You didn’t learn it from FB, you just saw some stupid wing man / wing girl video. In fact your whole post is right out of Marny’s hard drive. C’mon now lad... any girl who’s young and fresh is gonna go for the best possible case and being bald automatically puts you at the bottom. Which is why the balding man has to develop other traits to make up for his shiny scalp. That’s where personality comes into play. So if you do it right and do it quickly, by your mid twenties you’re gonna be just fine with a shaved head. If you focus on hair loss and go bald AND inexperienced (like 90% of the members who balded are here) you’re in for some deep sh*t. And then you realize you’re back at square one, because your game is zero. And it’s a synergistic thing, you blame it to hair and automatically you become dependable on your hair condition because it’s the root of the problem so fix the root equals freedom, right? I can tell you when I had my hair piece on, I felt free. But I was far from “ok” in the game. And needless to say I had an insane body too, we are talking one step below the “aesthetic / low key on gear phags. It wasn’t a cure, it was just easier on my mind because I didn’t have to worry about stupid hair 24/7. With real hair, it would have been a lot better. But I would still have to swim in deep water and get rejected in the process, it’s all the same. It’s just that my narcissism would be intact since for balding men who reverse it it’s “who cares, I look good, I have hair. Tomorrow it’s a new day”.
Am I getting my points across?