If Propecia gets pulled off market, I'll pull a Virginia Beach


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Studies exist. More than 1. To say none are of any credibility is ignorant and biased.

At the end of the day who cares? Prior to taking finasteride everyone has made their choice. If you got the sh*t end of the stick, you cannot complain because many do not suffer and we all went into it with the same uncertainty.

It doesn’t take a billion dollars to run a simple study. You don’t have to play it out like it is completely unknown that finasteride is relatively safe. Believe it or not the FDA process for approval is not easy by any means.

The FDA is also not the only federal agency to have approved finasteride.
No, cause not all the information is posted by Merck. So simple like that. If Accutane caused depression and suicidal cause the exactly same mechanism than Propecia , why we tried both meds in such a different way ?!


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Since there are tens of millions of Balding people every year in the US, and millions of those see a dermatologist soon after they notice hairloss, dermatologists almost as a reflex just downplay Finasteride sides and quickly prescribe finasteride to almost everyone experiencing hairloss. That's how they are so easily able to hit that 2 million prescriptions a year and that is why that number doesn't mean sh*t about the safety or efficacy.

Also, most people who get sides don't even report it, even to their dermatologists. They just stop use. They don't report it because:

1) Fear of embarrassmet as men
2) The complaint process to actually register their side effects as a statistic is far longer, tedious and inconvenient in comparison than those who simply can say they just responded positively or didn't have any sides and so don't even have to register their experience as a statistic.

That is the reason these statistics of how many people actually got side effects are Farrrrrrr lower than what they actually should be.

I could say the reverse for a good amount of people who get sides, post hoc ergo propter hoc, c.u.m hoc ergo propter hoc.


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What a retarded statement is that. So you can't complain if you get side effects? The problem is most people don't even get informed about the possible side effects, if they knew many wouldn't even have taken it.
Every single person gets informed about side effects if you obtained it through a prescription. Who do you know of that doesn’t know about finasteride sides prior to taking it? Get real.


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I have a question for those anti-finasteride people. Note, I am anti-finasteride myself yet use it begrudgingly because of the following reason:

Would you use the drug if I told you that you would be slick bald in a year if you didn't use it?

That's the path I was headed. How comfortable are you with having just a horseshoe? Try an experiment, go to a barber or makeup artist and tell them to give you a horseshoe haircut, or go to a makeup artist and have them camoflouge all the hair on top for a few weeks.

Is that experience better than rolling the dice on finasteride side effects?

You can say the argument, well of course I wouldn't do that, I would just shave my head and keep my dignity. Ok fine, shave your head, but again, get a makeup artist to blend out your hair on top, so that all you have is a shiny infinite forehead. Try some experiments, go out to a bar like this and see how it goes. Make a dating profile app in a completely different city and see how your matches go.

I thank god that finasteride exists and saved me from this.
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I don’t think anyone is pro-finasteride. Having to take a pill every single day that alters hormones is far from ideal.

We’re all pro-cure and unfortunately that doesn’t exist. But finasteride does.


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Every single person gets informed about side effects if you obtained it through a prescription. Who do you know of that doesn’t know about finasteride sides prior to taking it? Get real.

I wasn't informed, and I know several other people who weren't informed. The dermatologists often like to not inform patients of all the side effects because it will scare them off, and since hairloss patients make up one of their most amount of clients, it's not hard to expect that to happen. Get real, that's how this business world works.


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I wasn't informed, and I know several other people who weren't informed. The dermatologists often like to not inform patients of all the side effects because it will scare them off, and since hairloss patients make up one of their most amount of clients, it's not hard to expect that to happen. Get real, that's how this business world works.
You’re lying. If you were telling the truth and you’re not a multi-millionaire right now, you’re spending your time on the wrong things.

I wish with all my heart my dermatologist did not inform me of sides and I got sides… I’d have enough for tsuji 10 fold.

Not only that but the pharmacist that you get it from will make you aware.

On top of that you would have not had the curiosity to lookup the word “finasteride” prior to taking it? The side profile is the first thing that comes up.

