If HM was available tomorrow...


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If HM was available tomorrow, would you have the procedure done immediately? (Or would you wait for the 2nd or 3rd generation of the treatment that might get better results? Would you wait until the price comes down?)

Personally, I think I would probably wait for a year or so. I would want to see results first. I would only have it done if I knew it was safe and efficient and that it delivered cosmetically satisfying results. (And I also hope that the 2nd generation is going be cheaper than the first.)[/i]


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if it was offering an opening cheap price id do it. otherwise il wait a year or 2, so then theyl realise theyl get much more people wanting it if the price is cheaper.


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Well if the price was right I would do it. I wouldn't let them make me a new lower hairline but just fill in. As long as there are no scars I can always buzz again if I want and wait for a better treatment.


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I will wait.... I want to see and read a lot of success stories first :wink:


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I will wait and save up so I can pay for it. I want to get it when I know it will give me my hairline back and fill in thin parts. I just want the right price to come by.

We should all do petitions and have the HM at a good price. Make the companies know every man who hates balding wants the procedure done at a good price.


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DaSand said:
We should all do petitions and have the HM at a good price. Make the companies know every man who hates balding wants the procedure done at a good price.

Just curious what you think a "good price" would be. $50K? $25K? $10K? $0.23 ? Just like everything, supply and demand will meet at a certain point and you'll have your price. Like everything, the price may go down over time. This isn't even germane since no one yet knows 1) if it will yield an acceptable result and 2) if it will even be offered. All info is hearsay at best. However, if it gives some of you guys hope and gets you out of the house I'm 100% for it !!!

I imagine IF this HM thing actually happens (impossible to predict), it will be much like laser eye surgery was 15 years ago....very expensive, and not nearly as advanced as it would be 5,10, and 15 years later. Today, the procedure costs approximately 20% of the highly inferior debut technology. I would expect in coming years the procedure to be even better and likely less expensive still.

Though not the same by any means, there's probably some parallels to Moore's Law at work. Regardless, it usually ain't good to jump on the first year of the "new body style," if you will.


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I'll probably wait a year after it comes out to see if it's effective. Frankly, I'd like to have hair before I'm 30. Besides, I'm already getting back in shape to pass the time.

My ideal price would be $10,000. I remember they listed a cost of transplants in their brochure to be $10,000-20,000. Perhaps they want to make it to 10K or lower. I can save up a lot in the next two years.

Could you explain Moore's Law to me collegechemistry student?

I just would like to get it before I'm 30.


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It would be great to think that we could get HM done for around 10K but i would think it will take several years before the price comes down. HM will start off at a rediculous cost for a few years, available to only the very wealthy. This is for obvious business reasons. Those who have the technology to perform HM, and in the beginning it will be few, can only see so many people at a time. Therefore by having large costs involved they are not really losing anything since they cannot perform the procedure for everyone anyhow. It will limit demand but still be sufficient for them to make an absolute killing from the worlds wealthy. Just think if they started HM at the price of 10K. There would be a 5 year waiting list and as a business this is not preffered. So they will start the prices extremely high until demand begins to wane and then drop prices to increase demand. Sorry guys but i would think that HM being offered for anything less than 25K to start with will be unrealistic. Though it would be nice to think that a large company would offer their technology for everyone to benefit but we live in a world which is dominated by profits and shareholders and no doubt the companies which will introduce HM will be bastards just like all big companies. Lets hope im wrong though


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lordsam said:
It would be great to think that we could get HM done for around 10K but i would think it will take several years before the price comes down. HM will start off at a rediculous cost for a few years, available to only the very wealthy. This is for obvious business reasons. Those who have the technology to perform HM, and in the beginning it will be few, can only see so many people at a time. Therefore by having large costs involved they are not really losing anything since they cannot perform the procedure for everyone anyhow. It will limit demand but still be sufficient for them to make an absolute killing from the worlds wealthy. Just think if they started HM at the price of 10K. There would be a 5 year waiting list and as a business this is not preffered. So they will start the prices extremely high until demand begins to wane and then drop prices to increase demand. Sorry guys but i would think that HM being offered for anything less than 25K to start with will be unrealistic. Though it would be nice to think that a large company would offer their technology for everyone to benefit but we live in a world which is dominated by profits and shareholders and no doubt the companies which will introduce HM will be bastards just like all big companies. Lets hope im wrong though

