Not always though. We sometimes get posts on the wig section "Roommate wears a wig, doesn't know we know he wears, how can we convince him to ditch the wig without hurting his feelings" or "husband wears a wig, has worn since we married, he thinks I don't know he wears, I want him to go natural, advice?" posts.
My favourite are the guys who wear who swear their wives don't know that they're bald. Well, they do. :mrgreen: and it only takes a read of a hairpiece forum or two to see all these women posting.
I mean, the paranoia about knowing wether a) nobody knows and you're indeed safe or b) everyone knows, and laughs about it behind your back, while you yourself are completely clueless - is probably worse than the paranoia about going bald in the first place. Everywhere I'd go with a hairpiece on I'd be worried people could tell. A cashier smiles at you in a certain way? Is it because she likes you or because she can easily see that you're wearing a WIG in the harsh store lighting?
And there's the fact something can look very good (like diffuse hair with product in) while under bathroom lighting, and out in the sunlight it looks completely different. You could then be walking about, thinking it looks good, while having an obvious "elephant on your head" wig that everyone can see.
I remember someone here posted an analogy - he had acne, and he put a small amount of make up on to cover his acne. In his bathroom it blended well and you couldn't tell - but when he got outside everyone was looking at him weird, and when he looked in a car mirror you could even see the brush-strokes of the make-up. Things look completely different in outdoors lighting.
What if someone starts talking about a nice rug they bought - are they being serious, or do they know you wear and are taking the mickey?
And then there's also the ethical dilemma about keeping a lie/secret for your entire marriage. I'd have a hard time hiding the fact I have NO HAIR from who should be the closest person in your life to you - for decades. How much trust can be in the marriage when that happens?
And for younger guys, the constant worrying about it being detected when a girl runs her fingers through your hair, etc. Knowing it only takes 1 girl to detect it and then none of the other girls would ever be interested in Mr Wig again.
I mean, perhaps wigs do have a time and a place. I however consider them to be akin to shoes that sit 4" off the ground to make you look taller. It might work briefly, but after some time everyone will know and will think less of you than they would've if you'd just went out 4" shorter.