I Had A Non-sexual Albeit Sexual Experience Yesterday


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If you dont put yourself out there, then you will stay a virgin. the longer you will look at women as threats, versus a promise of hope.

the only way to get comfortable and better with women is to make approaches.

fear of rejection, failure and anxiety will only hold you back.

The truth is, most men are terrified of women when it comes to approach.

The more approaches I make, the less I care. It's the only way to move forward with your life. As much as I dont like advocating game, I suggest you learn it. Any psychologist will tell you the same thing, in less of a glorified way - You must approach, and combat your fears head on. In order to over come your beta-virgin archtype, you MUST move forward.

Meet - fail and eventually succeed. encounter your problem continually ,, I have told you numerous times, online dating will do NOTHING in this regard but hold you back. You will never know how to meet, and face your true problem, which is fear. The same fear the holds you back from meeting women, because you cannot defeat your fear of rejection. (dragon) Once you defeat your fear, you can move forward and claim your possession

This will open your eyes a little bit.

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If you dont put yourself out there, then you will stay a virgin. the longer you will look at women as threats, versus a promise of hope.

the only way to get comfortable and better with women is to make approaches.

fear of rejection, failure and anxiety will only hold you back.

The truth is, most men are terrified of women when it comes to approach.

The more approaches I make, the less I care. It's the only way to move forward with your life. As much as I dont like advocating game, I suggest you learn it. Any psychologist will tell you the same thing, in less of a glorified way - You must approach, and combat your fears head on. In order to over come your beta-virgin archtype, you MUST move forward.

Meet - fail and eventually succeed. encounter your problem continually ,, I have told you numerous times, online dating will do NOTHING in this regard but hold you back. You will never know how to meet, and face your true problem, which is fear. The same fear the holds you back from meeting women, because you cannot defeat your fear of rejection. (dragon) Once you defeat your fear, you can move forward and claim your possession

This will open your eyes a little bit.

Good advice. I think even guys with a fear of rejection know this deep down but if you're programmed that way it's easier said then done. I guess it's like any irrational fear; eg I know its silly to be scared of spiders but will I go near that hairy, eight legged bastard in the bath? f*** no!
Also, although this is good advice you don't want to go down the road of hitting on too many girls and end up with a reputation as a creep lol!


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fear of rejection, failure and anxiety will only hold you back.

The more approaches I make, the less I care.
If someone receives rejections,then he/she must suck at reading and psychographing peoples feelings and intentions.


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LOL what? I only said girls can be a bit harder to read then men when it comes to knowing if they're really interested romantically. I don't remember saying I have any major problems with girls or my life lol.
Anyway, I did actually watch the first 5 minuets of that video and he was just wittering on about his life and how wonderful his boot camp was without actually saying anything so I got bored and stopped. Sorry.