I take my hat off to the US postal service..



I recently ordered 7 bottles of Dr Lee's minoxidil.

Not only does this stuff cost £8.94 compared to £29.99 for Rogaine in the UK.

You get 65ml compared to the 60ml in a bottle of Rogaine.

It contains more alcohol than Rogaine, so not only does it dry much much faster, it is less greasy and the extra alcohol improves absorption.

The shipping was only £10.74 for the whole lot.

And it took a total of 4 days to make its way from the US to the UK and to my door!!!!

I ordered the stuff late Wednesday night 11pm-12pm (ish) and got it monday morning.

You would be arrested and get a minimum of 18 months in prison if you offered this kind of service in the UK.

So here's to Dr Lee and the UPS. :)

No wonder they always win the tour de France.



Senior Member
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Wrong service ty ;)

UPS = United Parcel Service

.. they'll be up there with Fed Ex when it comes time to put America's beloved post office out of business :(


Experienced Member
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Iwan Maier said:
Wrong service ty ;)

UPS = United Parcel Service

.. they'll be up there with Fed Ex when it comes time to put America's beloved post office out of business :(

With my experience, the USPS is very very reliable. I actually think they do a better job then UPS and Fedex in many ways. They are also, much cheaper. I do think, however, its time to make the whole USPS system private...its the only way they will become more profitable. Freaking unions are a piece of crap at times, all the crapppy employees just hang around because its IMPOSSIBLE to fire them.


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Well my mom has been a mail carrier with the USPS for over 10 years..

I hope that whatever this corporations decide to do for profit, that they don't put mom out of work...

Cause that sh*t just ain't right.


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I dont think any of them are going anywhere.....Theres just too much stuff being ordered in the world and only 3 big companies in competition. USPS, UPS, and Fed Ex (with DHL on the rise).

Oh well, with todays job stability, Union is the way to go if u can get in one!


Experienced Member
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Iwan Maier said:
Well my mom has been a mail carrier with the USPS for over 10 years..

I hope that whatever this corporations decide to do for profit, that they don't put mom out of work...

Cause that sh*t just ain't right.

Hey Bro,

I love the USPS, I go to them for everything. What I meant by my remarks was that there are some employees there who have become too confortable and give HORRIBLE customer service. The problem is, even when people complain nothing is done because of their Union. Those are the people I would like to see, perhaps, shape up their attitude. I didnt mean to direct that towards you, just my own opinion.



Reaction score
cool, no offense taken man, ur entitled to ur own opinion. And ur right, there definitely are people who slack off b/c of the all mighty union. I see it everyday. But, thats the way big Corps set it up, its always a battle between Union and Management. Either way, both sides have jobs and people can make a living!


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yeah man lots of slobs in every industry though.. slackers who are too comfortable as you said, and lack customer service skills.

my mom is not one of these. :)


It depends tho...ive had expereinces of ordering from US websites and the shipping they charge me (or tried to as i say no way jose`) was ridiculous. I was going to order a $15 bottle of emu oil from one company and there shipping rate to the UK was $110. Not the first time ive seen such BS shipping prices. Dr Lees service is very good though.

The Gardener

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Iwan Maier said:
Wrong service ty ;)

UPS = United Parcel Service

.. they'll be up there with Fed Ex when it comes time to put America's beloved post office out of business :(

Actually, Lee ships via US Postal Service (USPS). Methinks Ty just inadvertantly used the wrong acronym. UPS is a private shipping firm that competes with the USPS.


Established Member
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Rawbbie said:
hey thats great news ty3G!!

maybe I'll order from them too!

oh, no- wait... nah i guess you need it more than i do

For f*** sake! Can you please keep your little argument in your own thread! Rawbbie, I thought you were always a big fighter against "useless" comments & stupid questions in a serious hairloss forum? Would the comment you just added fall into the category of a serious useful comment??? Come on man...

The Gardener

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ooooh you better be nice to rawbbie or he might summon He Man, She Ra, and the Thundercats to come eat you


The Gardener said:
ooooh you better be nice to rawbbie or he might summon He Man, She Ra, and the Thundercats to come eat you

LOL :lol:


Reaction score
LOL, i guess this belongs in the "off topic forum"

YUSS, i love it when people get pissed for no reason!

The Gardener

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As for the USPS, they are always extremely reliable from my experience. Well, except for Jury Duty summonses. They always seem to lose mine?


Experienced Member
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The Gardener said:
As for the USPS, they are always extremely reliable from my experience. Well, except for Jury Duty summonses. They always seem to lose mine?

Do they really lose it, do they.... or is there an overall conspiracy going on. Do you think that perhaps YOU, yes I said it, YOU!!! Pay off your mail man to 'accidently' lose your Jury Duty Summons. Huh, huh, huh...

Stay focused

Look ahead

Not back

Till late



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tynanW said:
I ordered the stuff late Wednesday night 11pm-12pm (ish) and got it monday morning.

You would be arrested and get a minimum of 18 months in prison if you offered this kind of service in the UK.

To be fair I reckon the Royal Mail could manage a 4 day service from say, Bristol to London - though obviously not at Christmas when they have to assess each letter on its likely cash content.