I have not been on propecia in over 2 months.


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Maybe it has been 4 months. I've not noticed much loss. Maybe I had some loss in my temple area, but I think it was like that. When the lights are directly over head, I see a runway shinning through the top of my hair. But if I get a light to shine directly down on it, and I look closely with two mirrors, I don't think it is much worse than it was before. It is not bad, but it is noticeable that it is thinning up there a bit.

My propecia should arrive in the main any day now. I put off ordering more because of finances, and because I thought I still had a stash left somewhere. After much searching, I finally decided I probably used it all up.

I don't think hairloss or being short or having a hunch back, or not having big muscles will keep you from getting a hot woman. But having 2 or 3 of those traits maybe can. I have all four. Strangely, this is one of the reasons I'm not bothered by my hairloss that much. I figure even if I had hair, I'd still have the same problems. Well, I got lots of attention with my toupee. But propecia will not give me that much hair. I need either HM, or another toupee. Otherwise, women just act indifferent around me.

I know guys who have money and get women, but once they are financially tied to her, that is when the sex stops. Often the kid is not theirs, and they still have to pay. Because I was poor back when I was foolish, I never got hunted, which is a good thing. Now when I get money, I'll be watching out.

I've had sexual experiences, and I've learned they just are not that great unless you get a quality woman who is willing to try stuff. You can have a pretty woman and she might want to keep the lights off so you never see her naked. You could have a pretty woman and she does not have sex at all, or she only does stuff that is boring to you and won't do what you want for 5 minutes even after you spent 5 hours doing what she wanted. There are a lot of bad catches out there. If money is what tilts the scale to get you what you want, it will not last once they have your money. Either get it without money, or learn to find other things fun in life that money can buy. When I use my imagination, I can do what I want with whom I want whenever I want. Reality just does not compare. And I don't have to spend a dime.

So either make yourself very attractive and get what you want with the woman, or make yourself attractive enough to get caught in a trap, or find ways to be happy without a date at all. Those are your three choices. There are nice women out there, but most of them hold out for very attractive guys, even if it means being a single mom. Of those who would settle for OK, they are few and far between, and there are lots out there who will just take you for what they can. They don't see you as a person, and think you owe it to them, which makes it easy for them to justify it. But many of them are so cocky they don't even attempt to hide their lack of attraction for you. They assume you will just chase them anyway. Trust your gut. Don't waste time on those ones.

My plan is to have fun inventing and flying airplanes until HM comes out. I'll work on my body too and stay out of the sun. But don't confuse this with putting my life on hold. I'll be traveling and having a good time. I just won't be dating women who think I'm not good enough. And I won't let any pressure me into marriage without a pre-nup.


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CCS said:
Maybe it has been 4 months. I've not noticed much loss. Maybe I had some loss in my temple area, but I think it was like that. When the lights are directly over head, I see a runway shinning through the top of my hair. But if I get a light to shine directly down on it, and I look closely with two mirrors, I don't think it is much worse than it was before. It is not bad, but it is noticeable that it is thinning up there a bit.

My propecia should arrive in the main any day now. I put off ordering more because of finances, and because I thought I still had a stash left somewhere. After much searching, I finally decided I probably used it all up.

I don't think hairloss or being short or having a hunch back, or not having big muscles will keep you from getting a hot woman. But having 2 or 3 of those traits maybe can. I have all four. Strangely, this is one of the reasons I'm not bothered by my hairloss that much. I figure even if I had hair, I'd still have the same problems. Well, I got lots of attention with my toupee. But propecia will not give me that much hair. I need either HM, or another toupee. Otherwise, women just act indifferent around me.

I know guys who have money and get women, but once they are financially tied to her, that is when the sex stops. Often the kid is not theirs, and they still have to pay. Because I was poor back when I was foolish, I never got hunted, which is a good thing. Now when I get money, I'll be watching out.

I've had sexual experiences, and I've learned they just are not that great unless you get a quality woman who is willing to try stuff. You can have a pretty woman and she might want to keep the lights off so you never see her naked. You could have a pretty woman and she does not have sex at all, or she only does stuff that is boring to you and won't do what you want for 5 minutes even after you spent 5 hours doing what she wanted. There are a lot of bad catches out there. If money is what tilts the scale to get you what you want, it will not last once they have your money. Either get it without money, or learn to find other things fun in life that money can buy. When I use my imagination, I can do what I want with whom I want whenever I want. Reality just does not compare. And I don't have to spend a dime.

