If it really bothers you that much...


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I almost pity some of the posts on here which try to disguise the trauma of balding by saying things such as - I'm going to focus on my career etc. It is a fair statement I suppose but why should you all settle for second best? Hair loss has been getting me done a lot lately despite still having a lot of hair; I think it is the inevitability of losing more. I would like you to watch this video and some more on this page -


Yes it is hair replacement and yes I am posting this in this section because how can any of you deny the following points.

1. He looks a lot better with the replacement than the horseshoe picture.

2. Unless he is an incredible actor he seems 'happy.' Now if you are a nw7 and balding is bothering you this much why is this such an avoidable issue. I suppose posters such as SAF don't help much when they take the mick out of this stuff whereas they consider loads of hair transplants and concealers to be perfectly acceptable.


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person said:
I almost pity some of the posts on here which try to disguise the trauma of balding by saying things such as - I'm going to focus on my career etc. It is a fair statement I suppose but why should you all settle for second best? Hair loss has been getting me done a lot lately despite still having a lot of hair; I think it is the inevitability of losing more. I would like you to watch this video and some more on this page -


Yes it is hair replacement and yes I am posting this in this section because how can any of you deny the following points.

1. He looks a lot better with the replacement than the horseshoe picture.

2. Unless he is an incredible actor he seems 'happy.' Now if you are a nw7 and balding is bothering you this much why is this such an avoidable issue. I suppose posters such as SAF don't help much when they take the mick out of this stuff whereas they consider loads of hair transplants and concealers to be perfectly acceptable.

Err show me exactly where have I ever taken the mick????
And infact where have I ever advised people that they should just get a hair transplant or wear concealers????

All I said was the facts that there IS a HUGE stigma to wearing a wig, no matter how realistic it looks. Just as there is a stigma to transplants and concealers so neither is 'perfectly acceptable'. Yeah a wig wearer usually looks better but its probably better to be known as the bald guy than the guy with a piece of fake hair glued to his head.

The bottom line is how can anyone go about their daily life as a NW7 on monday and then suddenly show up as a NW1 on tuesday? And thats the main issue with wearing a piece. Also although it guarantees you a full head of hair it also requires some serious maintainance, most obviously having to keep replacing the unit continously for the rest of your life. And then theres the issue of is it on right ect ect...

I totally understand, why for 90+ % of the guys on here both wigs and hair transplant's are too big a step to take.


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Well I would disagree with it's better to be known as the bald guy than the guy who wears a hair replacement. If you watch these videos these guys seem happy and even tell people it's not their real hair. So I think it would actually be better to be known as the guy who looks very good with a very realistic hair replacement than a horseshoe.

Edit: I think one of (there are others) justifications for this is it shows the person at their near full potential; it shows girls for example how good the make could look; for instance some girls even though they know it is fake hair think Brenden Fraser looks hot in the mummy; if he did that movie slick bald you think the women would find him as hot? Of course this whole situation is far from ideal and I suppose I'm not one to talk as I haven't gone through with it yet; I just personally don't see why I should one day lose all my hair; I won't cry about it; however when there are options for the modern man nowerdays why not exploit them?

Further edit: I would agree with you that the transition to a Norwood 7 to suddenly a nw1 would be harder for someone who has been using concealers then get's a replacement but for those who decide to do it after being known bald, i think the best course of action for those guys is to simple be honest if anybody asks - yeah i got a replacement. I am willing to bet 7 out of 10 of the people would probably compliment you on the realism than take the micky; and if they do then I still feel that is worth living with. I'm sure you would get over it when you go clubbing that night and pull a hot chick that you would never have pulled without the replacement.


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dudemon said:
person said:
Well I would disagree with it's better to be known as the bald guy than the guy who wears a hair replacement. If you watch these videos these guys seem happy and even tell people it's not their real hair. So I think it would actually be better to be known as the guy who looks very good with a very realistic hair replacement than a horseshoe.

Edit: I think one of (there are others) justifications for this is it shows the person at their near full potential; it shows girls for example how good the make could look; for instance some girls even though they know it is fake hair think Brenden Fraser looks hot in the mummy; if he did that movie slick bald you think the women would find him as hot? Of course this whole situation is far from ideal and I suppose I'm not one to talk as I haven't gone through with it yet; I just personally don't see why I should one day lose all my hair; I won't cry about it; however when there are options for the modern man nowerdays why not exploit them?

