i realized something



hiding under a cap or a long hair cut is no good. its like a little kid. "oh my god i got hairloss, i need to hide it." i truly believe, you cant succeed in life like that. you must accept it or change it. im actually trying both. i think thats a good way for me. i do the accepting to get my life on its way again. and the changing thing coz its a cosmetical disadvantage and makes me self-concious. but still better be self-concious than hiding it and dont accept it. just like a little kid.

umm, i hope i will stay at this attitude and not go back.

i got to say, since i dont hide it anymore , i feel stronger somehow, though even self-concious. i dont know if that matches together but whatever.

there are many guys on this site who succeeded in accepting it. like sand or blondeguy. i should learn from these guys.

i dont say everyone else should just accept his hairloss, its just what I want to do.


That's a good attitude that I've tried to adopt for about a year now, but it's hard. I still think I need to hide my balding head whenever possible. Sometimes I feel good about it and think f*** this, I won't let this get me down. Then other times it feels impossible to carry on living as a bald dude. finasteride only made me feel worse, did nothing for the hair but caused breast enlargement and pain instead.


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f*** this f*****g hairloss i hate this sh*t


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Yeah i vowed NEVER to wear a hat to hide my hairloss; because its just like you're running away from the problem (Which is not going to get better as time goes on). Plus its like if you wear a hat, once you take it off people will just assume you wear it to hide your hairloss, and nothing else; i dont like that.


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The hardest thing is too see people you haven't seen in a while and waiting for them to say something. I have two weddings this summer and am embarrassed to see people I grew up with. I also don't believe in hiding under a hat. But I must say the closer you get to slick bald the more appealing it seems.


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i was at a party this weekend and i meet a old high school buddy, there was alot off cross country skiers there, and 1 started to talk about hairloss, and we began to discuss witch 1 of us who where fucked or not.. because of our fathers side and mothers side.
And my hair has almost returned back to basic and my old high school buddy couldnt se any signs of hairloss.. but he wondered if my hair was starting to get gray lol.. just some light hairs from coloring that where left from my last haircut.
Ahh good to know that my hair is back to the state it was in high school :D


gsxr60097 said:
The hardest thing is too see people you haven't seen in a while and waiting for them to say something. I have two weddings this summer and am embarrassed to see people I grew up with. I also don't believe in hiding under a hat. But I must say the closer you get to slick bald the more appealing it seems.

ya, thats a hard thing. i think that is the most reason why i hided it. today i used wax at the hairline. it doesnt look that thin and i had the rest in a chaos so it pretty well hided the thinning there.

i think wearing a hair style which a bit lets it look better than it really does is ok. but you should not try everything to hide it. not hiding it with a weird hair style just to hide it.

though i didnt see many people today because i was out only once. tomorow i will see more people and lets see how they react.

though the day before yesterday i went out with hiding it only a bit (not extremly hiding, just coming it a bit forward, but soft if you know what i mean). i tried to let it natural. and i didnt get negative reactions. even, it seemed as if i got more and deeper looks from girls.

i will try that in future. its a middle thing. hiding it in a way which lets it look better. but letting it natural. i wont try like before to hide it "perfectly" which means hiding it that you dont see any thinning. i will let a bit thinning show. i think thats a good way how i wear my hair now. its still not short but looks good. even if the hairline is thin, but with wax it somehow looks as if i just had gel in it or wax in this case. and you know with gel dense hair looks a bit thinner too, so that might do the trick. so i hope now that my hair looks good and noone notices the thinning.

i will ask my mum tomorow if it looks good. if she says it looks good, then it looks good and natural because she is the most critical person with my hiding who i know.

i think you dont always need to shave it. as long as you have hairloss which still looks good styled then you dont need to shave it. but for some i know shaving is the best option.


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askas said:
gsxr60097 said:
The hardest thing is too see people you haven't seen in a while and waiting for them to say something. I have two weddings this summer and am embarrassed to see people I grew up with. I also don't believe in hiding under a hat. But I must say the closer you get to slick bald the more appealing it seems.

