I just bought one of those Mag gro head rollers

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bubka said:
Tdevil said:
Am I losing my mind here? I was almost certain that the Hairmax Laser Comb had the FDA backing them up. I've heard it causes sides as well, like headaches & shedding, but I thought they did actual clinical trials on that thing and it worked.
I has was issued a "FDA Clearance" for using a medical device that was already proven safe.

So are you saying that it was proven safe, but not proven to work? That sounds like an interesting loophole, because they can brag that you have FDA clearance, and people can automatically assume that it works when it in fact may not.


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Tdevil said:
So are you saying that it was proven safe, but not proven to work? That sounds like an interesting loophole, because they can brag that you have FDA clearance, and people can automatically assume that it works when it in fact may not.
It is exactly what I am saying, just as aging creams and the like can make whatever claims they want as well, all permitted under the law.

Here is a descent debate on the laser comb and clears up a lot of this misconceptions that this has been "FDA Approved" which is not the case at all.

http://www.thebaldtruth.com/featured-se ... er-debate/


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Tdevil said:
Funniest thing of all, there are guys in that forum who rub fabric softener on their heads to try and regrow hair, but laugh at me for massaging my scalp with some stitch of optimism. :shakehead:

Hey now. Don't knock it before you try it.


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Harie said:
Tdevil said:
Funniest thing of all, there are guys in that forum who rub fabric softener on their heads to try and regrow hair, but laugh at me for massaging my scalp with some stitch of optimism. :shakehead:

Hey now. Don't knock it before you try it.

I do agree with you, as the effects of minoxidil & Propecia were both discovered by accident. Although they are constantly working on treatments, the cure may be discovered by accident as well.

I was only saying that as a counterpoint to those who thought mag gro was a silly experiment. Basically, they laughed at me for rubbing my scalp while they put strange chemicals on their head without knowing the consequences. I do commend people who are willing to take the risk though. One could end up being our savior!


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Cassin said:
Tdevil said:
....... At the same time, I don't feel like an idiot for buying them.......

Good, I wouldn't either.

Hell I spend $50 every 4-6 months on Tricomin and who the hell knows if it works.

To fight hairloss you need to throw around money on 'this and that' to figure out what regimen works for 'you.'

Yeah I agree with this. We all throw money here and there on things that aren't proven. I have spent a little on snake oils and have also even spent on products with some clinical backing, like copper peptides and still didn't get the thing figured out.

I'm just sticking with finasteride, min and nizoral for now as that's what has been working for me.


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Tdevil said:
I do agree with you, as the effects of minoxidil & Propecia were both discovered by accident. Although they are constantly working on treatments, the cure may be discovered by accident as well.
Minoxidil was serendipitous, finasteride effect on male pattern baldness was not.


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bubka said:
Tdevil said:
I do agree with you, as the effects of minoxidil & Propecia were both discovered by accident. Although they are constantly working on treatments, the cure may be discovered by accident as well.
Minoxidil was serendipitous, finasteride effect on male pattern baldness was not.

Really? I thought finasteride was originally for enlarged prostates. Maybe I read it from a less credible source, like Wiki.

Anyhow, I know minoxidil was an oral blood pressure med, that ended up growing hair in weird places- like foreheads and such.


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Yep, minoxidil was accidental or serendipitous. Its actual mechanism is till not 100% understood in growing hair. It was known during the development of finasteride by Merck that DHT caused BPH and male pattern baldness although the first brand drug to the market was Proscar


Ok so you got banned from HLH. There are four reasons this most likely happened:

1) Normal consumers don't do what you do. Normal people go forum to forum asking questions of many types. Expressing opinions on many products. Researching solutions, and helping eachother. Simply put: They're random. You have visited several websites and focused heavily on one product. A product nobody's ever heard of, that everyone knows won't work. Not only do you focus on it, but you go site to site registering new usernames and starting more and more threads on one thing: that product (which nobody's ever heard of, and everyone knows does not work). That isn't how a normal person acts, on the average, on forums like these. I speak from nearly 8 years of experience.

