i learned something new (not only about hair)



relationships of people are about respect. its important to give respect to others. if you only think something bad about them...which i long time did...like i had a friend, i think i told you about him...he is tall, good looking and has perfect hair. i wanted to be like him. and since he was in my eyes better than me, i thought he would be an ***. and wouldnt have respect of me. because im not as tall as him and i thought (im not sure what is the truth) that he looks better than me...and sure he got perfect hair and i hided mine under a cap or long hair (with a stupid hair style). so i thought he would feel superior to me. and so i thought he could give sh*t to me.

just because i THOUGHT that he was an *** (which he isnt now that i realize it) to me...he started to loose respect for me.

same goes for people in my football club. i thought they wouldnt have respect for me and i thought that they they think something bad about me...which was not the truth until i started to THINK that. so they lost respect to me and started to muck me. not in silly ways and they didnt think something pityfull of me, but they mucked me.

its to complicate to explain why i thought like that and everything.

but i will tell you how i learned about it.

now on this forum, some people like JayB, Jayman and uk1 per example think im helpme007. since i dont like to be called his name coz he was really a bit (in fact not only a bit) of an *** to people, i lost respect of them and make fun of them. so its the other way around than in real life with my friend or the guys from football club. since i made fun of them, they stopped it.

i have to say, im thankful for that lesson coz it can get me much in life if i just use it right.

to sum it up...its all about respect. if someone doesnt give u respect...its so easy to stop him. just do the same to him which he did to you. its like the relationships between countries. they works same. if a country sends missle to another country , that country sends missles back.

its easy , but though you got to realize it.

so if next time someone gives sh*t to you...just give sh*t back to him...but to the same extend. if someone makes joke about your baldness...dont beat him because that would be too much and just would lead to that he beats you back. but say something which hurts him. you even can say that it hurts you that he makes jokes about your baldness. and if he is really your friend...then he will stop. if he is not your REAL friend, then you will easyly know when he goes on.[/list]


how can they respect you if you dont respect yourself?

you need to realize that, IBM.


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neo1234 said:
how can they respect you if you dont respect yourself?

you need to realize that, IBM.

how i dont respect myself? Nobody likes me. I'm the worm. If murder wasnt a crime i would be fulled with Zyklon-B.


IBM said:
neo1234 said:
how can they respect you if you dont respect yourself?

you need to realize that, IBM.

how i dont respect myself? Nobody likes me. I'm the worm. If murder wasnt a crime i would be fulled with Zyklon-B.

what you mean by that last sentence? you dont think about killing people , do you?

if you do so, then i know where your problems come from.


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neo1234 said:
IBM said:
neo1234 said:
how can they respect you if you dont respect yourself?

you need to realize that, IBM.

how i dont respect myself? Nobody likes me. I'm the worm. If murder wasnt a crime i would be fulled with Zyklon-B.

what you mean by that last sentence? you dont think about killing people , do you?

if you do so, then i know where your problems come from.

why i would kill people? I'm a nice guy, the Nice Guy, the kind of person that respects a butterfly and The Butterfly, the one who i made sandwichs.


IBM said:
neo1234 said:
IBM said:
neo1234 said:
how can they respect you if you dont respect yourself?

you need to realize that, IBM.

how i dont respect myself? Nobody likes me. I'm the worm. If murder wasnt a crime i would be fulled with Zyklon-B.

what you mean by that last sentence? you dont think about killing people , do you?

if you do so, then i know where your problems come from.

why i would kill people? I'm a nice guy, the Nice Guy, the kind of person that respects a butterfly and The Butterfly, the one who i made sandwichs.

ahh good. then i got you completly wrong. sorry.

you are no worm.

actually i think its tough for you. because i think you can only get self-respect if you get respect from others. though since you didnt got respect for yourself, you dont get respect from other people, so you didn got respect for yourself. its a downward spiral. a catch.

anyway, you got too high standards. you cant be an idol when you are at the bottom of society. impossible. so my suggestion is...lower your standards. then work up. start at people with low self-confidence and get their respect. that will lead to respect in yourself. so you can go to the next step.