This is not necessarily true. If we compare HM to the Isolagen procedure for example (for those who don't know Isolagen is a cosmetic procedure where they extract a litlle piece of skin from behind your ear then send it off to a lab to clone the collagen producing skin cells, then they send it back to the doctors office and he injects the cells all over your face, the new cells then rejuvenate your face giving a younger appearance) then not every one has to have the technlogy, as for isolagen the doctors will send the hair follicles to a central lab to be cloned and then just re-inject them.

This means the procedure doesn't have to be expensive, isolagen for example costs about 3000 pounds (approx $6000) and I would expect that HM won't be hugely more expensive than this.


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Sorry guys but i would think that HM being offered for anything less than 25K to start with will be unrealistic.

Sounds a bit pessimistic to me. In a very old interview Dr. Ken Washenik said that it would be slightly more expensive than a conventional hair transplant. (He was reluctant to give an exact figure, but I think he said that he expected it to be between 7k and 15k.) Some posters on this forum have suggested that it will actually be cheaper than a conventional hair transplant. (Sources? Anyone?) It wouldn't surprise me if it was 15k at first and maybe 10k after a year or so. 25k sounds a bit excessive to me.


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To answer the original question, if HM was available today, I'd wait about a year or so for prices to drop and for me to see some results and then I'd go in and get it done.


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News2 said:
Sounds a bit pessimistic to me. In a very old interview Dr. Ken Washenik said that it would be slightly more expensive than a conventional hair transplant. (He was reluctant to give an exact figure, but I think he said that he expected it to be between 7k and 15k.) Some posters on this forum have suggested that it will actually be cheaper than a conventional hair transplant. (Sources? Anyone?) It wouldn't surprise me if it was 15k at first and maybe 10k after a year or so. 25k sounds a bit excessive to me.

The fact is that all of this is pure speculation. His supposition that it will cost $25K is no more absurd than your $10K hope. I'll throw $50K into the ring, for absolutely no reason. The guesswork makes for good conversation, but that's it. You might as well try to predict what the stock market will do tomorrrow. If you can do that regularly, you don't need no stinkin' HM.


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There is also the chance that HM can be performed in other countries ignoring US or British patent law. If doctors are going to try to price gouge, highly technical second world countries may just pick up the extra demand. Id fly to India or Korea to get it done if it was cheap and worked.


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The fact is that all of this is pure speculation. His supposition that it will cost $25K is no more absurd than your $10K hope.

My figure was based on interviews with people who are developing the stuff (and if anyone knows it's them). You are right: It is speculation, but it is not an absolute fantasy figure like your 50k. (If it was 50k very few people would be able to afford it.)


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I heard just now that a hair transplant might be needed for Intercytex's procedure, is this true? If it is, I'm waiting until it's not needed.


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News2 said:
The fact is that all of this is pure speculation. His supposition that it will cost $25K is no more absurd than your $10K hope.

My figure was based on interviews with people who are developing the stuff (and if anyone knows it's them). You are right: It is speculation, but it is not an absolute fantasy figure like your 50k. (If it was 50k very few people would be able to afford it.)

I agree, not many could....but many would do it anyway - the same types that have a $50K SUV in the garage but don't have two nickels to rub together at the end of each month. If the HM service was offered at a set price of $50K I bet there'd be a lot of folks from this very board lining up...even if it meant paying for it over 5 or 10 years.

Am I wrong?


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I heard just now that a hair transplant might be needed for Intercytex's procedure, is this true? If it is, I'm waiting until it's not needed.

Where did you hear that?

I agree, not many could....but many would do it anyway - the same types that have a $50K SUV in the garage but don't have two nickels to rub together at the end of each month. If the HM service was offered at a set price of $50K I bet there'd be a lot of folks from this very board lining up...even if it meant paying for it over 5 or 10 years.

Am I wrong?

I guess it comes down to supply & demand / maximizing profit, and I don't think they would maximize their profit if the price was too high.