2) The legitimacy of the product is another factor. When someone doesn't act like normal forum members, but instead has an abnormal focus on a product, and that product is also something that is almost downright silly in nature, that person's motives are brought into question. When someone who nobody knows shows up on the scene and begins talking about a product, that's one thing. When that person begins to develop an abnormal focus on one product, thats something different. When that product is nonsense, then you're going to arouse the suspicions of everyone around you.

3) Forum owners and moderators pour a lot of time and effort into doing the research and helping point their users towards logical, scientifically backed products. Everyone is free to try what they want, and talk about what they want, but cross posting about one extremely silly product across multiple sites only makes you look like you are tied to the company selling it. Understand that the site owners didn't make their site so that people affiliated with nonsense products can undo all their hard work and confuse their users away from what will actually help. Im quite certain site owners don't consider your posts on this silly rubber magnet product, to be adding to the intelligence, or general benfit, or increasing the education of their users, and that's a big factor.

4) The last factor is that you engaged these guys in arguments. Even the site owner. Some comments were made. Maybe you quoted someone incorrectly, or changed what they said to make them look more sinister, or ... whatever. Probably not a good idea. In their eyes you were already doing something that seemed dishonest. Arguing with them and changing their words or quoting them incorrectly just paints you as a dishonest person in general, and solidifies their suspicions about your motives. That's why you've been met with skepticism, annoyance, and even insults. People either think you are extremely gullible, or they believe you are knowingly try to sell something that doesn't work, and make a buck off the unsuspecting.

Your best course of action at this point is to educate yourself on the causes of hair loss, so that you can begin focusing on products that might actually help. Your second course of action is to stop talking about this product. If you're really just a steel worker from a small town in Pennsylvania, then I can't think of any reason why you'd be so heavily focused on a rubber magnetic roller. Based on the 4 above things, I am suspicious as well. You're just not acting like a normal, unbiased person acts.

Cassin - this thread belongs in the experimental / unproven area.


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I do see your point, believe me. Hair loss products/ treatments are pretty new to me and I bought the mag gro before I knew there was such a stigma around it. There are a lot of target topics/products that have the same effect in other forums. To give you a very brief example:

Metal music forums.....Spinal Tap

Handgun/Ammo related forums......The Desert Eagle pistol

Knife owner/collector forums......Dark Op Knives

and now hair loss forums.......Mag Gro

I won't go off topic by elaborating, because I'm sure you get the idea. The point is I bought a product with a huge red bullseye on it. It was a product with a stigma and it was promptly attacked. I do understand that.

What basically happened after that was I said "Okay, I see your point but I'm going to use it for awhile anyway, because I paid 40 bucks for it. If anything happens I'll still tell you guys." I even tried to participate in other discussion but it was too late at that point. The mod had already branded me a troll/sales rep and he wouldn't let me participate in any other discussions.
In a way I should be grateful, because it forced me to find a better forum. BTW, this is the 2nd forum on hair loss I've ever posted in. I didn't start many accounts/usernames to talk about the mag gro. But I was looking for a straight answer on the whole mag gro issue.


You already got the straight answer on it though.

Farrel already told you accurately that magnets cant grow hair.

The end.

So why come here and start up another campaign for the same exact product?


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I'm not started up a "campaign" for it over here, I just wanted to know if anyone bought it over here. I had read about a process called "shocking" your follicles and wondered if there was even a remote chance of that happening.

I am fascinated by the experimental stuff right now, wondering what might or might not work, wondering what people have tried. I don't necessarily mean I'm going to make myself a guinea pig,but I've always been willing to try new things. You guys have already saved me about 600 bucks on that laser comb, I actually had plans to buy one before bubka cleared up that whole FDA "clearance/approval" thing. That was a real close one.

Provillus was another big one. I now know that minoxidil is minoxidil, no matter how expensive you make it or what crap you add to it. Provillus urges you to buy that half year supply for $200. I can imitate Provillus by buying Rogaine and hair vitamins from GNC.

All I want here is to talk to other guys like me who have already tried stuff, before I go and waste more of my money. Right now I have what is probably a 40 dollar paperweight that feels good on my head. Now I want to try other stuff.
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