I'd like to thank:


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JayMan, Aplunk1, bubka, Nathaniel and Taugenichts.

You guys are awesome and deserve TWO full heads of hair each!!!!! 8)


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Thank you too, Spec.

I feel a lot better having some younger guys here on the forums, and that includes all of you guys.

You guys are all great, and the reason I now come to these forums.


Aplunk1 said:
Thank you too, Spec.

I feel a lot better having some younger guys here on the forums, and that includes all of you guys.

You guys are all great, and the reason I now come to these forums.

Ditto. Thanks Spec. I'm glad you put my name first in your list. :D jk


Wow, what a honor to read my name next to such established members as Jayman or Aplunk1. This makes me particularly happy since I often have the feeling that people, both in real life and Internet don´t like me or ignore me at best. Thank you Spec! But there are many other people such as CollegeChemistryStudent, tchehov,..... who really are fine guys and deserve a full head of hair. I am not *** kissing, but I really have never found such a helpful and supportive community as at HairLossTalk.com. What a great place!


Experienced Member
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Haha, thanks Tauge.

Isn't it time again for the MVN (Most Valuable Norwood) award, currently held by Gardener. If it is, I'd like to nominate College for posting above and beyond the call of duty.



tchehov said:
Haha, thanks Tauge.

Isn't it time again for the MVN (Most Valuable Norwood) award, currently held by Gardener. If it is, I'd like to nominate College for posting above and beyond the call of duty.


actually aplunk nominated college for MVN a couple months ago, and he now currently holds the MVN award.


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Besides the users mentioned i would like to thanks: s.a.f. and hairwegoagain. They help me a lot.

Taugenichts is kind of a special user for me because i find a lot of similarites between us:
- Fantastic hair in youth;
- Social problems and some disorders;
- Always thinking in the past.


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Spec said:
JayMan, Aplunk1, bubka, Nathaniel and Taugenichts.

You guys are awesome and deserve TWO full heads of hair each!!!!! 8)

Thanks bro, I'm also honored to be mentioned. I hope you can overcome this hurdle that is hairloss. You sound like you have an awesome personality and should really take over life. Cheers for you on your birthday :)


CCS is truly a great guy and a good choice as Most Valuable Norwood. Though I have to say that I don´t agree with all his views about dating or relastionships.


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IBM said:
Besides the users mentioned i would like to thanks: s.a.f. and hairwegoagain. They help me a lot.

Happy to do it, IBM. I know some of the things I say are difficult for you to hear, but sometimes you have to dig out of the bunker that you've created for yourself. I'm happy that you've made positive steps to get out and circulate socially. It can be tough - but I assure you it will pay back dividends. Keep it up and you'll be amazed how your life changes for the better.


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Nathaniel said:
Spec said:
JayMan, Aplunk1, bubka, Nathaniel and Taugenichts.

You guys are awesome and deserve TWO full heads of hair each!!!!! 8)

Thanks bro, I'm also honored to be mentioned. I hope you can overcome this hurdle that is hairloss. You sound like you have an awesome personality and should really take over life. Cheers for you on your birthday :)

When I overcome it, and I WILL overcome it- the world is going dooooooooooooooown. I'm especially going to be targeting bigoted idiots, or in other words the three to five billion ignorant people who walk this earth. You guys will be all good though 8)


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With all this thanking going on, I think it'd be a crime not to mention easily the most valuable member of this site:


Without him we basically wouldn't have answers to all the important questions about hair loss and it's treatment, let alone the great detail and specifics he is able to go into.

Honestly, go to other hair loss sites and you might get someone saying "Propecia will make you lose more hair in fact, you need to never wash your hair ever, and the lack of SLS on your head will make you grow more hair" I'm serious here, there is a site devoted to growing hair by not washing it, it's called "the grunge" method, and they make logs and take pics and everything.


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I'd like to thank Felk also simply because he knows what a goon bag is and sometimes partakes of them in the park after dark. ps i subscribe to the grunge method, havent used shampoo in over 8 months ( just use conditioner).

and Aplunk1 for those sexy gaps he puts in his posts.

and Gardener for being so rational though i sometimes misunderstand it because he's also so pro american.

and Mr Stephen Foote because I think if people don't look at other angles of this problem we'll all turn into bald little monkeys.

IBM because he brings so many rays of sunshine into my life.

Cassin just cos he puts so much in. Axon the same, they are the backbone of this place.

and most importantly ABSOLUTELY everyone who takes the time to post about how they have recovered from their initial shed and are doing fine. you know who you are and you have stopped many people from quitting treatments which are their best chance for cosmetically acceptable hair.

ps. i was touching myself in the bathing suit area while i wrote this.


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Gardener, cassin, bryan are all excellent nominies.

CCS is definetely the Norwood Rookie of the Year for his contributions and studies.


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Hahaha powersam, nice post :hairy:

(for the record - i don't drink goon bags in parks... :p )


ShedMaster said:
Gardener, cassin, bryan are all excellent nominies.

CCS is definetely the Norwood Rookie of the Year for his contributions and studies.

No i would say jayman to be rookie of the year. CCS makes posts at an unhealthy rate and half of them are on some crazy dating equations.