Further edit: I would agree with you that the transition to a Norwood 7 to suddenly a nw1 would be harder for someone who has been using concealers then get's a replacement but for those who decide to do it after being known bald, i think the best course of action for those guys is to simple be honest if anybody asks - yeah i got a replacement. I am willing to bet 7 out of 10 of the people would probably compliment you on the realism than take the micky; and if they do then I still feel that is worth living with. I'm sure you would get over it when you go clubbing that night and pull a hot chick that you would never have pulled without the replacement.

EVERY SINGLE guy that I have ever came into contact with or met that wore (or was still wearing a piece), or read a post of a guy guy who wore one, or heard their feedback about wearing a piece, have all said the same thing: HAIR PIECES SUCK!

Every single one of them have said that no matter what it says in the advertisements, hair pieces come loose, and you are EXTREMELY limited to the type of activities you can do while wearing one, again regardless of what the adverts said. The ads were simply untrue.

From what I have heard: no swimming, no hard physical activities where you will sweat a lot (including working out in Telogen Effluvium gym), no camping or outdoors activities - especially things such as kayaking or river rafting - basically NOTHING to do with WATER - NOTHING WHATSOEVER. No snow skiing or snow boarding, nodefinately no water skiing, no motorcycle riding (becuase of the helmet), no activity of any kind where helmet is required, the list goes on and on and on....

Basically, you are focred to live like an 80 year old man if you wear a piece. Your other option: take the piece off. but how is that going to work? Especially if you have everyone "fooled" and now you have to take it off?

Then, they constantly have to be cleaned and maintained. Then there is the fact that you are a NW7 one day, and show the next with a full head of hair, like saf said, you are fooling nobody.

If anyone finds out you are wearing one - which is inevitable sooner or later - you are the butt of people's jokes, and a laughing stock. In addition, any women you attract while wearing one will eventually figure it out - most likely at an innappropriate time - and "bye bye lady friends" it will be because no women will be genuinely attracted to some schuck wearing a piece.


I used to see a few guys (big body builders) wearing those things in the gym I used to go to, and were continuosly laughed at - by everyone, including ALL the hot gym chicks .

I'm sorry but your post is total bs. Firstly these guys at the gym obviously were not wearing the latest type of hair replacement otherwise very few people would know it was a hair replacement. Secondly a lot of guys don't tell their girlfriends about there hair replacements and they never find out. (source toplace and hair direct forums).
Most guys however eventually tell their girlfriends and most are 100% supportive of the guy (source: toplace and hair direct forums).
I assume you haven't watched that hair direct video I posted - he doesn't seem annoyed about anything. Here is another video - watch this video .. if you saw this guy in the street would you think it was his own hair -

Also like I said earlier the transition would be eaiser if you were not fully bald yet but I still think even if you were a NW7 it would be a viable option - if not more of an option as you have nothing to lose. Furthermore the whole thing is non surgical which means the costs are not high as well. Your post really is misguided. You seriously need to watch these videos and go on the toplace forum. Obviously this stuff is not for you - that's fine. But the way you talk is if you consider hair replacements from the 80s. The year is 2010; lace systems have dramatically improved.

edit: These hair replacements do not simply come lose; if someone tried to rip it off they would get a whole lot of scalp skin as well. You are missing the point; it is not about fooling people; a lot fo hair wearers tell people they are.


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Ok now I 'know' your posting is total bs. Firstly because I have a long lengthy answer to your post; you failed to address any of my posts. All you managed to state was a family member said he hated it. Well I agree it isn't for everybody. But you can't deny that there is a massive community that work well with this solution; one is called toplace. Watch the videos - another thing you cannot deny is these guys look better with it. It is your right not to want to go down this route but you seem rather niave and misguided in fully understanding the use of hair replacement; do your research and come back to me. You might even be pleasently surprised.


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Appears you are dillusional as well as ignorant. I am not a sales person for toplace. I am simply stating that toplace has a very active forum with real people who have real stories about hair replacement. I have also stated that Hair Direct has a forum community. In addition I have posted videos of JA Alternatives. So what do you think all three companies are paying me simutaineously. Grow up.


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You are one crazy nut; If you looked at the history of my posts I have been through a personal journey since 2007 so I am a genuine person with hair loss. I am dying to know what this company is called that is paying me which is linked to three conpanies. And no I don't wear; if and when I do I might go to a UK supplier though - maybe White Cliffs...woops is this company paying me too. Four companies paying me I am a lucky boy.
I'm sorry but anyone reading this knows you don't have a clue about this very sensitive topic because you haven't addressed any of my points; you have failed to comment on the videos; you just seem adament and stubborn that what you know is best and it is quite damaging to other hair loss sufferers as you are painting a misguided picture into possible other alternatives.


