly than recommended.

What about not having results with finasteride/Minoxidil? Need to hear some more testimonials from other people because this is demoralizing.


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If you're still losing hair and the itching has continued even though you've been on finasteride, the only other real option you have is dutasteride.

Try it, see how it works.


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FabioM said:
So i´ve been on finasteride for 9 months and using some sort of minoxidil for 1 and 9 months (Been using rogaine foam for about 9 months) but my hair is the worse it has been, i have lots of itching and i feel there´s an increase in hairs falling off when i wash my hair in the morning.,

Is there any other thing i can take to fight at least the itching? I guess that is caused by inflammation due to my follicles being attacked. If it stops maybe my hair will improve...

Anyway i just wanted to hear similar stories from you...should i stick with the treatments or drop them and shave my hair?

My spirits should be higher than they are at the moment but it feels there´s no hope fighting this.

Does hair loss run in the family?

If no - get a scalp biopsy done to accurately diagnose your alopecia.

If yes, and androgenic alopecia is implicated, and if your hair loss is aggressive - you might want to take JohnNYC's treatment route using topical dutasteride. There are several discussions about it over at regrowth.

If you are not planning on being a father anytime soon, you could also think about taking it orally. Be forewarned, it's a much more potent medication compared to finasteride with an extremely long half-life, but if you're sides free, it may be the way to go.

Some previous dialogue on topical dutasteride:

Page 83 - 87

If you are not considering going all out "nuclear" by using the above, I might be able to suggest something for your itching:

"My minoxidil induced flaking/itchy scalp has *completely* halted."

In reference to beginning copper peptides with Minoxidil. 3rd post

Take it for what it's worth.