I just got my Mega-Tek and...


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... wow it smells great! ^_^

Is it bad that I have actually chosen topicals that have the nicest smells? lol

Spectral RS/DNC also smells quite nice to me lol

But yeah erm, hm.. smells like... I can't put my finger on it.. well, it's a fruit definitely :)

I wonder how well it will work. Obviously it's one of those things best used as a regimen addition as opposed to at the heart of anything, but it's good to have this stuff as I'm sure it's great for the health and strength of the hair! The Lee Stafford stuff I had was full of chemicals, so it's good to be using things like Mega-Tek and Spectral RS which are mostly or entirely natural.

Anyway yeah, peace! hehe :)


Oh, it's the "Rebuilder" by the way, which is the main one they sell on their site. Damn man, if it can do it for a horse it should be able to do it for me! xD The bottle is HUGE! lol

Laterz! :)

Mens Rea

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Im going to try this along with folligen soon

there is some guy who used this, folligen and minoxidil and said he regrew all his hair.

where did u purchase it and for how muhc ?



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oh ok, no erm.. all I got was the black bottle - the Rebuilder, are we talking about the same one?

All I have been doing and planning to do is applying it to my scalp every other day, leaving it on for a while or maybe overnight, and then washing it off.

So, you do basically that (leave it on for a while and then wash off) daily, and then also leave it on as a topical a few times a week using the dropper? Maybe I should get hold of one of those!

I am also thinking of adopting the same approach as you with the folligen, and getting hold of some Folligen for blonds and also the spray, because it would be good to not be left with a discoloured scalp or have anything that's unpleasant to apply!

For now, I am not on the minoxidil, but I intend to switch to it if I get little joy with the Spectral RS in there :)

Do you think the MSM or multivits are making a good difference, or?

I am really impressed by your approach actually, it's like people like El dutasteride do topical anti-androgens really well, and you've got topical growth stimulation down to a T! It's good to see so much success! :)


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mpbsux20 said:
Folligen for blonds

Can folligen for blonds be used for people with darker shades of hair ?

Ye. It use tin peptides instead og copper so you wont get green hair. There is nothing special with blonde hairs besides that it can pick up the green easier and more noticable


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joshua said:
Maelstrom said:
Why do we think that mega-tek is good for male pattern baldness exactly?
Good question... If I wouldn't be using it myself and would read about another user applying it, I would probably reply with one of those witty facepalm jpgs... But I got desperate earlier this year when my hair was completely f***ed after a few months on Xandrox 15. I had random thin spots on my scalp, it didn't look good...
Then my current regimen was formed by some coincidence; I read about several users recovering from their own Xandrox 15 sheds by returning to regular minoxidil 5%. Then a user came to the boards telling how Folligen stopped his shedding dead in its tracks in a few weeks (and then *poof*... the disappeared again. I don't know who the hell he was but I'm very thankful for him directing me to Folligen). And then I read user Squeegees (who also recovered from a bad xandrox 15 bout) report on how mega-tek has worked for him. So there ya have it... I guess this turned out the be the golden combo for me. I don't care what others think of it, it works for me and I'm sticking with it :punk:

Totally man :)

I mean the thing is, people are often quite quick to have a go at new things like Mega-Tek, but very often that is a very limited indication of the actual quality or promise of the product, particularly if it is new. Reviews of Mega-Tek are actually pretty positive on the net, and I don't see why it shouldn't be considered a passable product. I feel it is different to minoxidil and CPs though in that it almost seems more like a hair "reinforcer" (or as they themselves say - "Rebuilder") as opposed to a direct stimulant. I think that's why it is such a great addition to an already good regimen :)

And MrBastard is Folli for blonds really made with tin peptides? O.O How weird! I think I will just go for the same combo as Joshua with regards to folligen.. I'm not tampering with a formula that works lol

and wow that's quite something about the finasteride reaction. I had no idea that could happen, but it's pretty interesting from a biological point of view! I don't believe my body really appreciated finasteride either. I went in so confident and so like.. sure that my body "could take it", but it just felt different, and I still don't fully think I have recovered. Either way, it's just not something I want to do anymore. Something like RU58841 is my limit in terms of antiandrogens now, and even then I would probably opt for Eucapil instead as it is less systemically absorbed.

I also did read about your experience with Xandrox 15%. I agree with some posters that minoxidil is best not overdone.. 5% is sufficient I think and then for further stimulation there are other topicals.