You don’t seem to be the most intelligent person.
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You’re lying. If you were telling the truth and you’re not a multi-millionaire right now, you’re spending your time on the wrong things.

I wish with all my heart my dermatologist did not inform me of sides and I got sides… I’d have enough for tsuji 10 fold.

Not only that but the pharmacist that you get it from will make you aware.

On top of that you would have not had the curiosity to lookup the word “finasteride” prior to taking it? The side profile is the first thing that comes up.

You don’t seem to be the most intelligent person.

Actually, your assumptions make you unintelligent, not me. You assumed everything wrong.

1) I'm not lying, it's actually quite unwise for you to assume I'm lying not knowing sh*t about the facts of the situation because you weren't there.

2) Just because the dermatologist didn't tell me the side effects of Finasteride, doesn't mean I didn't end up finding out on my own what the side effects were at a later stage (but before taking the medication). I found out the side effect profile only because I did a Google search, which is also how I first came to know of this website in 2017. At the time I didn't scroll through this forum to see the confessions of how bad Finasteride can be. I went on Finasteride with great optimism, so nobody can tell me about some nocebo effect nonsense being the cause of sides, that's a weak excuse.

3) The Dermatologist who prescribed me Finasteride without telling me the sides, ended up closing her practice and moving away, I'm not sure where but most probably opened her practice somewhere else. So of course I couldn't have gotten millions due to it. Also, she was a qualified dermatologist with full certifications framed on her office walls, etc.

4) The other people I know who all went to different dermatologists, their dermatologists didn't tell them anything about the side effects. That's a fact. You literally are assuming your view is correct which is absurd because you weren't there. Don't speak about things you don't know as if you do.
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All of my finastride boxes have a sticker on the front saying that the drug can cause suicidal thoughts and to stop taking it if you get these side effects, they also have a leaflet inside that lists every possible side effect that I got told to read before taking my first pill. I don't know how it is in other countries but here in the UK they tell you about possible sides before you start taking it. You take finasteride at your own risk. Also sides can be avoided by micro dosing.


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All of my finastride boxes have a sticker on the front saying that the drug can cause suicidal thoughts and to stop taking it if you get these side effects, they also have a leaflet inside that lists every possible side effect that I got told to read before taking my first pill. I don't know how it is in other countries but here in the UK they tell you about possible sides before you start taking it. You take finasteride at your own risk. Also sides can be avoided by micro dosing.

Dude, the UK is the same country that allows drugs or treatments to come to market without even completing the clinical trials process provided the company does not market the drug or make any claims of its efficacy. Thats the most shady thing I have heard. I like the UK, but of all countries you should not be comparing the UK as if its medical system is something amazing.
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And you're here, so your opinion on what this forum is or isn't shouldn't be considered by that logic
He's kind of right though man, this place is a magnet for people with hypochondria, BDD, OCD and depression.

One of the largest threads we have on here is about a guy who is "balding in one year", four years ago, yet to this day still has the same hairline. Keeps posting pictures with his hair soaking wet or covered in what looks like grease, making the claim he has diffuse thinning or is receding. No disrespect to Blue, just using it as an example.

There's people on here using HRT to combat male pattern baldness, and we even have instances of men physically castrating themselves. Absolute insanity.
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He's kind of right though man, this place is a magnet for people with hypochondria, BDD, OCD and depression.

One of the largest threads we have on here is about a guy who is "balding in one year", four years ago, yet to this day still has the same hairline. Keeps posting pictures with his hair soaking wet or covered in what looks like grease, making the claim he has diffuse thinning or is receding. No disrespect to Blue, just using it as an example.

There's people on here using HRT to combat male pattern baldness, and we even have instances of men physically castrating themselves. Absolute insanity.

This is literally a hairloss forum, where people talk about their hairloss, upcoming treatments, pros and cons of treatments they have tried and everyone occasionally gets depressed and many do vent.

