If one must generalise I have much more contempt for fellow men than I do for women. Women make life softer and interesting. Men are mostly uninteresting blunt instruments given to the herd mentality.
Growing up in a male-dominated working class environment caused me to develop a hard, cold exterior in order to protect myself from the daily confrontation and occasional violence which is accepted as normal behaviour within those spheres.
So yeah, I can really do without sweaty hairy men to be honest. Give me a woman any day.
I would agree, but I think it's important not too take this to the point of putting women "on a pedestal". There are plenty of women that are completely insufferable b****s.
That being said. I grew up in a similar environment in which I didn't fit in. As I was much more..."cultured" as if by nature. I never had an affinity for the "boy scouts" kinda bullshit, but at the same time had to be tough enough to deal with their sh*t whilst being intelligent enough to see through it. You kind of just find yourself "walking the walk" so to speak. But I was unable to speak with these men as I would've liked to speak with people. Topics relating to history, music beyond Five Finger Death Punch, philosophy, etc. were for "fags". This company, as reflected even by these forums, tends to have an unending, locker-room-style savagery at all times and everything is a competition.
In my early 20s, between going to college where men were outnumbered 3:1 by women and I worked for a small business in which just by chance, I eventually wound up being the only male employee, I spent a considerable amount of time in the company of women.
Perhaps by nature of the motherly instincts that women tend to have, perhaps by being raised in a more "pleasant" if at times sheltered manner, women do tend to be much more "civilized" company than working-class men.
Many men, with young oil rig workers being good examples, are so consumed by the brutish, frat-bro behaviors they feel expected of them, that they are incapable of interacting with anyone who does not share them.