Anyway, maybe I will try to buy a similar dropper for the M-T on ebay so I can try that technique too, as I'm sure it is helping your regrowth! :)


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MrBastard said:
mpbsux20 said:
Folligen for blonds

Can folligen for blonds be used for people with darker shades of hair ?

Ye. It use tin peptides instead og copper so you wont get green hair. There is nothing special with blonde hairs besides that it can pick up the green easier and more noticable

Ok thanks for clearing that up,I might consider using it in the near future if I am not satisfied with the regrowth with finasteride and MIN.


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I would like to sing you a little song I like to call "My head is covered in Mega-Tek and Spectral RS..." xD

*gets out guitar!*


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Had a quick look at the website and then felt like id turn into a horse with long hair for some reason.

Anyhow props for the beta testers of this product, hopefully if gives nice results cos lets face it so far theres no real decent products about !

Been on the big 3 for past 3 years and little improvement on NW2-3 if any at all.


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So basically...this is a nice conditioner which will give the appearance of thickening your hair, right?

Presumably, it doesn't actually do anything to halt male pattern baldness though?


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No I believe it actually strengthens and reinforces the hair at the follicle, and results in faster hair growth. Therefore it's probably best combined with other treatments like Joshua is doing :)

I'm not sure if similar results can be obtained even with Spectral RS instead of minoxidil, but that's something I will learn over the next month or 2 :) I'll switch to minoxidil if needs be :)


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Ok. Yet one more product to think about Lol.

Is it nice and easy on the scalp? No irritation/inflamation? You may remember my concerns about topicals worsening my scalp psoriasis.

Is there any actual science behind this or just lots of anecdotal evidence from the web?


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Hey all

This is my very first post.

im 21 going on 22 next month.

My hair line hasnt changed a hell of a lot. Ive got a slightyl receeding hairline which has looked that way since puberty. My dad has a full head of hair. 1 of my brothers is balding and 1 of my brothers has all his hair with very slight receeding hair line.

Over the last 2 years ive noticed it thining a little bit and that it has infact receeded a little bit more.

Ive been spying on here for a couple months and stubled across mega tek post. I then researched it for a month before deciding to buy it. Alot of black woman have had great success. One of them actually had a receeding hair line which she grew back with mega tek and jobo oil ( think thats how you spell it )

so hey i thought i might aswell as the main ingredient is keratin which is vital for hair production.

been using it for almost 3 weeks and have noticed a difference already. Very suttle but definatly a difference. I use quite a strong hair gel and before i noticed alot of hair starting to come out on my hand. Now when i do my hair, only a couple hairs are on my hands after.

I dont use minoxidil or anything like that. I use " active m " tonic... some tonic with taurine in it. Ive just run out of it and might just leave it out for now as i think its snake oil. I did however pick up tee tree shampoo and some pure vitamin e oil today which i intend to apply before bedtime.

regime for next 2 months:


tee tree/alo vera/peppermint shampoo

Before bed:

tee tree/alo vera/peppermint shampoo (sls and preservative free) Wash & rinse
Megatek Rebuilder - Comb into hair. leave on for 5 mins then rinse
vit e oil-rub into hair and scalp once hair is towel dry

I will once a week combine the mega tek and vit e oil and leave in over night

If i dont see results, may add minoxidil into the mix. i will never be on finasteride or anything like that as

a.) messing with your hormones for cosmetic reasons is dangerous and does not appeal to me

b.) FDA + pharma companies are in it for 1 reason... Money. Even if they found cure for male pattern baldness. They will make sure that your on it for life.


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thinninghairsucks. If you got male pattern baldness your "regimen" wont work...

I agree with your a.) point to some degree, i wont use finasteride eather :)
But your b.) point dont make sense. If its not the "FDA + pharma companies" that actually got a chance of saving and maintaining your hair who get your money its the companies who sell you the other stuff you use for hair that gets em...


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MrBastard said:
thinninghairsucks. If you got male pattern baldness your "regimen" wont work...

I think that's quite a conclusion to jump to MrBastard - do we really know enough about the capabilities of Mega-Tek to say that?

I always thought that women losing hair like that were probably losing hair due to FPB (the woman on Youtube) so.... that's andro stimulation too...

It may be a little mild by itself, but is a good start. Other things to consider are Folligen, Spectral RS, minoxidil, stuff like that :) And out of the topical antiandrogens I would reach for RU58841 or Eucapil, or spironolactone if you feel like a smelly scalp and less potent topical ROFL ^^

But yeah, hope that helps :)