If My Father Is Bald Will I Be Bald If My Moms Father Isn't ?


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This is strange. My friends fathers (except of 1, or maybe 2) are all more thin haired /bald than my father. All their sons are the perfect nw1, i am like the only nw2 with signs of slight receeding and my dad is somehwere like a nw3. We are still young, me and my friends are between 22-28. So I dunno if they beaten the odds or their baldness kicks in later etc. But it's strange that 99% of my friends are the perfect nw1 when most of their fathers are quite bald/thin haired.


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Yeah, but what age did their fathers go bald???

My dad balding at 22

Me diffusing at 18

And so on

This is strange. My friends fathers (except of 1, or maybe 2) are all more thin haired /bald than my father. All their sons are the perfect nw1, i am like the only nw2 with signs of slight receeding and my dad is somehwere like a nw3. We are still young, me and my friends are between 22-28. So I dunno if they beaten the odds or their baldness kicks in later etc. But it's strange that 99% of my friends are the perfect nw1 when most of their fathers are quite bald/thin haired.


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Likely yes, but genetics are not always at a cellular level, it is also the habits you pick up from your family. It sounds stupid I know, but same species of birds become two different sub species just because of their habit being different in terms of diet or flying.