I Wonder If The Rate Of Incel-dom Will Skyrocket In The Next Decade?


Experienced Member
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Dont project your own personal proclivities on to me, sir.

You see, i've been blessed with godlike powers of observation. i see sh*t happening all around me, before anyone else does, and i see it repeat over and over. Anyway, this wasn't meant to be a debate, just me dropping my knowledge to enlighten this deeply disturbed lot. you're speaking out of school here, just trust me on this one, kay?


Experienced Member
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I love this guy! What did you share, exactly? That you're more successful than the average individual? what does that even mean? Monetarily? Nobody gives a sh*t about fake paper money. Romantically? Doubt it since you're just another creepy hair loss forum poster. You don't even have more hair on your head than the average person! Wake up dude, you're just perpetuating the false paradigm here. These people deserve better.......... too much bluepill thinkin' in here


My Regimen
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Barca why did you leave? I remember your hair was never even bad

Also lol at extroverts taking advantage of introverts. Theyre generally dumb and weak minded followers


Senior Member
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When I say it's all relative, I mean a categorization way. Handsome men will have equal results in terms of appeal on tinder, and real life. Where as men who are not that attractive, and borderline average will have better results in real life. An encounter in which they can by pass physical segregation, and articulate themselves on a more personal level