I will be taking the Revivogen "New Formula" Challenge!


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I hear what you are saying. At this point I am considering changing up my regimen. I currently take 5mg of Finasteride (once daily) and Minoxidil at night. So far I have had no regrowth whatsoever. I have, for the most part, maintained my hair over the last 3 years since using both treatments.

Considering I need it anyway and suffer no real side effects (other than a lot of drained energy) I will keep the finasteride. I don't feel like the Minoxidil is doing much for me though and have been considering using something else.

Would anyone recommend Revivogen? Feel free to tell me your experience or send links with success stories. Having your temples go/ receeding hairline is hard to treat :(


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If you are wanting to regrow hair, maybe try switching to a 15% minoxidil for a while and see if that makes any difference.


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I suppose that is an idea. However, I believe most of the stores here in central Illinois only carry 5%. Any idea on where I can get 15%???


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so which is the best 15% minoxidil with DHT inhibitors..

i use revivogen every night and rogaine 5% 2 times a day... though i saw less shedding and increased hair growth in the initial period, i returned back to the same form..

so i thought i will give a shot at the 15% minoxidil.. can anyone suggest me a good product?


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There are a few. Minoxidilsolutions, perfect image, and minoxidilmax are a few I know of. Do some research on here and see what sounds best to you. I am currently using DualGen-15 from minoxidilmax and like it so far, but I've only been using it for around a month.


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So I've been on Revivogen for 8 months now. It's safe to say my time on Revivogen has been filled with ups and downs. I had a bit of freak-out over the last couple months due to increased shedding. My freak-out can be read in this post.

Thankfully, my shedding has got under control now. I still think I am shedding a lot. But not as much during my "freak-out" period. On average I probably shed less than 100 hairs. But I am trying not to count hairs.

I have posted some new pictures on my profile that can be found here: http://www.hairlosstalk.com/profiles/Th ... albums/527

My hair is shorter compared to some of my other albums. Hopefully, this will make it easier to see my hairloss.

I managed to find a photo that I took a while back prior to me using Revivogen when my hair was shorter. I have uploaded this image to my Baseline Photo album: http://www.hairlosstalk.com/profiles/Th ... albums/408


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It is hard for me to tell from your pics, but do you feel that overall revivogen has been working for you?


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To me, it looks like you haven't lost any ground and possibly have filled in some on the top. That is success!


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jj_dog said:

It is hard for me to tell from your pics, but do you feel that overall revivogen has been working for you?

Well I am not sure either. :) All I can say is that my hair feels a little thicker and healthier. I am still a bit thin on the top and would like to get better results.

All I can say is that I always dread having a haircut because I'm afraid that my diffuse thinning will show. But from the last couple of haircuts I had my hair looks alright when short. So its a plus. I plan on getting haircuts every 2-3 months since I'm finding it easier to manage and apply topicals.

Boomer01 said:
To me, it looks like you haven't lost any ground and possibly have filled in some on the top. That is success!

Thanks Boomer01. I don't think this post will get moved to the "Success Forums" just yet afterall Revivogen is a scam. :laugh:

On a serious note, you are right I don't think I've lost any ground which was my main worry. I still got some way to go and hoping for more positive results in the coming months. I think at the end of the day expectations have to be realistic. Maintenance is my goal. Any more is an advantage.

I shall upload another batch of photo's around the 12 month mark.


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TheShopKeeper, you seem to be thinning on the side of your head. Have you been diagnosed with male pattern baldness?


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hairhoper said:
TheShopKeeper, you seem to be thinning on the side of your head. Have you been diagnosed with male pattern baldness?

Yeah I've had that for some years now. It's not noticable when I comb my hair properly and its definitely thicker than the top of my head. Of course its only been happening since my hair started to thin.

What do you mean have I been diagnosed with male pattern baldness? I haven't been to a doctor if thats what you mean. Both my Dad and Grandfather is bald so I knew I would be experiencing the same problem.

Why do you ask? Being the noob that I am, do you think my thinning is not due to DHT?


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I'm coming to my 10th month on Revivogen and I can honestly say that I have noticed a big difference in my shedding since my last update.

Nowadays, I find that I now shed around 40 hairs a day. I have never shed that little throughout all my previous treatments. I am looking forward to seeing if things continue to get better in future months.

