I sense a lot of negativity.


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im gonna leave this forum, sorry if i offended someone, it was never my intention. I know lots of bald/ing people that live life at its fullest.

You are bringing everybody down, this is toxic. Dont worry anymore about me cause im quiting this site.


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This IS a hair loss forum. People suffering from hair loss take a break and come here to whine and b**ch how hard life is and then go on the back to the track of reality. We have the research section too but the average joe won't be THAT interested coz they require good scientific knowledge to grasp it.Sh!t heads like you come here HOPING that they can preach this whole "Hair loss is bs and be a man" and "you can achieve what you want" and the whole "positivity is immortality" and "Shave it and embrace it" and they cry when they get flamed. Wanna know why???Coz we get it ALL THE TIME from either our friends or family or co-workers or classmates. When we can't deal with this, we come here.But guys like you are here to do THE SAME THING.The only difference is that you have the anonymity of the web to protect yourself. We don't need to be told what to do EVERYTIME.Its true that being miserable ALL THE TIME is wrong and NOT taking action is practically the greatest sin, but (i can swear on my balls) EVERYONE here is on a regimen and waiting for their results or planning to get a transplant. We are not sitting with BOTH OF OUR THUMBS UP OUR *** as you "alpha(posers i say)" may think. As for labelling one, alpha or beta im gonna say FFFUUUCCCKKKK UUUUUUUUUU.Yupp all in bold coz i wanna drill this in, YOU are not superior to me or anyone.You CANNOT label me or anyone.About leaving this site.Go ahead none will care about you, coz we have our own lives to worry about.To the rest or newbie's or guys who are reading this:-This guy is practically forcing his views on us and that is wrong. We live in a world where democracy is celebrated.Besides he is not very good at convincing anyone.

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Im sorry if any forum member thinks that my writing skills match to that of a 11 year old on steroids.
I have no excuses, just apologies.


Established Member
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Using NesHair's logic:

Look at the USA, the most powerful country in the world! Their national symbol is the Bald Eagle! See, BALD Eagle. Why would the richest country in the world use something that's BALD unless being Bald was totally awesome!? Jeez guys, enjoy life! You're lucky to be bald.

It just doesn't work like that Nes. Maybe some people live amazing, joyful fabulous lives because of (or in spite of) being bald. That doesn't mean everyone will. It's like telling everyone they should be Lawyers for a living, because a few people love the job and live happy lives while being lawyers. But we all know, the vast majority of people would HATE being lawyers and it would destroy their lives. In fact, most lawyers HATE their lives. (90 hr work weeks, stress, no work/life balance, working with scum of society).

Although I have caught my male pattern baldness very early, I still find what people like Fred, and Nade, and Hell, and Evil have to say to be pretty helpful. It's both cathartic to rant, and cathartic to read. It also shatters the politically correct illusions that are usually propped up by society that "baldness doesn't matter and it's what's on the inside that counts." Shattering illusions is only a good thing.


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You know what's funny? You will end up like us! Unless you chose to wear a wig, that's a fact. All the medication in the world won't prevent you from being NW5 at a point.
hey pin head dont talk **** and get smart with me, ur hair transplant sucks anyways u cocky ***git. im fully aware what can happen to me, but to tell people who are nw2's to stop crying is fuking retarded we all need to help each other, the best thing to do if u realize ur nw2-nw3 is to get on treatments ASAP, not listen to some baldy saying "atleast u got hair stop crying" as if they werent crying and worrying when they themselves were first turning into nw2's and nw3's


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One can only take so much abuse before they snap, not that ive snapped but lets see how chipper you are after dealing with people treating you like dirt for two decades. Its enough to make anyone bitter and resentful. Walk a mile in my shoes (as if you could) and then maybe you could empathize.

And thank you temple for your understanding... coming from you that gives me hope yet that others are capable of empathy.

Sorry but you are not as special as you might think you are. I have suffered great hardships and adversity in my life too. I don't threaten to beat people to a pulp though. You are all talk baldie. You will never do any of these things anyway. Just threaten people over the computer. At work I bet you keep your head down and your mouth shut.

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It's almost so I hope the meds don't work for him, so he becomes bald and that will teach him a lesson (or two)

Two wrongs don't make a right.


Established Member
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My hair transplant might suck, but you know what?

One day you will need a hair transplant too, and it will suck just as much as mine.

But you'll be happy with that few thousand grafts on your bald head.

maybe we'll see how inferior my genetics are, will report back

uncomfortable man

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As if you him or anyone else has control over their genetics anyway. Stop taking credit or placing blame on things you cant control.

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Sorry but you are not as special as you might think you are. I have suffered great hardships and adversity in my life too. I don't threaten to beat people to a pulp though. You are all talk baldie. You will never do any of these things anyway. Just threaten people over the computer. At work I bet you keep your head down and your mouth shut.

Says the guy typing on his keyboard over the internet, so.


Experienced Member
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As if you him or anyone else has control over their genetics anyway. Stop taking credit or placing blame on things you cant control.

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Says the guy typing on his keyboard over the internet, so.

I don't mean this to attack you or start an argument or anything but he is right about one thing; you are not the only one here getting treated unfairly for the way you look or having some bad genetics. Still you have my respect for being able to carry on for 20 years living like that, I am already losing it after 6 years.


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Trolls don't leave, they get banned.


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My Regimen
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Im not from sluthate, thats a place for foreveraloners, i dont even know what sluthate is, i love sl*ts.

i come from the mighty misc, but i left it cause many sluthater ***gots invaded it and made it a toxic place. Toxic like fred.

k your comment is confusing because you dont know what sluthate is yet know what the place is for and left another forum being invaded by these people you have no idea of?????

uncomfortable man

Senior Member
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No one here believes a word you type. Might as well leave the forums.