I Made A Big Mistake. Can Someone Help Me With A Game Plan?

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I am 22 years old. I was suffering from initial stages of male pattern baldness and got a hair transplant with 1500 grafts. I am attaching photos to help. All the men in my family have a NW6 type hairloss pattern. It was a rash decision which I am hoping you guys can help with.

I am attaching photos of my donor area as well as my beard. I am willing to move my entire beard to the crown area if needed. I have been using finasteride for the last 5 years (from age 17). But I have aggressive hairloss and it is progressing. Please help me form a master plan for life.

Also i think I was scammed with the number of grafts. How many grafts do you guys think were transplanted. The transplanted area is around 2.5 cm at its widest and 15cm long.

Money should not be an issue. Also how is my scar. My new forehead is 5cm.

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Jesus Christ! Why an hair transplant at a such young age without you knowing if your hairloss will progress? And why FUT? I wish you luck, hope you achieve the results you expect.


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I didn't see any reason to lower a hairline.

Anyway your hair looks nice at this moment, hopefully finasteride will do it's job. Try dutasteride maybe.


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Unfortunately a doctor took advantage of you. You were not a hair transplant candidate to begin with as you don’t have enough hairloss for the numbers to add up long term. Don’t blame yourself. At 22 your brain is not fully developed meaning the frontal cortex hence the impulsive decision which those in the hair transplant industry tend to take advantage of when it’s simply about money. It’s equivalent to you taking advantage of a 10 year old. Easy to do but of course you don’t think that way so it doesn’t seem normal where in the hair transplant industry it’s very normal.

In my opinion you should do nothing. Grow your hair out a little longer and wait until you are a bit older and understand all of this better. You still have so much hair that concealing all of this gives you plenty of time and that is a big positive.


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I am 22 years old. I was suffering from initial stages of male pattern baldness and got a hair transplant with 1500 grafts. I am attaching photos to help. All the men in my family have a NW6 type hairloss pattern. It was a rash decision which I am hoping you guys can help with.

I am attaching photos of my donor area as well as my beard. I am willing to move my entire beard to the crown area if needed. I have been using finasteride for the last 5 years (from age 17). But I have aggressive hairloss and it is progressing. Please help me form a master plan for life. View attachment 56973View attachment 56974View attachment 56975

Also i think I was scammed with the number of grafts. How many grafts do you guys think were transplanted. The transplanted area is around 2.5 cm at its widest and 15cm long.

Money should not be an issue. Also how is my scar. My new forehead is 5cm. View attachment 56976View attachment 56977View attachment 56978

View attachment 56961 View attachment 56962 View attachment 56963 View attachment 56964 View attachment 56965 View attachment 56966 View attachment 56967 View attachment 56968 View attachment 56969 View attachment 56970 View attachment 56971 View attachment 56972

Guessing you got about 900 grafts. Keep the finasteride up, maybe add 0.5mg of dutasteride with one pill per week. Scar is not good for the amount of grafts but I've seen worse. Maintain for as long as possible and do nothing. Hopefully the current transplant grows.

michel sapin

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sorry to say this but you did a huge mistake man .
Your hair was perfectly fine in the first pic , like norwood -1 .

Man this was a really bad decision, keep taking propecia for the moment .


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Get blood tests to see what your DHT and hormone levels are. Before you do anymore damage you need to start a medical record of how the finasteride is working so you can make adjustments if you keep losing hair. Once you get the results you may want to double the dose of finasteride you are taking to lower the DHt levels some more.

If that doesn't stop it then get blood tests again and move to dutasteride.

Don't get anymore hair transplants, let this one grow out to see the result. It's too late to fix this but it might turn out O.K.


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Thanks for the help guys. Is it possible to count the density in the donor area because if only 900 grafts were implanted and my density is around 90 grafts/cm2 then more than 600 grafts + incision transections were wasted.


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I started taking finasteride 1mg at 17. I took that dose for 2 years. I then replaced it with Dutasteride 0.5 mg which I took for 18 months. I had to drop it because the side effects were too severe. Right now I am taking 5mg Finasteride. Does Dutasteride make you resistant to finasteride?


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Whats the situation with beard grafts? How many can I get from the photos I have provided if I am willing to remove it all?


