I just bought one of those Mag gro head rollers

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Before everyone jumps all over this post, I am going to openly admit I was a bit hasty in buying one of these when I saw the ad. I had heard about "shocking" your follicles into regrowth, so I figured this thing will either work or it won't. The 40 bucks spent on it would then be a drop in the bucket and I would be left with an expensive head massager. No real loss I guess.

What I am looking for is ANYONE else who may have tried it, and what they thought of it. I don't want to go by those "testimonials" on MG's actual website. I'd like to hear actual opinions of real people who may have tried it.

It seems like this little device is a subject of ridicule & scorn in discussion forums, and the mere mentioning of it in another forum got me banned. Yes, banned. One of the idiot mods insisted I was a sales rep and could not stop backtracking to his suspicion of it, and therefore I got no actual adult discussion out of it. They also claimed that my "near flawless spelling & grammar was a dead giveaway that I'm a sales rep". Well I guess good spelling and grammar is just a CURSE I have for paying attention in school.

I am not a sales rep or a spammer, I am genuinely curious about anyone else who might have tried it. I'm not here to promote it, I am here asking for mature feedback on it, be it positive or negative. No one seems to even want to give it the time of day to discuss it. Here's all I can say about it after 2 days of use......

It is very knobby and hurts to use at first. It actually causes tears to well up in your eyes, but that is supposed to subside after continued use. It makes your scalp very hot. It really stirs up the oil in your scalp and makes your hair oily- I wasn't a huge fan of that one.

Is there a possibility of this thing shocking your follicles into regrowth? Even remotely?

Could the intense stimulation actually be more inviting to DHT activity? Could this product do more harm than good?

Thank you guys for reading this and letting me vent a little in the process.


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I'm going to add that hair loss products are relatively new to me. I have some thinning on top but the thing I notice most is my hairline is receding. I don't think I'm ready to start the big guns yet (minoxidil, propecia, nizoral). Let's just say I'm in the market now. I'd like to retain what I currently have and possibly regrow a few sprouts where my hairline used to be. Anything would be exciting at this point.


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T-devil I think it was ridiculous that you got banned from HLH. I read your posts and they seemed genuine. I just think the problem is that some people feel you are basically a sucker who fell for some treatment that is so off the wall that you have to be selling something. I understand where you are coming from. You are desperate to regrow some hair and you thought maybe this gimmick might just work for YOU. I am a sucker for gimmicks myself so I can understand why you bought it. I felt that way when I bought a lasercomb back when it first came out. Alot of people feel lasers are a gimmick and I don't think so. The only advice I can give you is to photo document your progress with this product to know for sure if it works. No one will believe anything unless you prove it with photos that are genuine. I don't think you will find too many people on any forum who have purchased this because it basically sounds like a real scam even to the most gullible posters. Keep us posted on your progress. At this point I am getting tired of trying different products. I am finally realizing the only thing that is going to really help a person is Propecia and minoxidil. For some people they may just help slightly or for others a whole lot. They do have bad side effects for some. However its like making a deal with the devil, you may have to pay a higher price for keeping or regrowing your hair.


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I really appreciate your reply. Yes, I was very hasty in buying it. I was also very aware it could be a "snake oil". Hair loss products are very new to me, and discussing it with you guys is a very big and uncomfortable step for me. I simply went onto the forum stating that I bought it, would use it as directed and consistently, then update them if I get any real progress. One particular mod had a hot nut for me from that moment on.

Here's the actual words from the arrogant & cocky mod.....

First, he simply stated I was foolish & gullible for buying it. When I admitted I wasn't totally informed on hair loss treatments, he said....

"Now that I have shown you the error of your ways, you should apologise for preying on our insecurities. We are not going to thank you for trying an unproven product that isn't FDA approved, and you are not a humanitarian for claiming you will 'take one for the team' and that you are doing us a noble favor. We will not have you scam us, and you play yourself as a victim when when we spoke up to you about it. Goodbye."

