if jesus went bald


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kinofthedemo2 said:
Here's the question that you must ask yourself: would all of Jesus's disciples (men who walked among him) have died for a lie? Many of them were persecuted and vilolenty exceuted after his crucifixion, because they stood for what they believed in, and they believed that he was who he claimed to be, these were eye witnesses, not just men who read a story.

How many men do you know who would die for a lie, imagine if you walked among peers and they all died horrible deaths for you, maybe they would have had a good reason for believing in what you said!

Do you truly find the fact that we are still discussing this thousands of years later irrelevant, or the fact that the old testament of the bible predicted Christ's crucifixion in intricate detail, thousands of years before crucifixion was invented?

Lol it happens all the time!! and still does today. You've got to remember that only a 100 or so years ago they were killing people as witches and people really belived it. In Ireland until recently people still believed in 'the little people'.
People to this day still believe in the yeti and loch Ness monster.
And right now in the middle east people are dying for their religious beliefs truly believing that if they blow themselves up they'll go to paradise and have 72 virgins. Do you believe that?

Millions of men have lost their lives for another mans gain, simply because they were ordered to. And as I already said right across the world there are people who manage to convince 100's or 1000's to join cults. And bogus witch doctors and shamen manage to convince entire races of people that they are real.

So to imagine that people of 2000 yrs ago who were highly primative compared to todays society and had no idea of anything would believe to the death something that their religious elders told them as fact is by no means a stretch.

At that time there were people elsewhere in the world being sacrificed to the sun gods and believing in Gods of the sea ect.

The fact that the story of Jesus is passed down through generations no matter how ridiculous it is is no different to any of the other religions around the world Budda, Allah, Vishnu ect all of which you'd no doubt believe if you had been brought up by your parents to belive.
If you believe in Christianity then you must also be willing to accept every other God or religion out there no matter how far fetched because their all based on the same principle of ancient belief without any evidence.


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optimus prime said:
And to SAF: Putin, Berlusconi (had transplant while President) and Jacque Chirac (1995 - 2007) all three elected presidents in recent/current history. All seriously balding/bald.

Dont know about Chirac but Putin and Berlusconi's victories are not really the same as our democratic system.
Putin is the kind of guy you dont cross he has powerful and influencial freinds people actually fear him not in the same way as a Saddam Hussien, Robert Mugabe type but he's generally running unopposed.
And as for Berlisconi well the fact that he controls the countries media is the desciding factor without it he'd be nowhere.
I have Italian freinds and their opinion and they tell me everybody in the country agrees is that they wish he would just hurry up and die.

But as for Chirac I can just suppose that the French are less or were less superficial than us.
I'd say the superficial factor is probably a subconcious thing and that its increased greatly in only recent years. Lets face it it did'nt really happen in the 70's and 80's but its certainly happening today.

I'm not saying that it would be impossible for a bald/ugly guy to become Prime Minister but he'd have to be clearly superior to his opponents and probably need one hell of a personality.
Politicans are all to aware of image and charisma over actual substance.


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All historical characters when depicted today are shown to have good heads of hair; imagine Jesus rocking a skullet. He might've been bald anyway, a fact his misguided followers forgot to mention when spreading his words. If he was, I'm sure he must have inherited it from his mum's side though.


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Guess who definatley is bald though .....



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somone uk

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just to contradict the direction this thread is going


steve jobs has been praised as a jesus of computing despite being bald whereas dennis ritchie (who has a good head of hair for a 70 year old) was ignored when he died a week later, even though it's ritchie's work is far more deserving of credit

the problem is fashion, it's not fashionable to be bald so it's a disadvantage but if you can influence the mindless people who follow trends then you can influence the majority of humanity


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somone uk said:
just to contradict the direction this thread is going


steve jobs has been praised as a jesus of computing despite being bald whereas dennis ritchie (who has a good head of hair for a 70 year old) was ignored when he died a week later, even though it's ritchie's work is far more deserving of credit

the problem is fashion, it's not fashionable to be bald so it's a disadvantage but if you can influence the mindless people who follow trends then you can influence the majority of humanity

He was ignored because unix sucks.

somone uk

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AnberlinFan84 said:
somone uk said:
just to contradict the direction this thread is going


steve jobs has been praised as a jesus of computing despite being bald whereas dennis ritchie (who has a good head of hair for a 70 year old) was ignored when he died a week later, even though it's ritchie's work is far more deserving of credit

the problem is fashion, it's not fashionable to be bald so it's a disadvantage but if you can influence the mindless people who follow trends then you can influence the majority of humanity

He was ignored because unix sucks.
not sure if you're trolling or not
ok suggest a better alternative?

also C on it's own elevates dmr to greatness


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god damn it you guys are weird.


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god damn it you guys are weird.


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Caesar wore a laurel wreath to conceal his fast-balding pate... admittedly not an easy look to pull off nowadays.