- Reaction score
- 11,939
The Phantom Menace
When you're ugly, all your qualities backfire and make you look even worse/creepier.
Rogue One, for too many reasons that I wouldn't be able to explain in only one post.
Rogue One, for too many reasons that I wouldn't be able to explain in only one post.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Director: Gareth Edwards
Cast: Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Mads Mikkelsen, Donnie Yen, Riz Ahmed, Forrest Whitaker, Ben Mendelsohn, Alan Tudyk
Rotten Tomatoes: 84%
IMDB: 8.3/10
I watched Rogue One last night and I enjoyed it and appreciate it in a way that I could not do for The Force Awakens. Rogue One is the story of the opening crawl from nearly forty years ago, which appeared at the start of A New Hope:
It is a period of civil war.
Rebel spaceships, striking
from a hidden base, have won
their first victory against
the evil Galactic Empire.
During the battle, Rebel
spies managed to steal secret
plans to the Empire's
ultimate weapon, the DEATH
STAR, an armored space
station with enough power
to destroy an entire planet.
Pursued by the Empire's
sinister agents, Princess
Leia races home aboard her
starship, custodian of the
stolen plans that can save her
people and restore
freedom to the galaxy....
That's a large swath of the plot. It sounds like a story that doesn't need to be told, it fills in details best left to the imagination, it's a prequel, etc, and yet ... it was such a beautiful and fun movie. At the end I wanted to know more about characters, and about the new world elements that were (theatrically) introduced in this movie. I'm excited about Star Wars again in a way that I have not been in a long time.
From me, that's meaningful. I basically learned to read from Star Wars, those were most my first novels, so I learned reading by means of ~400 page novels from Timothy Zahn and Kevin J. Anderson. It takes love and passion to get a kid motivated and grandiose space opera did it for me. Having been through the mediocre prequels, and the cynical, soulless cash grab that was The Force Awakens, it was really nice to see a Star Wars movie where a lot of the creatives clearly brought passion and ability to the process. I've also been bummed from seeing a lot of subpar movies in 2016 (Batman v Superman, Star Trek Beyond, etc).
The two aspects which most stand out to me is that it's beautifully shot and it expands the mythology.
Episodes IV, V, VI, and even I were all beautiful to look at, and they've been copied by other science fiction films. In contrast, Episodes II, III, and VII were mostly unimaginative, very lacklustre cinematography. Not so here, we had plenty of beautiful shots. Director Gareth Edwards understands scope, which he had previously demonstrated with 2014's Godzilla. We have a lot of beautiful shots of ringed planets, the death star being assembled, the beaches of that library planet, as well as effective more intiminate shots such as that of Darth Vader near the end. Moving images are arguably the most important part of movies (hence the term "movie"), and this movie excelled at it.
Whereas the Star Wars mythology and universe shrank with Episode VII, it grew here. It is, after all, a large galaxy, a galaxy which is "lived-in" and which the originals made to feel bigger than the events shown on screen. This aspect, the creation of setting, of a sense of place, is back in Rogue One. We explore new planets that are not just the same planets as in the originals with changed names, we're introduced to new roles and social functions, for example Vader's servants. We see more about the politics of the rebellion, that they had discord, and were unsure in which direction to go early on. What this means is that the world we see in the movie is bigger than the movie itself, you can imagine a few other movies made just from the new ideas introduced, and that's a very important ingredient to what made Star Wars great originally. I'll also note that I think this is the first time we've seen a scientist in Star Wars, and they handled it beautifully.
I'll add a final point: Rogue One nails diversity. We see people of different genders and races among both the primary cast and the supporting cast, where the primary cast are given legitimate roles where they impact the story, they're not just sidekicks like the African American men in the Marvel movies are. There's a woman lead, a woman head of the rebellion, and there are women pilots too. Only the imperial leadership is entirely white and male, which is inherited from the original movies. Fans of the expanded universe know that the empire was human supremacist, an obvious metaphor.
