I want to preform my own hair transplant surgery...


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Where can you buy tools to extract follicles from my donor via FUE? Also the tools needed to insert them into ur head? Ive just been thinking, who knows own your hair better than yourself? Some stupid surgeon that see's your hairline for two minutes or someone like yourself who has been analyzing it for a life time? I mean how hard could it really be to opertate and use these tools? Im quite artistic. good with my hands and im handy with a hammer doing a lot of my own carpentry at home. I thought if I could just extract one hair a week and stick it artistically into my own hairline exactly where I want it, it would prevent shockloss if I did it over the course of a year and lets face it thats a hell of a lot more hair than you could ever achieve by using rogaine!


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bro thats the stupidest thing I have heard recently. :smack:


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Ha ha I thought about this before... stupid idea... but perhaps it is easier then we think. Like think about ingrown hairs that barbers get... is it the same concept?


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RaginDemon said:
bro thats the stupidest thing I have heard recently. :smack:

Its not that unrealistic. I can assure you, you dont need a medical degree to be able to perform hair transplant surgery. I think artistic ability would be more important, thats why there is so many BAD hair transplant surgeons because they may have the credentials acedemically but they have ZERO artistic ability, you cant teach what some people have naturally. The rest you can just teach like you would any other trade and I dont think im beyond learning how to use these tools, its clearly not rocket science. Most of the with people like Armani their trainned co-workers are the ones that place most of the grafts. Do they have medical degrees or was it some kind of apprenticeship?


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I cant wait for hairtechs response to this .... :shakehead:


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I don't think designing a hairline is that difficult. It could probably be taught in a 2 hour seminar. On the other hand, extracting and placing follicals correctly takes MUCH more skill.
Let's just hope you don't faint at the sight of blood.


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Exactly. Skill not intelligence or a medical degree. If you did one at a time by experimenting on yourself it could be done...because even if you screw one up and put it in the wrong direction or something its only one hair.


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You are joking right? :shakehead:


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I am interested in home-made plastic surgery too. When i was 15 i performed my first boob surgery. I just had to fill 2 water balloons, tear my sisters boob on the bottom, extract some fat and place the ballons.

Does this make any sense? No. Does metalheaddude has a point? No.


Guys, this is a very funny thread, but...... hair transplantation is HARD WORK and can be extremely challenging.

Sit down for 30-40mins and write down every hair transplant Doctor that is very good and then write down the docs who are great.

Your list will be very short compared to the number of doctors in the field.

Technical skill + artistic skill + passion for perfection = a great hair transplant Doctor (if he or she has all three talents)

You know, even though I have had 2 hair transplant's, I did not appreciate the difficulty of the operation until I watched several being done. You come away with a real appreciation of the process. Some clinics are like well oiled machines, others not so much, but regardless it is a difficult process, especially the docs who have risen to the challenge of doing 3000+ grafts.

This is NOT to say anyone on this thread does not have the skill to do this, but it takes a long time to get good. Just training a technician to "place" grafts takes well over a year and that is ONE component of the process.

So, anyone applying to Med School? LOL!!

Take Care,


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I`m pretty sure if you send your credentials to dhi they will set you up in your own practice,doesn`t matter if you are no good you can practice on sillly sods like me ,get paid for it and once you feel you have excelled in hair transplantation you can maybe`s stretch yourself to one hair a day rather than per week.
Then 4/5 years time you`ll be sorted and have loads a money.

:uglylol: :uglylol: :uglylol:


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Alright so I did a a little mini hair transplant today to see if it would work. I took a cylinder punch razor with and opening of 1 CM and punched it into the back of my scalp. A few bloody hairs came out with giant bulbs at the end. I put them on my bathroom counter which I had previously cleaned. I then went to puncture a hole in the front of my scalp but then began to notice the amount of blood trickling out of the back of my head. I was very surprised to see how much blood was all over my bathroom floor from just one little hole punch wound. I held a face cloth tot he back of my head and strapped it on with a leather belt t stop the bleeding.

I next punctured a hole in the front of my head with a large needle and got a little opening to insert the hairs. Blood then began pouring out even more so in the front of my head then the back had... my sink was covered in blood and I began to get dizzy. I quickly bega shoving the little hair bulbs into the wound without any luck I finally got one to stick and had blood everywhere else and I started vomiting and then blieve I passed out for a few moments. I grabbed another leather belt and fastened another facecloth to the front of my head noticeing the back facecloth would soon need to be replaced since it was covered in blood.

I stumbled out of my bathroom and threwup again and passed out. The next thing I knew I was in an ambulance on my way to providence hostpital. The gus in the ambulance had taken off my belts and I asked if they could see any hair in the wounds and they just looked at me and ignored me. I got to the emergency room where I got 2 stitches on the back of my scalp and a butterfly bandage on the front. When I told them what happened they didn't say anything... even the doctor just sorta looked at me puzzled... surprised??? My parents came and picked me up and I had two leather belts on my lap in a hospital bag to bring home.


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Photos please :puke:

Matt Skiba

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Has anyone ever seen the episode of Nip/Tuck where Dr. Christian Troy tries to do a nose job on himself, but ends up passing out after he hammers a nail up his nose?


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This thread kind of reminds me of that "Do it yourself dentistry Kit" skit from MAD TV, where the guy was practically drowning in blood by the end of it.

Good luck metalheadude. I want before/after pics after you butcher yourself.


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KielMcK said:
Alright so I did a a little mini hair transplant today to see if it would work. I took a cylinder punch razor with and opening of 1 CM and punched it into the back of my scalp. A few bloody hairs came out with giant bulbs at the end. I put them on my bathroom counter which I had previously cleaned. I then went to puncture a hole in the front of my scalp but then began to notice the amount of blood trickling out of the back of my head. I was very surprised to see how much blood was all over my bathroom floor from just one little hole punch wound. I held a face cloth tot he back of my head and strapped it on with a leather belt t stop the bleeding.

I next punctured a hole in the front of my head with a large needle and got a little opening to insert the hairs. Blood then began pouring out even more so in the front of my head then the back had... my sink was covered in blood and I began to get dizzy. I quickly bega shoving the little hair bulbs into the wound without any luck I finally got one to stick and had blood everywhere else and I started vomiting and then blieve I passed out for a few moments. I grabbed another leather belt and fastened another facecloth to the front of my head noticeing the back facecloth would soon need to be replaced since it was covered in blood.

I stumbled out of my bathroom and threwup again and passed out. The next thing I knew I was in an ambulance on my way to providence hostpital. The gus in the ambulance had taken off my belts and I asked if they could see any hair in the wounds and they just looked at me and ignored me. I got to the emergency room where I got 2 stitches on the back of my scalp and a butterfly bandage on the front. When I told them what happened they didn't say anything... even the doctor just sorta looked at me puzzled... surprised??? My parents came and picked me up and I had two leather belts on my lap in a hospital bag to bring home.

It is because you didnt use the exact same tools that the doctors are using. Everyone knows(or at least metalheaddude!) that, with these tools, you can easily perform a homemade hair transplant.


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Went back to the Doctor today... great news! The hair actually made it after the entire episode and is still intact. Looks like I'll be trying again next week for the next follicular extraction. Wish me luck! XOXOXOXO