iDelivery nanovehicle- insanely good vehicle for hair loss drugs


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I contacted via E-mail with Idelivery but I didnt receive any reply .... Can this nanovehicle serve for others hairloss drugs as RU58841 , estriol , way ect.... ¿? , especially KY and sim-6 ,sim-1 ¿? ect...


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Very interesting.

The active ingredient seems to not only be more effeciently carried to the follicle but also stays there much longer.
They wrote that 10 times the amount is transported to the follicle and therfore u can use 10% if the amount with the alcohol delivery system.
I think they didn t take the accumulation into account. (If you take a look at table 2 in the paper after 48 hours the remaining concentrtion is stil 74% in comparrison to 1 with the alcohol.)
That means with 1 topical administration every 2 days and just 10% of the alcohol delivery system amount of minoxidil you should have a higher concentration of active ingredient at the follicle compared to bidaily application with state of the art minoxidil.

Like @bags said. There should be more information available in the italien forums, do we have someone who can speak italien and ask in those forums for more information?
Does this delivery system need to get EMA clearens?
When can we estimate to buy a readily available minoxidil version with this delivery system?

It's no wonder that I always feel like everything that I use, 90% of it is going systemic causing side effects and only 10% doing something useful.

f*** distilled water, ethanol and PG as a vehicle for anything. Look at those results - only 10% of minoxidil reaching the hair follicle and the rest going systemic all over your body. Those are rookie numbers, imagine flipping that around to only 10% going systemic and 90% being in your hair follicles. How many more drugs could you safely use all of a sudden?

The problem is you can't make any of these fancy transfersomes, solid lipid nanoparticles, etc. at home. We're fucked unless we can find a source for a good vehicle.


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Very interesting indeed. I have no problem with finasteride/dutasteride but these types of things are where I start to get interested in some of the fringe treatments for regrowth like @whatevr said. If you could target only the follicles you can basically cure hairloss with what we already have available.

It's no wonder that I always feel like everything that I use, 90% of it is going systemic causing side effects and only 10% doing something useful.

f*** distilled water, ethanol and PG as a vehicle for anything. Look at those results - only 10% of minoxidil reaching the hair follicle and the rest going systemic all over your body. Those are rookie numbers, imagine flipping that around to only 10% going systemic and 90% being in your hair follicles. How many more drugs could you safely use all of a sudden?

The problem is you can't make any of these fancy transfersomes, solid lipid nanoparticles, etc. at home. We're fucked unless we can find a source for a good vehicle.

What kind of places might be worth contacting to see if they can make it? Are you going to make an attempt?


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It's no wonder that I always feel like everything that I use, 90% of it is going systemic causing side effects and only 10% doing something useful.

f*** distilled water, ethanol and PG as a vehicle for anything. Look at those results - only 10% of minoxidil reaching the hair follicle and the rest going systemic all over your body. Those are rookie numbers, imagine flipping that around to only 10% going systemic and 90% being in your hair follicles. How many more drugs could you safely use all of a sudden?

The problem is you can't make any of these fancy transfersomes, solid lipid nanoparticles, etc. at home. We're fucked unless we can find a source for a good vehicle.
You can make transferosomes at home. Sourcing the ingredients is a little tricky but those can be made and the equipment isn’t outlandish. You will have trouble measuring what you make. That needs fancy equipment. However, there’s still the issue of systemic absorption. Liposomal variants do a good job getting past the nonviable skin layer but they often just keep going. A couple studies I’ve read talk about an optimal vesicle size to get into the follicle. I haven’t seen much on that but it does sound intriguing.


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@whatevr you can make iDelivery at home too (But you know, don't because of patent infringement ;) ). Just need a homogenizer 15.000 rpm, rotary evap and/or mag stirrer w heat.
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Trying to get better results from topicals via mixing hair topicals with this witches brew of a carrier is interesting. However the carrier has to be prepared. In essence it’s just a liquid. But upon 1st reading sounds quite technical. What exactly is their breakthrough? The numerous ingredients, the special preparation? How did they get their ideas to prepare this carrier? It’s targeting psoriasis. But since they experimented with minoxidil it gets our attention. The company behind this carrier is not selling the carrier. In fact there not selling anything. We’ve heard of DMSO being some great carrier, but for me I didn’t notice any difference. I will have to read this several times to see if it’s practical to apply any of their research to any of us.


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What is iDelivery’s vehicle?

-a diluted solution of a monoglyceride (stearic acid, unsaturated fats such as oleic and isostearic acid, or mixtures of these)

-dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol 1 mg/5 ml in chloroform/ethanol (ratio 1:9)

-90 mg/5 ml of Monomuls

-50 mg of Symperonic/5 ml

-Water (added dropwise under stirring)

Chloroform is evaporated and can be switched out with dichloromethane.
Hi @FollicleGuardian, where did you find these specific informations about the composition of idelivery’s vehicle? On the website of bulbixin I can’t find anything like this. Seems this post is the only source on the web


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We all dream of a new revolutionizing active ingredient, a new drug that could treat our hair loss with no side effects. Especially sexual side effects. Well sometimes we have to look at a problem from another perspective to find new solutions.

We have very effective drugs like Finasteride and Dutasteride. However a portion of hair loss sufferers have debilitating side effects from these. So we have to find a better solution. The natural method to improve upon existing drugs is the delivery method, or vehicle.

I recently stumbled on a vehicle developed by the company iDelivery, for use in topical hair loss products. The stats were absolutely insane:

  • 2.5 % iDelivery Minoxidil signficantly outcompeted 5 % Minoxidil in mice

  • 74 (!) % of the drug was still in the follicle, compared to 18 % with another nanovehicle, and 1 % for the free drug.

  • 86 % less side effects, due to the vehicle penetrating through the follicular openings and not skin. Thus only approx 10 % of the iDelivery goes systemic, compared to alcoholic vehicles. This is because follicular openings are only a maximum of 10 % of the scalp area.

  • Theoretically one can use 50 % less drug, due to the amplification of compound delivery to the follicular site (up to two times theoretical increase)

What is iDelivery’s vehicle?

-a diluted solution of a monoglyceride (stearic acid, unsaturated fats such as oleic and isostearic acid, or mixtures of these)

-dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol 1 mg/5 ml in chloroform/ethanol (ratio 1:9)

-90 mg/5 ml of Monomuls

-50 mg of Symperonic/5 ml

-Water (added dropwise under stirring)

Chloroform is evaporated and can be switched out with dichloromethane.


Are you going to use it bro?


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How many people are testing it and what drugs are you guys testing it on? Just minoxidil or finasteride/dutasteride as well?
Min, finasteride, dutasteride, estriol, ru