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Whats the situation with beard grafts? How many can I get from the photos I have provided if I am willing to remove it all?

Who cares and stop worrying about transplants. Your crown is fine and your hairline isn't thinning badly either. Take the finasteride, maybe add nizoral 2% and forget about it.

I wouldn't be surprised if you need a repair though as you obviously went to a sh*t and unreputable surgeon.


My Regimen
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you did NOT need a transplant.
who was your Dr?

Do you use minoxidil?


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Welcome to my world. When your scar is healed which I'd say around 10 months you can look into Fraxel to smoothen out the scar and make it resembles your skin more. I'd say definitely don't do anymore hair transplants other than repair your scar and look into filling it in with beard or more head grafts.

These rip off surgeons need to just die out already.


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That's a nasty scar. Hopefully you get improvement on your hairline.


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Most 20 somethings that visit forums are either listening to marketers that they don’t know are marketers or they are listening to other 20 somethings that don’t know enough such as yourself and they encourage others in their age group to join them and this is how many get drawn into having surgery. All they needed was that extra little push over the edge.

Transplantsurvivor what was the defining moment for you when you decided it was a good idea to have a hair transplant? Was is something outside of a hairloss forum? Or did a hair loss forum pull you in with some of the postings? Maybe you can explain this as it will help you to understand and learn for yourself which helps to make better decisions moving forward.

Often time the threads are simply made up and follow a pattern which of course is problem, reaction, solution which creates social proof for readers with the hopes of the reader taking action. Unfortunately sometimes the solution is just part of a marketing gimmick so be careful with what you read on forums.

Best to do nothing at this point. Observe, learn more, and you have to meet people in person ideally in their home. For example meet posters like Jean before you decide to take his advice. Some of what I see is highly suspect and meeting posters along with their families helps to alleviate the doubt which you should always carry with you. I think we can agree this makes for a safer approach.

Search some of my postings and they ask yourself why would anyone dislike them? Then observe those posters that dislike them and read their posting history and ask yourself what is going on here? Yes lots of extra work but unfortunately part of the process of understanding the game and not falling into a trap.
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Most 20 somethings that visit forums are either listening to marketers that they don’t know are marketers or they are listening to other 20 somethings that don’t know enough such as yourself and they encourage others in their age group to join them and this is how many get drawn into having surgery. All they needed was that extra little push over the edge.

Transplantsurvivor what was the defining moment for you when you decided it was a good idea to have a hair transplant? Was is something outside of a hairloss forum? Or did a hair loss forum pull you in with some of the postings? Maybe you can explain this as it will help you to understand and learn for yourself which helps to make better decisions moving forward.

Often time the threads are simply made up and follow a pattern which of course is problem, reaction, solution which creates social proof for readers with the hopes of the reader taking action. Unfortunately sometimes the solution is just part of a marketing gimmick so be careful with what you read on forums.

Best to do nothing at this point. Observe, learn more, and you have to meet people in person ideally in their home. For example meet posters like Jean before you decide to take his advice. Some of what I see is highly suspect and meeting posters along with their families helps to alleviate the doubt which you should always carry with you. I think we can agree this makes for a safer approach.

Search some of my postings and they ask yourself why would anyone dislike them? Then observe those posters that dislike them and read their posting history and ask yourself what is going on here? Yes lots of extra work but unfortunately part of the process of understanding the game and not falling into a trap.

Congratz on more dislikes than likes bro


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Congratz on more dislikes than likes bro

Jean I think pointing out what you are doing is starting to bother you. Let reader's look up your posting history and judge for themselves. Then maybe they can meet you some time.

transplantsurvivor try your best to look at all of this logically going forward. If possible try to have someone older help you in the process maybe a family member. Have them read what you are reading and meet up with who you are meeting up with. It's a much safer approach.

michel sapin

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honestly guys , OP's hair was perfectly fine , he didn't need a trasplant at all , he wasn't even thinning .
Finasteride and duta was all he needed .

He did a transplant in a really low area, if his destiny is a Norwood 6 , i hope for him propecia will work forever !
his surgeon was relly unethical !

@transplantSurvivor ; what was your sides on dutasteride ?