ICX press release- overall positive news regarding HM


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yeah i have a number one also. u cant reallt tell thou when its that short.

im talking about like going fully fully bald.


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flimflam said:
saucemcbrolock said:
how much does a procedure like this cost?

who knows, this procedure doesn't even exist yet! But if they're smart, it will be less than a hair transplant.

it could be more than a hair transplant because it covers the whole head at 70/cm2. that is way more than you can get with hair transplant on any budget.

I think they just said it would be cheap so they could sell their stock higher. I'm sure it will be $15-40k.


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In the first 6 months, I'm sure some rich NW6's will pay a lot more than that.


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they should let us PAY to be in the phaseII trial. Imagine if 1000 baldies paid $3000 each to get their whole head filled in. They would not need phaseIII, and they would not have to pay for the trials. They should have done that. I would have paid.

Finish line

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I'll be ready to pay for this when it arrives. I'm ready to get my lovely, spiral curly locks back.

It will be five years of buzz cut and big three. Can't wait to dump finasteride and get my hormones back to normal. Can't wait to dump minoxidil and get back my nighttime hours.

I'd pay twenty grand, twenty five, to get my life back to where it was.

financing for the win.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
they should let us PAY to be in the phaseII trial. Imagine if 1000 baldies paid $3000 each to get their whole head filled in. They would not need phaseIII, and they would not have to pay for the trials. They should have done that. I would have paid.
I'm pretty sure that charging for the treatment before it's FDA approved is highly illegal.


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so like .. what if u get this new HM treatment.. and the rest of the hair falls out ?

because my hairloss hasnt stopped it's still progressing.


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David Guest i'm sure would pay a fortune to get his hair fixed.

Program on him on TV here shows he spends every day with a hairdresser..mucking about with concealers and colourers etc ...nightmare

I would would pay $50k to put my hair right and keep it like it till I croak and i'm not rich at all...

All the film and pop stars clubbed together for HM they could raise millions.

Bet Elton would pay a few quid.


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I hate to be the guy who is pessimist, but for me i think i am realist. Let me tell you why :
1- any company needs to be agressive in its claims ( sometimes with moderation - just for reputation issues)
2- HM did NOT show any decent results although it has been performed by quite a few so far. This company MIGHT have a superior technology, but if competition is so fierce I don't see why they can be superior to everyone else.
3- HM did NOT answer the CANCER question. Remember Dr. Barzan and his patient getting a cancer after months of the supposedly HM. That alone is a SIGNIFICANT concern from MANY doctors. MANY.
4- WE know nothing about texture, direction, aestethics, NOTHING.
5- Hair transplants took years to be perfected, and to be produced on a larger scale, and to be approved by the scientific community.

From all this I am targeting people who are getting their hopes up for HM before 1015 or so. I WOULD HAVE LOVED IT TO BE TOMORROW. Let's see and hope, but just don't be too hopefull.


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waynakyo said:
2- HM did NOT show any decent results
what results?

waynakyo said:
3- HM did NOT answer the CANCER question.
hair multiplication/cloning causes cancer? where did you read that?

waynakyo said:
5- Hair transplants took years to be perfected, and to be produced on a larger scale, and to be approved by the scientific community.
that's irrelevant. HM is nothing like a hair transplant, it's far simpler.


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Dr. Jerry Cooley said: [\b]

The most important consideration for government regulators such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will be ensuring the safety of cell therapy for hair loss. The chief worry with using laboratory grown cells is that they might cause tumors when placed back into the skin. So far cell therapy for other applications has not been known to be associated with tumor formation. Before granting approval, the FDA would require adequate proof that implanted hair follicle cells did not give rise to any tumors."

see: http://www.ishrs.org/articles/hair-follicle-cloning.htm
You can find this concern among other doctors.

As for other major challenges that makes it YEARS away read articles and interviews with Drs online and you will see what I am talking about. Besides if it is so easy how come we didn t hear from Aderans.

Finally, it seems that Bazan was trying it ( and a couple of other centers) but then he and the rest sort of disappears, which makes you wonder... and one of Bazan's patients got cancer. He talks about it in one of his interviews.

I am crossing my fingers. If it is officialy working I will go and get a hair transplant while waiting.


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HM causing cancer? Get real, if there was even the slightest chance of this than I bet my life that they would stop HM testing immediately. I mean holy crap. I thought I was a pessimist. Hold off on all the doom and gloom because noone knows anything. Wait and see if or when anything happens.

Chemical J

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waynakyo said:
Dr. Jerry Cooley said: [\b]

The most important consideration for government regulators such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will be ensuring the safety of cell therapy for hair loss. The chief worry with using laboratory grown cells is that they might cause tumors when placed back into the skin. So far cell therapy for other applications has not been known to be associated with tumor formation. Before granting approval, the FDA would require adequate proof that implanted hair follicle cells did not give rise to any tumors."

see: http://www.ishrs.org/articles/hair-follicle-cloning.htm
You can find this concern among other doctors.

As for other major challenges that makes it YEARS away read articles and interviews with Drs online and you will see what I am talking about. Besides if it is so easy how come we didn t hear from Aderans.

Finally, it seems that Bazan was trying it ( and a couple of other centers) but then he and the rest sort of disappears, which makes you wonder... and one of Bazan's patients got cancer. He talks about it in one of his interviews.

I am crossing my fingers. If it is officialy working I will go and get a hair transplant while waiting.

Stop spreading this bullshit lie. Its pissing me off.


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Wow, all this stuff about douchebag hair transplant docs talking about how HM causes cancer... perhaps a sign that Intercytex is about to announce positive results on TRC Phase II trials? =D


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When were they going to announce results anyway? I'm eager to hear.


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according to the first post on this thread the results of Phase II would be announced mid 2007.

I'm guessing early July.


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Lets all remain optomists. Results this year and release next year at earliest for the richest. For most lets hope 2-3 yrs and it will be here...how effective it will be at the start is also debatable..its like anything new its takes years to refine just like hair transplant did.

I don't see any point in being a pessimist, realist yes ..if you need improvement now or next yr then its hair transplant. If it hairline then thoughts are it needs to be hair transplant anyway as opposed to HM.