So either make yourself very attractive and get what you want with the woman, or make yourself attractive enough to get caught in a trap, or find ways to be happy without a date at all. Those are your three choices. There are nice women out there, but most of them hold out for very attractive guys, even if it means being a single mom. Of those who would settle for OK, they are few and far between, and there are lots out there who will just take you for what they can. They don't see you as a person, and think you owe it to them, which makes it easy for them to justify it. But many of them are so cocky they don't even attempt to hide their lack of attraction for you. They assume you will just chase them anyway. Trust your gut. Don't waste time on those ones.

My plan is to have fun inventing and flying airplanes until HM comes out. I'll work on my body too and stay out of the sun. But don't confuse this with putting my life on hold. I'll be traveling and having a good time. I just won't be dating women who think I'm not good enough. And I won't let any pressure me into marriage without a pre-nup.

Being short definantly doesn't prevent you from getting hot girls. Of course this is providing you have a thick full head of hair. I know of many short guys in my town who pull very attractive girls; A lot of girls I have been with have been 5 foot 2 to 4; some have been taller but on average I've pulled mainly short girls; I'm 6 foot; now if a 5 foot 8 guy tried to pull these girls he would still be taller - girls just want a guy taller than them not a tall guy per se. Hair loss and hunch back will without a doubt lessen your chances with a hot girl. Not so much muscle though; if you were skinny with lean muscle - like a 6 pack - hot girls wouldn't mind you being skinny - again assuming you had nice hair.
Your hair replacement spell CCS seemed to be a very positive one - I'm surprised you didn't keep up with it because by your own admission girls gave you more positive attention.
I agree ultimately on the attractiveness thing; you have to look as good as you can all the time should you want to attract hot girls; you need to look good end off. However it is also very important to do this as soon as you can - one thing you neglect to mention is youthfulness. I want to look as good as I can as young as I can. Because me at 25 with a full head of hair will obviously look better than my 35 year old self with a full head of hair but what if I was 25 bald and 35 with hair? Personally I find it irritating contemplating this which is why I will at least give hair replacement a go. This is relevant to my next point as well; CCS you were on of the guys on this forum who thought HM would be here in a 'few years.' It has been more than a few years now. I think none of us should wait for HM; we should assume it will never come out so one day when it does it will be a blessing.
I think it is positive encouraging people to try and be happy without a date. I personally think all the ugly guys on this forum should get a russian mail order bride and then that part of their life will be sorted. It is also good to recommend exercise. I think if you are going bald having a good body should be mandatory to say the least. Staying out of the sun is also good - just fake tan.


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person said:
I personally think all the ugly guys on this forum should get a russian mail order bride and then that part of their life will be sorted.

Trust me it wont. I have been offered £3000 to marry a 22 yr old girl. No way am I doing it!


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person said:
Your hair replacement spell CCS seemed to be a very positive one - I'm surprised you didn't keep up with it because by your own admission girls gave you more positive attention.

I quit because coolpiece did a terrible job of making me a hair piece. They did not get my color right at all. I had to bleach it to match, and then it continued to bleach weeks later. I did not have the money to order piece after piece until someone got it right. Getting the right glue is important too. My front kept lifting, and I was afraid people would be able to tell if they got closer.

And I can spot hair pieces from 7 feet away, even indoors. If you know what to look for, they can't hide. Even the very best featured pieces on any hair sites look fake to me, unless they paid a model with real hair to pose. Most people don't know what to look for though, so the hair can definitely help you out at least for a while with new people.


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s.a.f said:
person said:
I personally think all the ugly guys on this forum should get a russian mail order bride and then that part of their life will be sorted.

Trust me it wont. I have been offered £3000 to marry a 22 yr old girl. No way am I doing it!

I would not want one either, for the same reason I'd not let a pretty woman know if I had money. No matter how much they say they don't want you for their money, it is an act. If you don't give it to them, they will eventually show their anger, and retaliate because they feel ripped off.

Save your money, and use it for your own expenses and life fun. That or hire an escort. But if you flash your money at a good actress, she might steal your heart. Then you will have emotional misery to come later. The feeling of falling in love is very blinding, but even when you are tricked, you still don't have as much as you would since they are not falling for you the same.

Plenty of above average looking guys will shake their heads at this, but it does not apply to them. This advice is for the average or below average looking guys.