Appealing for who?

To me. But I still cannot hide under a hat.


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I just realized something too, that male pattern baldness is pure hell. Nothing is worse than this. NOTHING!


WorldofWarcraft said:
I just realized something too, that male pattern baldness is pure hell. Nothing is worse than this. NOTHING!

That´s not true. If you are ugly by nature then you were fucked even before male pattern baldness set in.

Bald Dave

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Even if you're ugly you ain't completly f****! Alot of women go for personality and confidence (which is the biggest turn on).


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dave - ive always wondered. you come on these boards quite a lot but
howcome you dont have a regimen?

Bald Dave

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Hi Sean, I am going to be using the treatments soon. At the moment I am looking on these boards to see which one is the best. I might start using the Rogaine Foam as I saw a success story (Can't remember who) but his results were fantastic after only a few months. I was wondering where I can get some Rogaine Foam? I've looked on ebay and in Boots but can't find anything. The nearest solution I found was Regaine but it stated that it only helps people with heriditary baldness which I don't have. I've looked in most chemists to find these solutions but I ain't having much luck! At the moment I am using thickening shampoos which is giving my hair volume but I ain't getting any regrowth.


dave, if you really want to do something, get on a regimen asap. time is hair.

Bald Dave

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You are exactly right neo1234! I am only 25 but looking at my pillow in the morning I find lots hairs and I have noticed a lot of thinning in the past 2 years. If I don't something soon I could be a Norwood 7 aged 30!


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Treating balding is like working out, if you half-*** it you don't get good results. I have a friend who works out and then goes to McD's every day... and he wonders why he doesn't get cut.

I'm using the big3, but you should think at a minimum about the big2 (propecia, rogaine foam) if you really want to turn things around. Is it a long commitment? Sure, until there are new breakthroughs in the future. But if you can't get comfortable, do nothing, buzz your hair down a #1 or #2, and don't obsess about it.

I'm 39, and I like having hair. From the point when I noticed I was losing hair about eight years ago to now, I still think about my hair and look in mirrors as I pass them. I'm just vain and want to look young. It's okay to be vain to some extent, just don't be a whiner and moan about it all day to your friends or on here. That won't accomplish anything. Don't take my comments in a mean way, I'm just saying that talking around the issue does not make anything happen.


klink said:
Treating balding is like working out, if you half-*** it you don't get good results. I have a friend who works out and then goes to McD's every day... and he wonders why he doesn't get cut.

I'm using the big3, but you should think at a minimum about the big2 (propecia, rogaine foam) if you really want to turn things around. Is it a long commitment? Sure, until there are new breakthroughs in the future. But if you can't get comfortable, do nothing, buzz your hair down a #1 or #2, and don't obsess about it.

I'm 39, and I like having hair. From the point when I noticed I was losing hair about eight years ago to now, I still think about my hair and look in mirrors as I pass them. I'm just vain and want to look young. It's okay to be vain to some extent, just don't be a whiner and moan about it all day to your friends or on here. That won't accomplish anything. Don't take my comments in a mean way, I'm just saying that talking around the issue does not make anything happen.

thats true, klink. either do something and do enough or let it. i have to take here the example of tauge, he only takes propecia and wonders why he even looses more hair. then he comes here whining that his hair falls out.

no offense to you , tauge, but thats not a healthy way. think in long term. you will survive a shed of minoxidil, avo or whatever. in the long run it can only help you. but if you dont do it, then dont expect positive responses from us when you come here whining.


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When it comes to the big3, really the third leg is a shampoo... So that's a no-brainer...

The part I have strugged with is the oral part, the Propecia. But I started taking it in 2002, and I'm still here. I made a personal commitment not to fiddle with my regimen for all of 2007, so I would get a full year out of the big3. I am also taking monthly pictures. But an older guy like me won't respond as well as the guys in their early 20's.


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I just realized something too, that male pattern baldness is pure hell. Nothing is worse than this. NOTHING!

How about pretty much everything? You are a muppet. You would be moaning about something else if you didnt have hairloss