I have been dumped.


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I dunno, I'm not a dick but I'm not sugary sweet either...and I do fine.


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viperfish said:
Girls like jerks!
This is a correct assumption. That's why when you go out and are around girls you gotta act like you don't give a sh*t. Be an a**h**............for some reason girls like that. The expression "nice guys finish last" hits it right on the head. Girls like a challenge.................you have to be an a**h** to get the ***.

Close but not quite. Some people are just like that. It's not so much good women beeing treated badly by bad men as it is them just being people. How many of your guy friends do you know that are dating women that are screaming b****s? Some people just have a deep seeded need for drama and to be controlled. They intentionally surround themselves with variables for potential problems. I don't get it, but that is the way some people seem to be. You just notice women more in this situation because your single and probably a good person and see a nice girl you like who needs to be rescued.

Anyway, Nexus81, listen to what the Gardener posted. As usual, he gives out the best advice on this forum.

The Gardener

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Thank you, Cassin... that means a lot to me. I have appreciated your great advice on many occasions as well.

I don't believe in the "nice guys finish last" theory. I think it's bullshit. I don't think you should be super sweet and kiss *** either. I think you should just be yourself around women, and let the chips fall where they may.

The science of what women "like" or what they are attracted to is not a science at all. It is completely random, and is simply a matter of how many women you allow yourself to come into contact with. When you are ready to start meeting again, just get out there, be yourself, and try to talk to as many women as you can.

I think a man adopting this philosophy will have exponentially better odds of finding a winner than the man who is preoccupied with being an a**h** to a few girls that he targets.

And Cassin, you are SO right about some women, well actually some PEOPLE who just enjoy drama. So right. And I am sorry for people who are caught up in this behavior, I know that the reality of their lives is that they are probably miserable.


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May I add that both The Gardener and Cassin always have great advice.

p.s. Gardener and Cassin adding nair to my regime still hasnt helped out any, if anything it has made things worse. j/k!

Serioulsy guys, thanks for all the advice.

Tony Montana


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b****s come, and b****s go.....and so is life. while i don't think a women would leave someone she's been dating for a long time over JUST hairloss, it probably factored in to her choice to leave

b****s come..b****s go..thats why I get my nut and I be out the fuckin door..you know..lol
Biggie is great

I cant believe she dumped you ..what a b**ch
shes ignorant and fake anyway man..
What norwood are you anyway ?


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cassin said:
Some people just have a deep seeded need for drama and to be controlled. They intentionally surround themselves with variables for potential problems. I don't get it, but that is the way some people seem to be. You just notice women more in this situation because your single and probably a good person and see a nice girl you like who needs to be rescued.

Yep I know the exact type, and have dated them before. They LOVE to not feel happy, they cant live without the drama. Good f*****g riddance is all Ive got to say. Glad Im with a stable fun girl right now.


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nexus81 said:
Well guys..misery has stuck me...my girl dumped me yesterday. Its all becoz of my hair loss. Last week I went with her in a party...where she was talking to some of her friends..and one of her friend asked her who was her boy friend as she had not seen me. My girl said..its the guy with the leather jacket...then that b**ch(her friend) said to her laughingly...who..the one who is going bald. I heard it somehow. I felt a great pain in my heart that time. :(
I know she would had not felt nice too that time...n perhaps after this incident she got more concerned about my hair loss. Yesterday she gave me the news...n returned my photo she always used to keep in her bag...in which i had a full head of hair.
I am feeling so low now. Why did this happen to me...the misery of my hair loss continues. :cry:

Like a wise man once said: "b****s ain't sh*t but hoes and tricks, lick on these nuts and suck the dick."

Words to live by.


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Hang in there dude.

When my girlfriend broke up with me, which was before I noticed that I was thinning out, it got worse before it got better. Funny thing about memories is that we recall the good times more than the bad. I look back on college and think "man, wish I could go back, all the fun I had." But then I think about it, and remember all the stress and financial hell I was in. Anyway, it might be a roller coaster ride, but hang in there.


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elguapo said:
Hang in there dude.

When my girlfriend broke up with me, which was before I noticed that I was thinning out, it got worse before it got better. Funny thing about memories is that we recall the good times more than the bad. I look back on college and think "man, wish I could go back, all the fun I had." But then I think about it, and remember all the stress and financial hell I was in. Anyway, it might be a roller coaster ride, but hang in there.

Very well put as well, its is so true, oh man is it ever!

too bald too furious

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Hi everyone,
Thanks a lot for all the advice and support. I have been doing well...just the couple of days after that incident were very low.
I added Nizoral 1% to my regimen.
I perhaps would not be using finasteride at the moment...as i want to go with minoxidil and nizoral alone for 6 months to 1 year and try and grow back my temples.
I am Norwood 2.5 moving slowly towards NW3 with thinning on hair between the bald temples.
My girl did infact dump me for my hair loss...although she gave stupid reasons. I cud confirm the fact as i saw her with a guy in college cafetaria with some guy who had awesome head of hair... She din have a single bit of shame in her eyes...and it really made me freaked more.
I guess..bad karma will hit her someday..perhaps gettin dumped frm some smart ***...after making her preg or she gaining some pounds.
ahhhhhhh...cant believe i cud become so weak when she dumped me.
She did infact shake up my confidence...as now im kinna hesitant to approach any girl..thinking she might perhaps see my hair line first..which might sharply decrease my chances.Am i just assuming too much? :roll:

p.s Special thanks to Gardener and Vicci for giving such great advice.


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Dude, get on finasteride! Why wait? YOU WILL REGRET THAT YOU WAITED!!!

Heed this advice. Anybody who has had luck with finasteride will say the same.

Sounds like this girl may have been talking to that guy for some time before she broke up with you. And I know what you mean about the hair thing shaking your confidence. Just gotta charge through that road block. It's all in our heads.

Good luck.

The Gardener

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Thinning said:
Glad Im with a stable fun girl right now.

That is about the most perfect description of good girlfriend material I can find. Good for you, Thinning.

As far as I am concerned, that is what it is all about.