Even if you date an average "cute" looking woman, if she is not really into fitness and health, she will probably get fat after you have kids and think you owe it to her to treat her the same as if she is pretty, and she will lose weight only if she wants to. Even some pretty women who are into fitness got really upset when I said women have a duty to stay fit for their partner just as he does for her. They said, "If I have your kid, you owe me. I don't have to be thin for you." That is someone I do not want to marry. I know lots of guys married to women 100 pounds heavier than them, and I'm glad I'm single.


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The problem with going into a relationship saying that you are selfless and love unconditionally is that after years of not getting what you want, or thinking you were going to get something eventually, people get really upset when their partner does not give it to them. That is why divorces are often so bitter and war like. Both expected more, and are upset they did not get it. They won't look at their own flaws. They feel bated and switched. I prefer to put the cards on the table, and deal one complete transaction at a time, negotiated in advance, so that no one feels ripped off later. People don't want to do that though because they hope if they don't way what they want, the other person will appreciate that and love them more and give them a lot more for free. But when they don't get anything, that is when they get upset. You can waste years playing that game, and end up in love with someone who claims she never knew you felt that way, even though she very well may have been leading you on a bit and enjoying the freebies, maybe even thinking you owed it to her since she graced you with her smile.

And men do this to women too, and to other men. I know a landlord who rips off tenants and contractors every day. This is not a rant against women. It just seems that way since I'm giving advice to bald men on a hair loss forum, who are probably more vulnerable to women than to anyone else.


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As for age, yes, you look way better when younger, and you want more years to have fun, and you don't know when you will die.

But my 50 year old roommate gets lots of tail. He is 6'3", very fit, and full head of hair, and gets older women over 40. But the women are fit and love to spend all day every day in his bedroom even though he does not have a job. They don't have one either, so they make the best use of their time having sex.

That is how I want a woman to treat me. I want one that actually wants my body, not one who has to be paid to lay there.

There is an evolutionary reason for men wanting women to like them, and not just let them have sex. Sure, men want to spread their seed, so to an extent we don't mind them just laying there. But for a man to fall in love and stay with a woman, he has to feel that she really wants him. The reason is if she really wants him, he will know the kid is his, and will raise it. But if she does not treat him like gold, then he will wonder if the kid is his. He won't want to invest his life raising someone else's. Sure, people adopt, but they do so when they know the situation and care about the kid, not when they are tricked into thinking a kid is theirs when it really is the kid of a guy how invaded their relationship.

Women have the same range of emotions as men as far as wanting their partner to be attracted to them, but under different circumstances and for different evolutionary reasons.


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One more thing:

Yes, it is true. Not everyone is out to get me. The women who are not out to use me are instead waiting for attractive guys. They are nice enough to let me know I am not their type.

Then there is the other group, that let guys pursue them. They don't come out and say "pay", since that might offend. They just play a bit hard to get, until he gets desperate enough and pays. And if he does not pay enough, they leave and he gets nothing. Or he can pay more. Regardless, he becomes invested in her, and does not want to stop paying and risk losing what he has invested thus far. Eventually, he gets upset and leaves on his own.

That is why I don't pay in the beginning. I don't let anyone make me fear that they won't like me if I don't pay. I just offer to hang out, and see if they like me.

Dating is easy. Most women do not hide their lack of interest, since they are so used to guys trying to push through rejections. Do not tell her that you can tell she is not into you. If you are in love, you may be hoping for even a 1% chance, and will want to know for sure. Just trust your gut. If she liked you, she would not make it difficult. If you don't want to get stood up or canceled on, do not pressure a woman to spend time with you. Just put the offer out there, and watch for any sign of offense. If she seems offended, then you know she won't show up. Don't get upset or tell her you know. Just politely cancel right there, and move on to someone else. A huge part of doing well in the dating world is not wasting your time on the wrong woman.

Many guys go to bars and just stair and women and wonder what they can do or say to get a date. The problem is they have already failed by going some place boring. Now their fun is dependent on whether someone else talks to them. If you want to win at this, there needs to be something fun to do, so that you win even if you meet no one. A compromise is to throw darts and pretend that you are having fun throwing them. It has less to do with looking normal and more to do with barganing power because you can have fun without them. I was approached at a bar this way once.

Even without getting out much, I still know some stuff just from age.


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And there are lots of women who are not gold diggers. Probably 50% or more. But those ones won't date ugly rich men. They are perfectly happy staying with their unemployed, cute boyfriend.

