I Knew It, Donald Trump Takes Finasteride


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If Trump doesn't go on a diet he might just die in office.


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Article lists Trump as 6'3 and 236 lbs... Yeah right. He's closer to 276 lbs in my opinion.

I used to weigh 236 lbs, on a smaller frame, and never had as much of a beer belly or a double chin.


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Article lists Trump as 6'3 and 236 lbs... Yeah right. He's closer to 276 lbs in my opinion.

I used to weigh 236 lbs, on a smaller frame, and never had as much of a beer belly or a double chin.

#daddy is looking #thicc


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his father lived into his 90s and his mother into her mid 80s... : (

g.i joey

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Article lists Trump as 6'3 and 236 lbs... Yeah right. He's closer to 276 lbs in my opinion.

I used to weigh 236 lbs, on a smaller frame, and never had as much of a beer belly or a double chin.

hes also twice your age, most of his facial skin is sagging too.


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It's funny so many people say that Trump should just shave his head and stop using fake tanners. Even if it looks shitty it halos him pretty hard, don't think he would have won the election looking like an old wrinkly ghost with a bald head.
Even though everyone knows his tan is fake and he has an absurd combover it still works, it's all about maintaining the illusion.


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His dr is also on it for at least a couple of decades.

Decades?! I thought it only worked for 2 years max, it's weird how some throwaway information can stick in a persons head. Considering I hate researching the topic itself.

I've had re-growth on finasteride since September 2015, I for some reason thought it was July 2015, so when I looked back on my order history of finasteride, I realised I had a few more months on me to get some re-growth this year. That was a good feeling.

f*** knows.


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Ill say I went to his rally in Hartford CT and pretty much stood next to him as he shook hands in the crowd. He is A BIG GUY. You dont think it but I was actually pretty surprised. Hes actually doesnt look fat in person either, unless he was wearing a spanx. He looks like one of those old timer plumbers in their 70s who has that blue collar stock. Hes also REALLY tall. I think he is probably the ONLY person who doesnt lie about their height to the public lol. Me and my GF always look up celebrity height, and subtract 2 or 3" from whats said because we know they all lie, wear lifts, or do whatever else to appear taller to the public.

The guys a big dude. That aside I would not doubt he may be heavier than whats said, but I dont think by a lot, possibly 20 lbs. Also I read this story on YAHOO and the comments were awful. I tore into so many people who claim to be tolerant liberals yet made comments using this as fodder.

"finasteride rots your brain apparently"
"Bald jokes"
"I knew hair drugs made you insane"
blah blah blah.

Yet god forbid he crack a joke about Arnold at a brunch and hes f*****g satan, all delusional hypocrites


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It's funny so many people say that Trump should just shave his head and stop using fake tanners. Even if it looks shitty it halos him pretty hard, don't think he would have won the election looking like an old wrinkly ghost with a bald head.
Even though everyone knows his tan is fake and he has an absurd combover it still works, it's all about maintaining the illusion.

Holy cow, and I who always thought his tan looked ridiculously bad. I take it back.


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It's funny so many people say that Trump should just shave his head and stop using fake tanners. Even if it looks shitty it halos him pretty hard, don't think he would have won the election looking like an old wrinkly ghost with a bald head.
Even though everyone knows his tan is fake and he has an absurd combover it still works, it's all about maintaining the illusion.
Trumps hair is hard to figure out, I don't think he is bald on top but then the question is why the comb over. Most who resort to the comb over are pretty much slick bald and use it for coverage. Whereas as the TrumpenFuhrer has always combed his hair like that even when he was younger.

I think he does it cause it adds density to the top even though it never quite looks right and leaves people wondering.


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Do you guys think if him and his doctor started taking finasteride at an earlier age like we have the opportunity to nowadays, they would both have a lot more hair and less of a comb over? When I look at pictures of Trump's hair in 1998 (the year Propecia came out) compared to now, it pretty much looks the same.


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Trumps hair is hard to figure out, I don't think he is bald on top but then the question is why the comb over. Most who resort to the comb over are pretty much slick bald and use it for coverage. Whereas as the TrumpenFuhrer has always combed his hair like that even when he was younger.

I think he does it cause it adds density to the top even though it never quite looks right and leaves people wondering.

He is bald on top. He has had a hair transplant to the front which he combs back and also combs over from both the left and right hand side.

Look at his hair, looks to me like he gets up in the morning and combs from right to left, then left to right, then front to back. His hair is actually very long, a few inches above shoulder length.