things you can do now are, dont think superficial. i tell you something...even people who are super-perfect, who look like brad pitt or jessica alba (and that are especially hot women, so jessica alba is the better example) got problems with beeing superficial.

i learned that from someone on another forum (no hairloss forum) who knows about PUA (pick up artist). he says there are many many women in the age under 25 who are superficial, yet they didnt got any self-respect. they are only on the outside confident. they get all their confidence (outside - confidence) from their looks.

i cant do everything for you...interpret that the right way what i write and think about it.

if you dont listen to what i wrote above ...then you are lost ...sorry.


i think marylin monroe and elvis were superficial.

and even if they were stars, looking very very good (and elvis...you know about his hair ;) ) ...yet they couldnt handle it.

they couldnt handle their beeing superficial. so they took drugs and at the end killed theirself.

okay its pretty "arrogant" to say that , because i dont know about them.

its a guess.

i think an actual example for this is robbie williams.

i dont think that guy will be alive very much longer. could be that he follows these two.

its arrogant i know...and just guesses. but i think it matches pretty good.


Experienced Member
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neo1234 said:
same goes for people in my football club.

now on this forum, some people like JayB, Jayman and uk1 per example think im helpme007.[/list]
because you are. Peace


it just gets annoying. first it was funny...now not anymore.

do you ever get bored by saying it?

i mean you can repeat it. but that doesnt make it true.


"im JayB, im so handsome, but yet i dont get any woman. so i go for my boss who is smarter than me. oh and i got so much potential. she will see it. and then im at her league."


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why so venomous? im not saying anything that isnt true...youre helpme007 why are you so ashamed of yourself


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just kidding son don't take it the wrong way :lol:

helpme007 would be calling everyone in here an a**h** and a loser too. Then ask for advice and then cool off. (He seemed kind of bipolar or schizo) If you ever do that then I will believe you are helpme007.


Oh neo, I wish it was so easy.......

I respect other people, but they don´t respect me and, even worse, ignore me. They always used to make fun of me. When there was a group of people I always was the outsider after some time. It happened everywhere I went. In my various schools, my football club, my tennis club,.......Some time passed and I always the outcast who got no respect from the other people. Even worse was with a group of people. The group was talking and I tried to contribute something to the conversation and they.....they simply ignored me. They didn´t listen to me. :( This still happens to me even today. No respect for me.

Bald Dave

Established Member
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i think marylin monroe and elvis were superficial.

and even if they were stars, looking very very good (and elvis...you know about his hair ;) ) ...yet they couldnt handle it.

they couldnt handle their beeing superficial. so they took drugs and at the end killed theirself.

okay its pretty "arrogant" to say that , because i dont know about them.

its a guess.

i think an actual example for this is robbie williams.

i dont think that guy will be alive very much longer. could be that he
follows these two.

its arrogant i know...and just guesses. but i think it matches pretty good.

Robbie Williams is a multi millionaire that lives in a big house in the country with gorgeous women throwing themselves at him but yet he is depressed! People like him will never be happy!

Bald Dave

Established Member
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IBM, you need to love yourself before you can expect others to love you back!

Bald Dave

Established Member
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Oh neo, I wish it was so easy.......

I respect other people, but they don´t respect me and, even worse, ignore me. They always used to make fun of me. When there was a group of people I always was the outsider after some time. It happened everywhere I went. In my various schools, my football club, my tennis club,.......Some time passed and I always the outcast who got no respect from the other people. Even worse was with a group of people. The group was talking and I tried to contribute something to the conversation and they.....they simply ignored me. They didn´t listen to me. :( This still happens to me even today. No respect for me.

Taug, I know you probably feel that people don't respect you but believe me they do respect you but you don't realise it. You feel inferior and the people in your group can sense that and maybe treat you differently from others in group. You need to have a different attitude man! Get out there and don't give a s#1t what people think about you! You seem like a nice guy and if you have a more positive attitude you can get far! Best of luck to you!