Jesus. The fact that the word ends with toxic should already make it clear that we are talking about unwanted effects such as genomic instability, cancer etc.
The DNA chaos that CRISPR unleashes has been “seriously underestimated,” said geneticist Allan Bradley of England's Wellcome Sanger Center, who led the new study. “This should be a wake-up call.”
Poor journalism.
If the journalist is going to publish an article could she at least cite current technology? She makes no reference to Cas-13, evolved about a year ago before the time of this article that used the #1 genetic deficiency in the US, hemochromatosis, to be corrected. Yet, no mention regarding the corrective advancements of Cas-13.
The journalist uses keen buzz words such as "unholy" knowing that Christiandom is edged over the entire issue pandering to the panic that it instills in Christians, or at least the ones that self proclaim themselves as Christ-like. I am a beleiver in Yeshua and as I sat a “Creation Club” meeting last week, I raised the issue of CRISPR. Why? Because it places the faithful, which includes me, in a corner, and forces a major issue:
If science is God allowed, as most of us at the Creation Club cleave to our heart and other kinds of meds, then partaking in them to stay alive is valid.
However CRISPR challenges the paradigm by challenging creation with solid evolutionary science. If science is God allowed, and CRISPR is science, then access is not a challenge to ones faith. As applied, CRISPR quickly takes flawed, inherited, DNA and corrects your God given/allowed defects.
This tips the tables. God gives me flaws, man corrects them. Humanism vs Faith. Incidentally, I still love Jesus/Yeshua. However, this article is intentionally skewed.
Even without flaw, if ever achieved, CRISPR will still need to be accompanied by epigenetics, specifically mRNA. mRNA the uptake into the mothership, DNA, is environmentally influenced. In theory even if CRISPR corrected all mutations or flaws, then there would still be the need for eventual “DNA Tune Ups” because of environmental impacts via RNA. The proving grounds rests with mRNA.