But if an ugly man wants a pretty woman, he will soon find that the only ones interested in him are the gold diggers. And they don't want to give sex for money. They want him to think that if he falls in loves and waits and pays romantically long enough, he will get sex eventually. Then once they are married, they divorce him for half. If he really thinks she is into him, she can make him to afraid to ask for a pre-nup and risk this beautiful woman falling out of love with him. "I can't believe you asked me something so selfish and unromantic. I loved you. Didn't you love me?"

But not all woman can get the hot guys they want. Some of the cute ones can get one nighters, and become single mom's.

One thing to remember about physical attraction is it pulls at someone's heart. Financial attraction is cold and calculating. Do not give your heart to someone cold and calculating.


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emex4 said:
s.a.f said:
Trust me it wont. I have been offered £3000 to marry a 22 yr old girl. No way am I doing it!

Is she a gypsy?

No the £3000 would be paid for by her older sister who came here at 20 to marry a 35yr old guy. All they want is for me to marry the girl then whatever happens is up to me as long as we stay married 1 yr so she can apply for British Citizenship.

Ukrainians will do anything to come here the monthly wage over there is about one tenth of what it is here. So even on benifits they'll live in comparative luxury.


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s.a.f said:
emex4 said:
[quote="s.a.f":1re0b5j3]Trust me it wont. I have been offered £3000 to marry a 22 yr old girl. No way am I doing it!

Is she a gypsy?

No the £3000 would be paid for by her older sister who came here at 20 to marry a 35yr old guy. All they want is for me to marry the girl then whatever happens is up to me as long as we stay married 1 yr so she can apply for British Citizenship.

Ukrainians will do anything to come here the monthly wage over there is about one tenth of what it is here. So even on benifits they'll live in comparative luxury.[/quote:1re0b5j3]

Give me her number, I could really do with 3K right now.


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do you think you will ever become good looking one day ccs?


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For $3,000 I'd marry someone. No sex. Just $$$. I'd just have to make sure I don't get caught and charged with fraud.

uncomfortable man

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If you were an NW5 CCs, then they wouldn't even bother trying to lure you in.


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Some say that the blonde kid who played Draco in the Harry Potter films has grown up and is now receding.
Here's what the ladies think

http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=5 ... 886&v=wall

"The end is nigh, for beloved hottie/actor Tom Felton is going BALD."

"Lauren Smith noooooo D':
Chloe Pellatt oh hell no plzz noooo
Lia Mei S. Sing WHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO FOR ALL GODS AND GODESSES SAKES!"

Yeah, the shaved look will really score all the hotties. Shave it off and hit the gym (you will still repulse most women but still, those people at Sly need to feel better about themselves somehow)
You can tell just what male pattern baldness does when you see girls' reactions when they see that a very good looking guy (one they all fancied) has gone bald. Their reactions would be the same if he had just slept with a sheep. Complete revulsion.


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cuebald said:
Some say that the blonde kid who played Draco in the Harry Potter films has grown up and is now receding.
Here's what the ladies think

http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=5 ... 886&v=wall

"The end is nigh, for beloved hottie/actor Tom Felton is going BALD."

"Lauren Smith noooooo D':
Chloe Pellatt oh hell no plzz noooo
Lia Mei S. Sing WHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO FOR ALL GODS AND GODESSES SAKES!"

Yeah, the shaved look will really score all the hotties. Shave it off and hit the gym (you will still repulse most women but still, those people at Sly need to feel better about themselves somehow)
You can tell just what male pattern baldness does when you see girls' reactions when they see that a very good looking guy (one they all fancied) has gone bald. Their reactions would be the same if he had just slept with a sheep. Complete revulsion.

OMG! A handful of ugly, immature teenage GIRLS make negative comments about some skinny punk rock looking kid going bald and that means that all women HATE bald men and are completely repulsed by them! OHHH NOOOOO What are we going to do?!?!

you do an awesome job at drawing useless conclusions (all bald men are repulsive, even if they shave their heads) from completely irrelevant premises (some young, dumb teeny boppers are upset that Draco Malfoy's hairline is receeding).

Happy New Year! Enjoy another year of making yourself miserable over something you can't control. Its certainly done wonders for forum favourites like hatprisonrapist and UCMAN.


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Cubald, come on man, those really aren't ladies.

For your sake, you really have to stop listening to the opinions of pre-pubescent children and treating it as an accurate representation of what mature adults think.