I tried to reply to that statement but I could no longer login, I was banned. He was hellbent on me being affiliated with mag gro and said the way I compose my posts were "too professional" and "near flawless". Well, I have always taken pride in my writing skills, and posting on the internet was never an exception. I will just take his hit as a compliment and go to where I can talk to grownups.

By the way, I'm 27, noticed male pattern baldness developing when I was 19, been overly stressed about it for 8 years now. I'm afraid of the side effects of the big 3, as my general health is really good and I don't want to jeopardize it. I also got ridiculed for that last sentence in the other forum.


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I wouldn't worry about it. Many people in life are accused of "crimes" they don't commit. He just didn't like you even posting something remotely positive of that off the wall product because he feels other suckers may chime in with you and buy it. Video testimonial can be very convincing sometimes. However, if that product were legit, everyone would be using it. As you know by now, the only legitimate products that will help with hair loss are Propecia and minoxidil. No one will question you, if you use those for hair loss. The only thing people will question your thought process if you believe those treatments make things worse or "kill your hairline" I have always wondered if its possible but since these treatments are not geared toward the hairline, I am willing to agree to the thought that they did not "kill the hairline". I started with these treatments with only minor loss and yet the only place I notice it helped was exactly where these treatments are proven to help. Now if I can only find a treatment that works at the hairline just as good as the crown, I would be in great shape. Unfortunately, the only one so far is a hair transplant. However, I am lucky enough that my present hair situation does not appear abnormal even to people I try to point it out to. So until the day comes that I hear " I notice your hair is starting to thin" will be the same day my bubble will burst and I will seriously look into a transplant.


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Yeah, the hairline seems to be the toughest target everwhere I go. I keep hearing about people's progress reports on Rogaine, they say things like "Hairline: Going up!"

I have full scalp coverage, it's just not as much there anymore. I'm afraid that if I use minoxidil and start shedding, I'll get a huge bald spot. That just terrifies me.

But back to the mag gro...I will use this thing consistently, and I suppose I should get an account with an pic uploading site, and post a few "before" pics. This attempt could very well be in vain, but by no means am I coming on here claiming to be your "saviour" and I am doing the noble act of trying this new product. I'm just curious, and I'm sure there are a few others in here as well.


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I will not work, I knew a few people who tried it and got absolutely no new hair and in fact lost hair in the process. It is merely a "makes scalp feel good" product but you can get the same results with products thart cost few bucks instead of spending all that money.


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Tdevil, if you want some more hair or want to keep what you got, you have to realize as I said before is that you will make a deal with the devil. Your hair will shed and you might get sides. If you are not willing to take that risk, then you have to live with whatever cards you have been dealt with. You have to take chances in life. If you want hair real bad, then its time for you to use Propecia first. I would not start with Rogaine until 8 months of no success with Propecia. Otherwise, forget it and move on. Don't waste your time on these forums. They can become addicting and not only that but become a constant reminder of your hair every day. I have kind of grown a bond to alot of these posters so I really come on now just to support some of them. I think sometimes people need someone to give them more confidence about themselves. People feed on positive thoughts. This forum has some good people who I enjoy talking to even if it has nothing to do with hair loss.


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I know the tagline of MG is "It simply makes sense." Well, I know the concept of blood flow=hair growth should make sense, but the actual chemistry of male pattern baldness suggests otherwise.

One other thing, @ Doctor House, I noticed you bought a laser. That was another thing that got me scorned from the mod. I mentioned it in one of my posts, and he replied with "I'm talking PROVEN treatments like minoxidil & Propecia, not unproven ones."

Am I losing my mind here? I was almost certain that the Hairmax Laser Comb had the FDA backing them up. I've heard it causes sides as well, like headaches & shedding, but I thought they did actual clinical trials on that thing and it worked.


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what forum did you get banned from? -Cassin

It was the hairlosshelp.com discussion forum. I think there may have been 1 person who replied to me without rudeness.

Awesome avatar, btw.

I don't know how forum mods/admin single out trolls & spammers other than reading their blatant advertising, but I am a regular member of FSTDT.com with well over 1000 posts, everyone there knows I'm a regular guy.