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To the Original Poster,

Have you ever worn a hairpiece? NO.
Are you talking from where you have no idea? YES.

Have I worn a piece? YES
Is it an even worse hell than being bald? EASILY.

Try meeting someone and having it fall off, turn red (as it does in the sunlight), start shedding (as it does all the time). Much less when it's so windy you have to hold your hair. Oh yeah, forget swimming no matter what those commercials tell you. Oh yeah and try not going out in the rain if you ever forget an umbrella. Oh and let someone messing around with you reach up there and it comes off.

I'll never forget waiting to get the hair fixed at the place and seeing clients who came in with the hair shedding. They looked MORTIFIED.


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We are not in the 80s anymore guys. I have met people who wear MODERN hair replacements and as I have stated you would tear their skin if you tried to yank it off. I like how no one on this thread is addressing any of my individual points or videos I link; they just seem full of hatred and negativity. Mind you this section of the forum has this type of poster in abundance.

MODERN hair replacements will last a minimum of 3 months if you take care of them properly and most people do this at home now.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
To the Original Poster,

Have you ever worn a hairpiece? NO.
Are you talking from where you have no idea? YES.

Have I worn a piece? YES
Is it an even worse hell than being bald? EASILY.

To the orignal poster: If you tried one for yourself you will quickly realize the deep negative psychological impact/paranoia wearing a hair piece creates. If hairloss is a nightmare, then hair pieces are hell itself.


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Well I have met people who wear and they seem happy. Do the people in the videos I posted seem that they have deep psychological tramua. Hey there is a little girl on hair direct (go to the client section) and she is wearing a hair replacement - I'm sure she is a lot happier as well.
I give up with you lot; enjoy being bald and being seen as less attractive. Just by reading your posts I can see you are immature; you can't generalise everyone who wears a hair replacement as being unhappy. Do you know every single person in the world who wears. No. What we can do is look at MODERN people who wear and watch videos of people and ask them questions. I really do give up on you lot ha ha.


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From your post I can see you know absolutely nothing about 21st century hair replacements. If these guys 'took off' their hair in the gym and at a dinner table then they are systems from the 80s. Please I would love to hear your thoughts on the videos I posted. Please tell me what you think of those videos. Or maybe you are afraid to. :jackit:


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To get away from all this bickering I'd just sum it up with, It takes a certain kind of person to be comfortable enough to wear one and very few people are like that. Sure enough the people who do decide to go down that route will mostly feel better for it. However no matter how much pieces have improves from the old 'rug' days, the stigma that surrounds the whole idea of wearing something fake and trying to pass it off as a real part of you is something that wont ever really go away.

As hairloss sufferers we are looked down upon for having this unfortunate condition but also ridiculed for trying to do anything about it.

As for the old vs modern hairpeices debate, it really comes down to a few simple factors namely the suitability of the piece and your skill in wearing it. ie you could have the best modern piece money can buy but if you dont get it to match (exactly and realisticly) getting the perfect colour match the appropriate density and the perfect template and then have skills in cutting it in and placement ect. Otherwise you might aswell just glue a piece of carpet to your head. And this is where many wearers fail.

The main fear for me is apart from making the transition from not wearing to wearing (which to me appears impossible). All it takes is for one person to discover and the secret is out.
This is where your lifestyle becomes an issue, ie how would those around you react and can you handle the outcome?
In my life the people I work with and have to face on a daily basis this something that makes wearing impossible for me.

I can remember discussing this in person with Spex who wore one at the beginning of his hairloss and he said although he only had to be around good freinds and family so he was pretty safe from ridicule, (a situation most of us are not fortunate to be in) people noticed but were too polite to mention it, it became an 'elephant in the room' type situation. In the end a good freind just confided in him that everybody knew and they all thought he should ditch the piece.


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Anyone think this unit is easy to spot? I can clearly see where it joins the existing hair and would call on that a mile away, yet everyone on the Hair Replacement section thinks it is excellent.


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I have decided not to bother with talking to you guys about this anymore. dudemon or whatever your name stop being patronising saying I need to brush up on my sales technique... for the last ****** time I am not a salesperson and I really don't see how four different companies I have mentioned so far would hire me to try and sell this stuff. The point is there are 'forums' where people share there ideas and have positive outcomes - I am letting posters on this site know about this. I have met with communities of hair wearers; I have touched and looked at these things and 1 the people look happy and 2 they look realistic - again I am letting people who on this site who say they are thinking of killing themselves about this. You really are not helping by giving people an inaccurate perception of what these things really are. No modern system would be able to simply be 'taken off' in a dinner table; they are bonded to your head.
You really are a whiny type of guy aren't you constantly blabbing on I am a salesperson; are you not in your 40s? I thought you would have a bit more maturity. I am so thankful at 21 I have a bigger level of empathy maturity and more importantly logic - because I research this stuff off my own back rather than say I know it all. Off for dinner with my beautiful girlfriend now - I won't post on this particular thread again because I know that you are a very proud man dudemon who will want to have the last word. Ta ta.

