I hate life


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Hey, hope4hairredux, keep your head up man. Your post made me laugh, and not because it was funny, but because it reminds me of the way I sound when I get really down. First of all, lots of non-white people go bald. I'm not white and I'm going bald! I know it's hard, your only 20 and your supposed to be out having fun and getting girls. But keep your hopes up, try some meds and by the time your 30 they just might have the hair multiplication procedures. If not, you need to try to focus on something else in life. It's not all about going out and looking good for the ladies, even though it might seem like that at 20. You're in college, so bust your *** and study hard. Dedicate your life to a career and be successful. Then you'll have money and be happy, and no one will give a sh*t that your bald. I hope that helps! Keep your head up, everything will be ok.


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why are you so much depressed dear....why do you hate life.....see the world is very beautiful....you are not getting that which you want because you have not tried to that level...


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I would like to ask this guy if he's considered any of the very effective concealers that are out there. Or maybe just doing what a lot of dudes are nowadays and just shaving it all off. That's what I did and it was liberating.


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My Regimen
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This thread is basically a weird mixture of balding cuckoldry and white guilt (before it was trendy)


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This thread is basically a weird mixture of balding cuckoldry and white guilt (before it was trendy)
It's been trending since 50 or 60 years, dude. A constant errosion of academia and the psyche of some poor, impressionable men. But yeah this is abolutely what balding and postmodernism can do to a motherfucker.


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It's been trending since 50 or 60 years, dude. A constant errosion of academia and the psyche of some poor, impressionable men. But yeah this is abolutely what balding and postmodernism can do to a motherfucker.
The only guilt we should feel because of our ancestors is the fact that they were spreading balding genes left and right without giving a f***


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It's been trending since 50 or 60 years, dude. A constant errosion of academia and the psyche of some poor, impressionable men. But yeah this is abolutely what balding and postmodernism can do to a motherfucker.
Yeah,they transform him from a mother f****r to a c*** sucker.