For the first time in my life I feel that I am in control of my hair-loss and don't worry about it so much. I even get compliments on thickness of my hair.

The only change I have made to my regimen is that I am now using a 1mm derma-roller compared to 0.5mm roller.

I will be getting a haircut later this month. I shall post my final set of pictures to the forum mainly because I think its a little difficult for you guys to see the difference in my hair.


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that's some crazy regimen...
I bet most of it could be replaced by finasteride and it could probably be as effective.

btw, how long does that 360ml bottle of revivogen last if you do it EOD?


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2020 said:
that's some crazy regimen...

That's your opinion. I think it's easy to stick to. I just apply minoxidil in the morning and Revivogen in the evening. Can't see how thats crazy.

2020 said:
I bet most of it could be replaced by finasteride and it could probably be as effective.

I've been on finasteride before and experienced constant ball-ache throughout the first month I used it. I decided to ditch it.

2020 said:
btw, how long does that 360ml bottle of revivogen last if you do it EOD?

360ml? I think thats the shampoo. I don't use it. The scalp therapy contains 60ml x 3 bottles in a box. This should last an average person 3 months. For me it lasts just under 3 months since I apply it from the crown to the hairline. I use it daily.


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Hello everyone. I have uploaded new pictures that can be found here: http://www.hairlosstalk.com/profiles/Th ... albums/553. Again these pictures were taken after having my haircut.

I have now been on Revivogen for 11 months. I can't believe how quickly time has gone!

I tried to keep things simple in terms of my regiment by mainly using minoxidil for regrowth and Revivogen to fight DHT. I didn't want to have a over-the-top regiment to help me assess whether Revivogen will work for me again like it did previously.

These will be the last batch of pictures I'll be uploading unless something really drastic happens. I'll still probably keep taking pictures every couple of months to keep track of things.

I hope these pictures and posts will prove useful for anyone considering taking (or not taking) Revivogen.


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Revivogen DO work for me too. I was on propecia since 2000 and switched to avodart in 2005 and quit in Sept last year because of the intention to have a child. Read a lot on topical replacement for duta and decided to jump Revivogen.

I am already at the 6 month mark, no major shedding whatsoever since quitting avodart (maybe yet to come or will slowly recede over time??). There are shedding from time to time but nothing massive. The real comforting thing is that I actually have vellus hair growing into terminal ones along my hairline. It has been a long while since I have seen such regrowth!

My back is still pretty thin but pretty much the same even before quitting duta. Keeping my fingers crosssed that Revivogen will help my back as well.....


I have been taking Revivogen for 10months now, unfortunately i'm not getting great results. I'm still losing hair, however the hair loss has slowed down a lot since the shed. I shed for the first 5 months before things started to get better. I only really lose hair when applying Revivogen and when I wash it to get the Revivogen out. If i didn't wash it I wouldn't lose nowhere near as much hair. I'm still not 100% sure if my hair loss is the same as before i started taking the Revivogen as I didn't wash my hair as much before so it's really hard to tell if i'm benefiting from it. I do know that i lose less hair in the shower and during the day than before i started revivogen, but because i wash it more, my hair loss count for the week could be the same as before?? I really don't know!! One thing i do know is that I have lost ground while using it. My hair overall is a little thinner than before. I am still going to continue to use it as I am seeing less hair fall out every month. I have also started to take saw palmetto tablets in the last month and I really feel that has helped me. I'm now losing less hair than ever since starting my regimen. I used to lose hair throughout the day before but now I hardly lose any since taking it. There has also been a huge improvement shower, I would lose 10-20 hairs before now it's gone down to 5-10. Sometimes i'd lose only a couple but that's on a really good day. I think i've came a long way since before starting taking anything and the 'Revivogen shed' as I would lose 30-40 hairs in the shower. I think they're working pretty good together so far. I'm quite excited to see what the next few months can bring me. I'm also considering minoxidil but i'm really not too sure how to fit it in with Revivogen. Does anyone here use Revivogen and minoxidil?? if so how do you fit them both in??


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How long into the treatment of revivogen did you guys notice that its working/you started to lose less hair/noticed thickening of the hair?

I've been using revivogen but i'm not sure if its helping me lose less hair. Before I used to wash my hair once a week with shampoo but now its everyday since i started revivogen. So although it feels like i'm losing less hair when i shower, i'm not sure if that would be the case if u take into account the hairloss count for the whole week.