i realized something


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its not easy to deal with it...hiding it is only temporary. and maybe one is just to change it or accept it for what you are


i know that its good to accept it, but tell me why is it so important to accept it?


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If you dont accept yourself for how you are you will be in turmoil until your 50 and have no hair and full of regrets.

But then again with most of the people on here they are NW2s basically just a mature hairline and are not losing their hair at any alarming rate, they will just realise when they are 50 what a bunch of idiots they have been for so many years.

Why are you panicing about this, its natural just like ejaculation(oh no Im part of me spurted out, what should I do? Should I swallow it or try and stuff it back up my penis. NO!!!!!! Hairloss is natures way of giving you a test, its not a suicidal inducing test, its not the depressing thing that will happen to you. I for one would prefer to lose every hair on my body rather than get most diseases.

JUST ACCEPT IT and get on with it. Fair enough try some treatments, but dont think that your hair is your most important body part.

Would you prefer your hair NW1 and no legs or your current state and future state?


Itsonlyinmyhead said:
If you dont accept yourself for how you are you will be in turmoil until your 50 and have no hair and full of regrets.

But then again with most of the people on here they are NW2s basically just a mature hairline and are not losing their hair at any alarming rate, they will just realise when they are 50 what a bunch of idiots they have been for so many years.

Why are you panicing about this, its natural just like ejaculation(oh no Im part of me spurted out, what should I do? Should I swallow it or try and stuff it back up my penis. NO!!!!!! Hairloss is natures way of giving you a test, its not a suicidal inducing test, its not the depressing thing that will happen to you. I for one would prefer to lose every hair on my body rather than get most diseases.

JUST ACCEPT IT and get on with it. Fair enough try some treatments, but dont think that your hair is your most important body part.

Would you prefer your hair NW1 and no legs or your current state and future state?

okay true, if you dont accept it, you just live in an illusion and dont really live. i think that was my problem which i am overcoming now.


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Neo1234 - from reading your posts before you seem to be in the same position I was at about October/November time. Dont worry it gets easier.

BTW that post wasnt aimed at you, even though you triggered my response.


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neo1234 said:
i know that its good to accept it, but tell me why is it so important to accept it?

So you can move on and concern yourself with things that matter.

“When I started losing my hair in my twenties, I thought, ‘Do I want to spend the next twenty years worrying about losing my hair or just lose it in a day and spend the rest of my time not worrying about it’?â€￾
- Todd Greene, inventor of the HeadBlade


blondeguy said:
neo1234 said:
i know that its good to accept it, but tell me why is it so important to accept it?

So you can move on and concern yourself with things that matter.

“When I started losing my hair in my twenties, I thought, ‘Do I want to spend the next twenty years worrying about losing my hair or just lose it in a day and spend the rest of my time not worrying about it’?â€￾
- Todd Greene, inventor of the HeadBlade

ya true. i guess hiding it is not the right way. it only creates an illusion in your head. umm, you dont know how much i tried to keep up that illusion in my and the head of others. stupid. period.

i saw that since i dont try to hide anymore i care more about important things in life like my study or money.

what does hiding change anyway? nothing. the problem is still there and is still on your mind.

i now try to "conceal" it. that means i wear a hair style which doesnt hide it absolutley, but which lets it still look better than if i wore a hair style which guys with a full head of hair wear.

so that i do now. i think my hair is not that bad. since i do so, i didnt get any comments on hairloss.

though sometimes, when im too lazy to style it, i still wear a hat. but i hope i wont go back to this "hiding hair style". thats my main concern because i think that was what made my life worse.

i have to say, its hard to go through it and it makes me self-concious to wear my hair like that like i said before. but i hope it changes my life to the better and soon i dont care anymore and go completley on with my life.


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Neo- At least you can be content that your on the right path, all this anger, resentment, depression is not good for you, as soon as many people on this forum realise that they have a sweet life and hairloss shouldnt affect you so much they will prosper in themselves and maybe make some friends and lovers.

Like I said dont be worried it takes time to truelly accept yourself


i think im on a good way. i found a hair style which i really feel confortable with and which doesnt hide.

and i dont see bald guys as the loser guys anymore. i accept balding more as something natural which is not that bad. there are more important things...