I'm an average blue collar steelworker, but occording to the people at HLH I have a currently wasted writing talent and I should land a lucrative career in sales. Ha! Some people amaze me, and I find out something new about myself every day.


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Cassin, I read his posts. He got banned for sounding intelligent and wanting to let everyone know he was going to try Mag Gro. Its ridiculous how prejudice he was to Tdevil just because he wanted to express he was using a treatment that basically we all know is scam. I think he was put on trial for doing something totally innocent. Tdevil, I think this forum is much more informative, friendly, and entertaining anyway and alot of those posters at HLH post here as well so you are not missing out on anything really in my opinion. The only two posters on their that I feel are worthy to ask info are Harry Balls and Bryan( with maybe a few others as well). They both post here too. So you really are not going to miss out on anything. I am glad you are here. And if you want to ask some experienced doctors any hair loss questions, I would email Proctor or Rassman.


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Tdevil said:
I don't know how forum mods/admin single out trolls & spammers other than reading their blatant advertising..........

There is a method to the madness....but we all have our hits and misses. For some reason forums are getting hit heavy with spam the last month so everyone is a little paranoid.

All I ask is if you post about that mag-gro stuff please go here...

EDIT: hahahhaa.... looks like MAG GRO has already hit us and we have it tagged for spam. I forgot about that. They hit us a few weeks ago.



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Thank you. This is the first place to be welcoming in my opinion. Before this one, I went to hair-loss.org and I had a good laugh. The whole forum is spammers talking to other spammers. A spammer posts a "recommendation" for a hair loss treatment, and then another spammer replies with a counterpoint.....another hairloss treatment! I made it to about 4 posts until I realized a was caught in a crossfire of spamming and no one was going to reply to me. I bailed, but I got a hearty laugh out of it.


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It doesn't put abrasions on your scalp like a dermaroller (that's what those do, right?), it has knobs on it that knead & press your scalp. It makes your scalp very warm and pink. Their claim is that the increased blood flow will have a positive effect on your hair follicles, and sort of "shock" them into regrowth.

That is all it claims to do. I tried researching it further before I purchased it, but I could not find any reviews outside of MG's website. I literally found nothing, except for links to their site when I ran searches.

Being a guy who likes to buy weird & "gadgety" stuff, it sparked my interest and I figured I had nothing to lose in buying it. Seriously, 40 bucks. It's a drop in the bucket- if it produces no regrowth I have a 40 dollar scalp massager. I just didn't think people would be so rude to me for bringing it up.

Seriously, I have pissed away 40 bucks on much dumber things, but I never felt like I'm being "victimized" or "scammed". I am well aware of people preying on insecurities, hair loss being a huge one at that. I am a huge sucker for gadgets and other things that take up space, you can just ask my wife about that. At the same time, I don't feel like an idiot for buying them. That's just the way I've been for 27 years. When I see something unusual or potentially useful, I've just got to have it. So I bought mag gro and I thought I'd go to a discussion board and tell people that I was going to give it a try, and tell them how it works. And so the result was being banned, and now here I am.


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Tdevil said:
....... At the same time, I don't feel like an idiot for buying them.......

Good, I wouldn't either.

Hell I spend $50 every 4-6 months on Tricomin and who the hell knows if it works.

To fight hairloss you need to throw around money on 'this and that' to figure out what regimen works for 'you.'


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Yeah, and it's $40- once and done. If it doesn't work, I didn't buy one every month to find that out. It could end up being a $40 paperweight, but in the end I won't have bought it every month for a year and be out $280. It was a 40 dollar hit-or-miss, and I am perfectly happy with that.

Funniest thing of all, there are guys in that forum who rub fabric softener on their heads to try and regrow hair, but laugh at me for massaging my scalp with some stitch of optimism. :shakehead:


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Tdevil said:
Am I losing my mind here? I was almost certain that the Hairmax Laser Comb had the FDA backing them up. I've heard it causes sides as well, like headaches & shedding, but I thought they did actual clinical trials on that thing and it worked.
I has was issued a "FDA Clearance" for using a medical device that was already proven safe.
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