You think people who aren't on hairloss forums aren't having occasional phases of depression where they vent ? They definitely do. There's also people that aren't on hairloss forums that are worse off because they have no help, no resources of information, no guidance, no hope, they just start losing hair and think it's the end because they don't know better and might be far more depressed/suicidal, etc.

You think there's no one offline that doesn't have BDD, OCD, or hyoerchondria? There's way more people offline that have BDD, OCD, that have done HRT, etc (I know HRT is extreme af and don't I condone it but it happens unfortunately).

The people who use this forum I believe make up a good representation of all the different types of people in the world and offline included.

You just go onto Twitter and you'll find transgenders, people with he/she in their Twitter bio, people who are LGBTQxyz+-*%

This forum, yes it has the occasional people who are abit crazy, but thats like 1% of the population of this forum.

Social media is all about curating your experience. Don't like someone or some type of post? Block, mute, unfollow. It's as simple as that. There will always be people we don't particularly like but we have the ability to choose who and what to engage with and follow. Literally all social media platforms require that concept.

Regarding the thread you claim is one of the biggest, I haven't even seen it, but I do know that often a thread gets hijacked, sometimes many times, and topics change multiple times. But more importantly if you're considering that as a determining factor, you're still not curating your online experience and clearly following the wrong threads.

There's no doubt that there is information and knowledge in this forum that is not easy to be found elsewhere. It's all about seeing what you want to see. We have some members here who bring in highly valuable information occasionally.
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This is literally a hairloss forum, where people talk about their hairloss, upcoming treatments, pros and cons of treatments they have tried and everyone occasionally gets depressed and many do vent.

You think people who aren't on hairloss forums aren't having occasional phases of depression where they vent ? They definitely do. There's also people that aren't on hairloss forums that are worse off because they have no help, no resources of information, no guidance, no hope, they just start losing hair and think it's the end because they don't know better and might be far more depressed/suicidal, etc.

You think there's no one offline that doesn't have BDD? There's way more people offline that have BDD, that have done HRT, etc (I know HRT is extreme af and don't contain it but it happens unfortunately).

The people who use this forum I believe make up a good representation of all the different types of people in the world and offline included.

You just go onto Twitter and you're find transgenders, people with he/she in their Twitter bio, people who are LGBTQxyz+-*%

This forum, yes it has the occasional people who are abit crazy, but thats like 1% of the population of this forum.

Social media is all about curating your experience. Don't like someone or some type of post? Block, mute, unfollow. It's as simple as that. There will always be people we don't particularly like but we have the ability to choose who and what to engage with and follow. Literally all social media platforms require that concept.

Regarding the thread you claim is one of the biggest, I haven't even seen it, but I do know that often a thread gets hijacked, sometimes many times, and topics change multiple times. But more importantly if you're considering that as a determining factor, you're still not curating your online experience and clearly following the wrong threads.

There's no doubt that there is information and knowledge in this forum that is not easy to be found elsewhere. It's all about seeing what you want to see. We have a wealth of members here who bring in highly valuable information occasionally.

That's a bold claim.


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That's a bold claim.

Theres also a difference between hyperchondria and being woke. Ya'll seriously need to stop trying to make people who are woke seem as if there's something wrong with it and call it "hyperchondria", that's BS.
The good thing about Hairloss forums is it talks about everything, all those things that were thought to be the best treatments of the past for example, are often found not to be, but then those people get called "hyperchondriacs", I say their woke, and that's a compliment to them instead of trying to insult their intelligence (which is what people who are insecure in their argument do, because they don't have a better argument so they use the word "hyperchondriac" directed at the woke individuals).
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Theres also a difference between hyperchondria and being woke. Ya'll seriously need to stop trying to make people who are woke seem as if there's something wrong with it and call it "hyperchondria", that's BS.
The good thing about Hairloss forums is it talks about everything, all those things that were thought to be the best treatments of the past for example, are often found not to be, but then those people get called "hyperchondriacs", I say their woke, and that's a compliment instead of trying to insult intelligence.
It is what it is.

I'm not implying that all people who experience finasteride side effects are hypochondriacs, so don't get the wrong idea here.