Edit: Anyone reading this thread I advise you to do your own independent research and make your OWN mind up. You would be surprised what you might find. Do not let bitter old people on this site who have given up discourage you. xx


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My brother used to have a hair piece before. Even though it looked good he described it as the most anxiety-filled moment in his life so far. He couldnt stand the pressure and paranoia of having a hair piece on his head. For example, he was scared when he took a shower at the gym, when he was swimming, when he ran, when he played soccer.

He became paranoid in every social situation basically. Especially with girls. Would they find out he wore a hair piece?. Just the thought made him to avoid them totally. What if he laid there in bed with a girl and she touched his hair and found out the truth? These were the questions that constantly filled his head. He began feeling pathetic to even wear one in the first place.

Eventually,after 2 weeks or so, it almost fell of his head when he tried to make a header with a football and from that day he took it off.

After this he figured out that being bald was nowhere near as difficult for him as wearing a hair piece.

Person can do how much research he wants, but no research can prepare you for the negative psychological impact wearing a hair piece can have on you.


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I have to disagree with a lot of your replies. Even though I currently don't need a hair system, out of curiosity I looked into them in case I needed one for the future. And boy was I surprised.

When I looked at the Toplace forum, there were people that went skydiving, scuba diving, swimming and one guy even went on the world's fastest roller coaster. Also I dunno what some of you are saying about it falling off, as nowadays the pieces are attached with strong adhesives that can last for up to a month a time from what I read. And that some people don't take there piece of for 2 weeks at a time and just shower with it on.

Also I'm pretty sure that 99% of people will not spot a hair piece, and once again from TopLace, I read that some guys would get married and would ask for advice about how to tell their spouses they are wearing a wig. And I don't see anything wrong with telling your girl friend your wearing a piece, if she leaves you for that than she's superficial anyway and only cares about your accessories and not for you. So that will save you heartache and money for the future if you do get married.

If your worried about people finding out you shouldn't show up to work with a full head of hair, after being completely bald. If you have side hair start growing it out and wearing a hat, than if you have a vacation, get a tan, grow some facial hair, lose weight or put on muscle and than put on the piece. Most people will probably say you look good.

Lastly, even if with the modern pieces of 2010 I realize it does take a confident individual to wear in case someone does find out and makes a big deal out of it. However if your completely bald and meds aren't helping or you think finasteride isn't worth the risk. If hair loss is making you completely depressed and your single and your living the hermit life. Than Id say wear a piece, even for a few months and once it brings your confidence up just take it of and shave your head. I dunno thats my opinion.

Nashville Hairline

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One thing with even the best wigs I've wondered is surely your close family and friends will realise you are wearing when it appears to them that your hair never grows by even a millimetre.

Or do you then get into a situation like Terry Wogan where you have to rotate two different wigs - one short and one "in need of a haircut". Seems like an expensive business, buying one that's good enough in the first place and then having to think of getting more of them in case of damage to the original piece or to give the illusion of growth I just mentioned.


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Nashville Hairline said:
One thing with even the best wigs I've wondered is surely your close family and friends will realise you are wearing when it appears to them that your hair never grows by even a millimetre.

I guess this depends on the kind of person you are, and whether you have a lot of insecurities. Personally I wouldn't care if my friends or family knew I was wearing a wig as I've showed them the pictures and the forums, and tell them I might wear one on day.

Nashville Hairline said:
Or do you then get into a situation like Terry Wogan where you have to rotate two different wigs - one short and one "in need of a haircut". Seems like an expensive business, buying one that's good enough in the first place and then having to think of getting more of them in case of damage to the original piece or to give the illusion of growth I just mentioned.

Well what do you define as expensive? From the information I got from the forums, the cost is 190-270$ per wig, and some people wear it 3-6 months on average. Plus the cost of glue or bonding material.


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there are only two options:

a) wear a wig and live a normal life through deceit ( if you manage to trick people into thinking it's your real hair )

b) or walk around bald openly and play the role of a loser, object of ridicule, victim because thats the only role people leave for you. you can try to stand against it but they will show you your place.

at least with the option a) theres still some hope for you.