I just wish I had known earlier!


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For the record, I'm not planning on taking any drugs in an attempt to prevent hair loss (I avoid drugs like the plague; I won't even take aspirin). A few weeks ago I went to get a quarter-inch buzz cut and noticed that I had taken on a v-shape with some thinness around the front indicating that it'll recede more. I'm just gonna hope for the best and eventually accept whatever head of hair I end up with.

But for now I'm going through a bit of a mental crisis. At 5'8", I've always been on the shorter end of the spectrum. It never bothered me, though, because I was still good-looking, athletic, smart, easy to get along with, thus I had plenty of friends and plenty of girls who payed attention to me all through high school. I never thought my looks would be something I'd have to worry about. I know for a fact that going bald will bring my looks from 7.5ish/10 to 2ish/10. A short bald guy is basically an outcast in mainstream society.

If I'd known earlier that I would end up a short, bald guy, then I'd've focused on becoming a philosopher or author or some other trade where I can just learn to be happy alone with my own thoughts. I'd focus on becoming the next Milton Friedman or Sigmund Freud or something. Or maybe focus on becoming a good athlete in a sport that's not very popular (like distance running). But now I'm kinda screwed because the fact that I'll be ugly kinda took me by surprise.

Can anyone relate?


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For the record, I'm not planning on taking any drugs in an attempt to prevent hair loss (I avoid drugs like the plague; I won't even take aspirin). A few weeks ago I went to get a quarter-inch buzz cut and noticed that I had taken on a v-shape with some thinness around the front indicating that it'll recede more. I'm just gonna hope for the best and eventually accept whatever head of hair I end up with.

But for now I'm going through a bit of a mental crisis. At 5'8", I've always been on the shorter end of the spectrum. It never bothered me, though, because I was still good-looking, athletic, smart, easy to get along with, thus I had plenty of friends and plenty of girls who payed attention to me all through high school. I never thought my looks would be something I'd have to worry about. I know for a fact that going bald will bring my looks from 7.5ish/10 to 2ish/10. A short bald guy is basically an outcast in mainstream society.

If I'd known earlier that I would end up a short, bald guy, then I'd've focused on becoming a philosopher or author or some other trade where I can just learn to be happy alone with my own thoughts. I'd focus on becoming the next Milton Friedman or Sigmund Freud or something. Or maybe focus on becoming a good athlete in a sport that's not very popular (like distance running). But now I'm kinda screwed because the fact that I'll be ugly kinda took me by surprise.

Can anyone relate?

yes b/c I am truly short and NW6 @ 23 (aka actually bald), NOW!, and actually short @ 5 4.5 (164cm)


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Yes I went into a shop today @ 5 8.5, two guys were 5 10, another was 5 7, 5 8 is not really short.

in fact one time I was at a train station @ 5 8.5 and two guys beside me were 5 6, and one was with a nice looking girl who was also 5 6, they were both in flats and I checked.

maybe he means he is 5 7 barefoot, 5 8 including sole of the shoe.

at 5 7 I can understand feeling of shortness, but not at 5 8!

uncomfortable man

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I knew a really short guy once. He dealt with it alright but I could tell that he was insecure about it. The thing was he was really handsome so he still managed to get his fair share.


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I am 5'8 too. It doesn't bother me really. It never did. I don't feel short. I feel normal. But hair loss is a whole another thing. I wish I knew about male pattern baldness in my youth, so I could've appreciate my lost perfect NW1 more and not think of it it as something eternal as I used to.


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I knew a really short guy once. He dealt with it alright but I could tell that he was insecure about it. The thing was he was really handsome so he still managed to get his fair share.

how tall was he, like 5 3, 5 5 or 5 7?


Being bald sucks, but being short sucks even more I guess? Damn, this life is hell.



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that was really funny!

but seriously that guy on his toptoes next to those two girls must be 5 0 or something.

well I have been in public gatherings 5 8 and I have never felt short at all, you really should not have any insecurity about your height.

I was in a nightclub 5 8 which is competitive environment with lots of women/men, and I never thought my height was a problem, certainly not like that picture suggests, i guess they are referring to guys 5 6 and under.


You thought that was funny? Really? I think it's depressing as fukk!


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but yeah

"small fry"
"little man"
"wee...[insert name]"
"mini...[insert name]"
"sounds like a plan, little man"
"little dude"

I got that all the time at 5' 4.5", at school people called me "small fry" all the time so I was always in the 5th percentile, I get NONE of that at 5 8!, seriously the OP needs to understand that 5' 8" is NOT a height problem.

I would say the name calling officially ends at 5 7 (my brother is 5 7 with a 0.5" rise, and he said no one says these things to him), that is round about the 20th percentile, that is big difference 5th vs. 20th percentile!

but your still short to women, the extra inch to 5 8 is to not be short to women, women say men of 5 8 are of "medium" height, no women call you short at 5 8, ever!


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we had a topic on here before asking would you rather be short or bald, i think almost everyone said bald.


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we had a topic on here before asking would you rather be short or bald, i think almost everyone said bald.

Yes I remember that, I think the general consensus is that everyone here would be happy with NW1 @ 5 8.

but any less than than 5 8 they would not want the hair for the height.

even saf agreed, he was 5 9 as well, but he said he would not be 5 6 with NW1, and rather have hairloss problems at 5 9.


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you really should not have any insecurity about your height.

It's not my height; it's my height combined with potential baldness. I could deal with one or the other, but not both. Obviously shorties like Tom Cruise and John Stewart are confident, because they're handsome! If they lost their hair, we all know they'd look ridiculous.

I wouldn't mind looking like David Ferrer, the 5'8" tennis pro who's #4 in the world.



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im 5,8 but sometimes i feel tiny. i know it must be my mind playing tricks on me but sometimes it seems to me as though most girls/women are taller.

i wouldn't want to be any shorter but i'd make a choice in favour of being 5'8 with hair over being tall bald and ugly.


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5ft8 isn't "short", it just isn't "tall" either. I guess we all have things we'd like to change about ourselves...


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Put it this way, I'd much rather be 6ft and a NW6, than the 5ft,8 NW3 I am now.... At least then I could be a baldy beefcake badass and people wouldn't dare give me any sh*t (to my face at least) and most importantly, I'd have a big frame and some broad shoulders to frame this enormous, disproportionate, lightbulb caucasian head of mine...

If your short and bald/seriously balding, you can either accept the weak looking "cancer patient" tag from people or you can kill yourself in the gym for years until you have an upper body which actually frames your head, and offsets the weak look.

Tall, bald guys don't generally don't have this problem because their tall body most of the time provides better frame for their head and unless they're exceptionally skinny and malnourished, their height normally makes them look manly and masculine enough already, without the need to compensate through killing themselves in the gym.

They should be thankful for small mercies.

- - - Updated - - -

but yeah...if I wasn't destined for Nw7dom, I'd be perfectly happy with my 5ft,8, certainly it hasn't hindered me with girls thus far, in fact a lot of girls I meet don't like dating guys who are 6inches plus taller than them, because it's just not very practical, however amazing it might sound to them in theory... What they "say" they want and what they ACTUALLY end up going out with are two very different things entirely!

I've dated and screwed around with 5,10 girls before and they never had any problems with it... probably because i was comfortable and secure with it, so that in turn made them feel comfortable with it too.

In my opinion, the only thing all that extra height is useful for in the modern day world is sports, for example, if I'd been 6ft+ I could easily have been a pro goalkeeper in football of a pro flanker in rugby which would've been great, but then again it's hardly a very long or financially secure career is it?