I loved Rogue One, I wish it were longer, and I hope we get more movies like it.
Grade: A
I think I found it.I agree 100%. I think a lot of what you're describing is really just a function of the bald guy looking older. A 20 year old with an NW5/6 will not look 20 years old. People will naturally assume that he's closer to 30, perhaps even 40 if he's got a rough face, and will therefore expect him to behave in a way that reflects that. He gets held to the standards of an economically-established, world weary, middle-age man. Whether this occurs subconsciously or consciously is irrelevant. People don't have the same kind of tolerance for 'NEET's in their 30's as they do for the layabouts in their late teens or early 20's. I suspect it's because, with the younger kids, there is still a strong possibility that they could turn things around. As you say, winking into a wet flannel and living in your parent's basement is a lot more acceptable if the guy's still young. It's only really past the age of 23/24 or so, that the lack of independence starts becoming a problem. The problem is simply that bald guys don't look anywhere near 24. Many are lucky to be mistaken for being just 30. There's an excellent documentary that explores this whole 'false age' thing in detail. If I remember rightly, it's called 'I hate my bald head'. The presenter's name is Rob something and it's available to watch on Youtube (It was originally broadcast on the BBC). About 5-10 minutes in he goes round a small town and asks random strangers (mostly girls in their 20's) to write down on a piece of cardboard what they think his age is. He's 27 (with a grown out NW5). The average respondent though he was pushing 36. The guy looked heartbroken.
I think I found it.
I really don't understand why men (and, especially, women) are lining up to demonize the Red Pill. 99% of RC dictums are quite demonstrably true. Looks, money and status really are massive drivers of sexual attraction, with a disproportionate emphasis upon the former. I don't understand why so many people are in denial about this. A prime example = my mum. Spends upwards of £100 a month on haircuts, products and clothes, + recently got a pair of 'vanity' braces fitted to try and straighten up her smile. She bemoans my dad's sh*t fashion sense frequently and I even once heard her trying to gently suggest that he should go and have a hair transplant (he's bald). Yet, every time I try to talk to her about the struggles of being bald young, my facial and skin disfigurement, and my terrible strike rate with women, the first thing she says to me is that I have a 'beautiful soul' and that 'real people don't care about looks', 'it's what's on the inside that counts' etc. I wish she could just be honest with me. Admit how much I've lost rather than lying to my face all of the time. Coping and hypocrisy helps no one.
DBW, lol, where are you from? That girl on your pic is one of the recent memes in Russia.
Rate her today without makeup (from 0:09)
At least 8. Very cute face, looks a little spoiled (if that is a look), but it suits her well.
I really don't understand why men (and, especially, women) are lining up to demonize the Red Pill. 99% of RC dictums are quite demonstrably true. Looks, money and status really are massive drivers of sexual attraction, with a disproportionate emphasis upon the former. I don't understand why so many people are in denial about this. A prime example = my mum. Spends upwards of £100 a month on haircuts, products and clothes + recently got a pair of 'vanity' braces fitted to try and straighten up her smile. She bemoans my dad's sh*t fashion sense frequently and I even once heard her trying to gently suggest that he should go and have a hair transplant (he's bald). Yet, every time I try to talk to her about the struggles of being bald young, my facial and skin disfigurement, and my terrible strike rate with women, the first thing she says to me is that I have a 'beautiful soul' and that 'real people don't care about looks', 'it's what's on the inside that counts' etc. I wish she could just be honest with me. Admit how much I've lost rather than lying to my face all of the time. Coping and hypocrisy helps no one. And it's ultimately just disrespectful.
Yes, she is on c*** carousel from 14 years old and parents are aware.
She is very cute, would bang.
"Rapist" in jail now for a 8 years. Quite handsome.
She is ultimate jailbait. Who on the universe would REFUSE to bang her? (again she is w/o make up there)
Banged? Go jail for a 8 years.